So You Want to Stop…Eating Your Kryptonite Food

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So You Want to Stop…Eating Your Kryptonite Food

Even the most committed health devotees have them: a kryptonite food. Your kryptonite food is that one delectable food, savory or sweet, that is decidedly indulgent, definitively unhealthy and seems to be wired directly into your brain’s “eat more” neurons. It’s that food to which you are so vulnerable, you find yourself completely helpless to resist – so you don’t. One bite, and it’s a wrap. It’s the food that you feel has the most potential to totally derail your “eat right” efforts.

我知道多个人说披萨排名为kyptonite的食物 - 无论尝试多么努力,吃一片切片的前景几乎都是可笑的。在我的世界中,一只松露油毛毛毛雨炸了大约3或4打。


1.有时会沉迷并享受。One night of indulgence every once in awhile will neither kill you nor will it totally destroy your health and fitness goals. In fact, studies show that indulging intentionally in your food kryptonite once a month has the power to help you stave off the cravings that tempt you to make it an everyday occasion.


2.重新考虑它。不要将您的食物kryptonite添加到如此多的力量中。相反,请保持意识。在您沉迷的日子里,阅读成分清单,营养面板,然后在食物日记中跟踪Kryptonite。只要实际上值得,就知道您吃的东西将有助于您决定采取每一口咬合 - 并将在您认为不再以您的方式进行交易时停止进食。



4. Hydrate and satiate.当您真正口渴时,通常会感觉像零食。当您真正饿时,吃更多的kyptonite食物也很常见。尝试此反统治动作计划

  • Every time the craving hits, drink two glasses of water first and wait 10 minutes.
  • If you still have the hankering, have a healthy snack of almonds, fruit, olives or vegetable chip and wait another 15 minutes.
  • Then track one serving of your kryptonite food in your food diary to see how the numbers add up.
  • 如果渴望坚持不懈,请吃饭并享受一份食物,并最充分地品尝到每个杂物。

5. Hook your craving to a healthy habit.如果您每天都沉迷于自己的渴望,并试图打破这种习惯,请尝试将渴望与新的健康行为联系起来。如果您想让每晚一次的冰淇淋一次每周一次,那么当您通常伸手去拿冰淇淋时,请带孩子或狗出去散步15分钟。而且,如果您跟踪运动日记中的步行,那么您将因打破不良习惯而养成新的习惯而获得荣誉!

6. Stay well-rested and well-fed.与精疲力尽的人相比,精彩的人拥有意志力和自我控制的重要商店。喂养饱满的人也是如此:您的大脑需要定期营养食品,以帮助您成为生活的执行和锻炼最佳的自我控制。如果您想努力对食物或健身习惯进行重大改变,请确保您睡个好觉,并获得足够的卡路里和营养(我们营养101系列is a great place to start learning good nutrition basics). It’ll help you have the self-control you’ll need to level up your eating patterns.

7. Take baby steps toward your vision of a healthy lifestyle.不要试图一口气大修关于您的生活方式的每件事。研究人员发现了一种称为自我耗竭的现象,这仅意味着您的大脑在任何给定时间都可以使用一定数量的心理资源来改变行为改变目标。神经心理学家现在认为,如果您尝试一次改变生活太多,则可以使用这些资源。

If you’re trying to go on a financial budget, start working out for the first time, stop eating out and stop eating your kryptonite food–all this week–you’re not setting yourself up for success. Instead, pick one healthy habit to try to work on for a few weeks. Once it’s become a part of your daily life, move onto the next goal.

8. Understand the circumstances that lead to uncontrollable cravings.Think back to the times you most often find yourself eating your kryptonite foods in an out-of-control scenario. What are the common circumstances? Does it usually tend to be at night when you’re home alone, or are you the most vulnerable at parties or social gatherings? Is it always after you’ve had an alcoholic drink or two, or after you’ve had a stressful day at work?

一旦意识到倾向于加剧您对Kryptonite食物的脆弱性的情况和场景,您就可以事先为它们解决。不要将Kryptonite食物放在家里 - 使得更难获得。在参加聚会之前,请确保您吃饭并感到饱满。或决定在本周末将披萨派对作为您的“挥霍”日:在日记中跟踪整整一周的健康餐和锻炼,在出发前跟踪几片比萨饼,然后沉迷并享用。

9. Harness the power of social contagion.Social contagion theorists have proven that people with healthy friends tend to live healthier lives. You can harness the power of this truth to limit your vulnerability to your kryptonite food. Make friends who are healthy or trying to get that way, offline and in the MyFitnessPal community. If everyone else at the table is ordering a salad and fruit for dessert, you’ll be less likely to order the cheeseburger with an ice cream sundae chaser. Even if you do decide to splurge, maybe you can split dessert four ways, instead of each having your own personal kryptonite food show-down.

Also, commit totracking even your indulgences,并确保您与MyFitnessPal上的一些朋友分享了食物日记。与其他MyFitnessPal用户建立联系的人失去了3倍的体重,与其他用户一样多,以及共享他们的成员food diary与朋友失去的体重是其他人的两倍。

P.S.Want to read more? Here are a couple of books that open up the science of changing habits and building your self-control “muscles”:




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