
Julia Malacoff
byJulia Malacoff

No matter where you are on your fitness or weight-loss journey, you’re probably already aware of the important role sleep plays in your routine. Not only does lack of sleep affect yourathletic performance,但也可以破坏您的健身目标。根据疾病控制中心, about 35% of adults in the U.S. are not getting the recommended 7–9 hours of sleep, so first and foremost, you’ll want to make sure you’re hitting that range in order to conquer your health-related goals.

But is it possible to get too much of a good thing?

毕竟,研究表明每晚睡觉超过9个小时与健康问题的风险增加有关慢性炎症,心脏病和evendepression and anxiety。另一方面,职业运动员经常向疯狂的长睡眠会议(我们谈论12个小时)发誓,以最大程度地提高康复和表现,安迪·默里Michelle Wie在其中。这些可以说是地球上最健康的人,那么什么给出了呢?让我们潜水。

READ MORE>顶级运动员为什么他们优先睡眠


As it turns out, “oversleeping” is a bit of a misnomer. “I am not sure people really can sleep too much,” says Dr. Steven H. Feinsilver, director of the Center for Sleep Medicine atLenox Hill Hospital。After all, sleep is pretty individual, and if you’re feeling tired after a long, active day, it can’t hurt to get some extra shuteye. It might even help your athletic performance, considering that一项研究done on college athletes found they logged faster sprint times after 5–7 weeks of sleeping 10 hours per night.其他found that two hours of additional sleep time each night improved tennis players’ serve accuracy.

Plus, each person’s sleep baseline is different. “The average human is thought to need about 7.25 hours of sleep time,” Feinsilver says. “But, if this is the average, there are certainly some of us who need 9 hours and some lucky individuals who can function well with 5 hours.” It’s certainly possible you might naturally need more sleep than others to perform at your best both physically and mentally.

那所有表明睡眠太多的研究对您不利吗?“大多数研究都是基于自我报告的睡眠时间,因此'长'睡眠可能表明床上更长的时间,这可能不一定会转化为更多的睡眠。”Susan Redline博士,哈佛医学院的Farrell睡眠医学教授,Brigham and妇女医院的高级医生以及女性健康研究协会的联合主席,睡眠跨学科网络。她说,最重要的因素是与您的睡眠时间表保持一致。如果您真的需要9个小时,则每晚都应该得到这笔钱,然后上床睡觉并在同一时间醒来。



And while the research around long-term effects of sleeping long durations might be somewhat debatable, there’s a certain practical element that’s irrefutable. “Spending more than 9 or 10 hours in bed may impinge on time you may normally be up and active,” Redline points out. This is especially concerning for those who are trying to lose weight. Think about it: If you normally wake up at 7 a.m. and are up and about, walking around and doing things, but suddenly you’re sleeping until 9 a.m., you’re losing two valuable hours of activity that could be going toward your calorie deficit for the day.


For those mainly concerned with performance, it’s important to remember pro athletes who see such great performance results from sleeping for many hours at a time aren’t exactly typical specimens. “Athletes on average train with higher degrees of intensity and frequency than the rest of the population,” notes布兰登·曼多尔(Brandon Mentore), a certified strength and conditioning coach based in Philadelphia. “There is a point at which the recovery timeline needs to be extended, and that typically makes itself apparent when performance starts to drop off.” If you see your athletic performance starting to decline, and you think sleep might be a factor, talk to a qualified trainer or coach who can help optimize your recovery schedule.



Depending on your goals, you might find sleeping more or less, pushes you closer to, or further away from, where you want to be.

If you’re not sure whether you’re getting adequate shuteye or are potentially overdoing it, pay attention to how you feel when you wake up. This factor, according to Redline, is generally a good indicator. “You should feel refreshed when waking up,” she says. If you can’t seem to get enough sleep, no matter how much time you spend in bed, she recommends checking in with your healthcare provider, as it might not be as simple as just oversleeping. “While you may be spending too much time in bed, it is more likely that a sleep disorder is interfering with your sleep quality — triggering you to spend more time in bed despite not getting the restorative benefits of good sleep quality.”


Julia Malacoff
Julia Malacoff

Julia (@jmalacoff)是一位经验丰富的作家和编辑,专注于健身,营养和健康。她还是经过认证的私人教练和精确营养1级教练。她每天都在阿姆斯特丹骑自行车,并在世界各地旅行,以寻找艰难的汗水和最好的素食美食。



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