
Trinh Le, MPH, RD
经过Trinh Le, MPH, RD
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Think of a time when you wanted to lose weight. Naturally, you knew to eat less, but how much less depends on你的新陈代谢,这决定了你所需要的总热量用力推oughout the day. Eating fewer calories than you expend typically leads to weight loss, but how you want to budget these calories gets very personal.

While most of us prefer a consistent calorie goal, some find it helpful to slash calories through intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is skipping meal(s) for a certain number of days with the purpose of creating a calorie deficit for weight loss. On the days you don’t fast you have the freedom of a higher calorie goal to eat with.

Let’s be clear: Intermittent fasting is not:

1) Going more than 24 hours without eating.
2) Regularly eating a very low calorie diet (think: less than 1,000 calories for women and 1,200 calories for men).

Both these scenarios can lead to nutritional deficiencies and other health complications and are not something you should pursue without the help of a health professional. Now that we have that straight, let’s jump in:

Intermittent fasting allows you to shift the calorie-cutting phase of your weight loss to a couple of days per week as opposed to every day. It works because you don’t need to cut calories daily to lose weight. You can go under your goal one day and over the next but still lose weight if you eat fewer calories than you burn.


  • 完整的替代日禁食:每隔一天禁食。禁食的一天意味着最多不含卡路里的食物或饮料长达24小时。吃饭的日子可以让您随心所欲地吃饭。
  • 修改后的禁食:每周仅几天。例如,受欢迎的5:2饮食时间表5天自由食用,与卡路里摄入量的20-25%的20天自由进食。
  • 时间限制饮食:整天都感到饥饿,但仅在特定的时间窗口内自由吃饭。例如,设置一个12小时的窗口,仅在该时间范围内进食。跳过早餐,晚餐后不吃东西是限时的饮食。

来源:Table adapted from “Intermittent Fasting and Human Metabolic Health” from the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

一种2011 review伊利诺伊大学芝加哥大学的克里斯塔·瓦拉迪(Krista Varady)博士检查了11个日常限制和5项间歇性研究。作为仅供参考的“每日卡路里限制”,我们传统上教导如何减少卡路里:每天减少一致但少量的卡路里。瓦拉迪(Varady)发现,两种切割卡路里的方法在帮助健康的受试者减轻体重和脂肪方面同样有效,但间歇性禁食似乎提供了额外的好处。那些练习间歇性禁食的人比那些遵循更传统的每日卡路里限制方法(75%的脂肪损失了75%,体重损失了,体重减轻了10%,体重减轻了90%,体重减轻了10%))。因为瘦质量比脂肪质量燃烧更多的卡路里,所以帮助您减少脂肪的同时保持尽可能多的肌肉是有益的。


  • 没有足够的研究。The review included just 16 studies—there just weren’t many studies addressing intermittent fasting. Because of this, there were disproportionately more studies for daily calorie restriction—11 daily calorie-restriction studies versus five intermittent-fasting studies.
  • Small sample sizes.Study sample sizes were small, ranging from 8–173 subjects, with most studies hovering at 20 subjects.
  • Difference in measurement techniques.大多数日常限制性研究都使用双能X射线吸收法(DXA)和磁共振成像(MRI)来测量脂肪质量,而大多数间歇性粉状研究都使用生物电阻抗。由于与生物电阻抗相比,DXA和MRI在评估脂肪质量方面更为准确,因此很难确切地说来,每天的卡路里限制比间歇性禁食更好地保留瘦质量。


Is Fasting a Safe Choice for Me?

However, fasting isn’t for everyone and you shouldn’t try it if you are pregnant, diabetic or healing from a traumatic event like surgery. Still iffy about whether fasting is a good choice for you? We suggest seeking guidance from a health professional before experimenting.

5 Tips for Fasting
If you want to experiment with fasting to switch up your weight-loss journey, here are a couple of tips:

  1. 记录您的卡路里。如果您要快速进行修改,则可能需要在禁食的一天跟踪卡路里,以帮助您实现目标卡路里目标。对于所有其他禁食,在您自由进食的日子中跟踪卡路里很有帮助。这样做可以帮助抵消您将暴饮暴食的可能性,从而陷入整体卡路里不足。
  2. 将其作为更好地理解饥饿的机会。毫不奇怪,禁食饮食会带来令人不快的副作用,其中一种是饥饿。我们所有人天生都有饥饿线索,表明我们的胃是空的,我们应该吃饭。对于我们大多数人来说,随着年龄的增长,这种能力变得钝化,尤其是在一个不足以供不应求的粮食的社会中。我们甚至可能会误以为渴望饥饿。禁食可以重新认识您的生理饥饿感。
  3. Drink plenty of water.Depending on how long your fast is, your body may switch to fueling itself more from fat and protein instead of carbohydrates. To do so will require more water to keep yourmetabolic machineryrunning smoothly. Also, if you’re already feeling minor unpleasant side effects from hunger, you don’t want to add a dehydration headache to the list!
  4. Choose nutrient-dense foods.On eating days, choose nutrient-dense foods that pack plenty of important vitamins and minerals along with calories. Nutrient-dense foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, lean meats, seafood, nuts—you get the idea! These are foods you should choose even if you’re not fasting. Check with your doctor if you’re concerned about vitamin and mineral deficiencies or want to undergo an extended fast longer than 12 weeks.
  5. 知道你总是可以改变主意。尝试禁食,发现它不适合您吗?禁食并不适合每个人,尤其是那些很容易饿的人。只需知道您可以以老式的方式减少卡路里,但仍然可以减轻体重。


  1. Varady,K。A.,2011年。“”间歇性与每日卡路里限制:哪种饮食方案对减肥更有效?万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球”国际肥胖研究协会12(7):E593-E601。2015年8月30日访问。
  2. Patterson,R。E.,G。A. Lughlin,A。Z. Lacroix和S. J. Hartman。2012年。“间歇性禁食和人类代谢健康。”营养与饮食学院杂志115(8):1203-1212。doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2015.02.018。2015年8月30日访问。
  3. Orenstein, B. W. 2014. “Intermittent Fasting: The Key to Long-Term Weight Loss?” Today’s Dietitian 26(12): 40. Accessed August 30, 2015.

一种bout the Author

Trinh Le, MPH, RD
Trinh Le, MPH, RD
Trinh is a registered dietitian by day, blogger at无所畏惧的食物路经过night. She loves helping folks develop a better relationship with food, which includes lots of cooking, eating and learning about nutrition. When she’s not snapping mouthwatering shots of (mostly) healthy food, you can find Trinh HIIT-ing it at her local gym. For more, connect with her onFacebook,,,,InstagramandPinterest





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