
托尼·邦维奇(Tony Bonvechio)
经过托尼·邦维奇(Tony Bonvechio)

If you’ve ever hurt your lower back, you know how much it can affect your life. Whether you’re getting up from a chair, carrying groceries or hoisting a barbell overhead, your lower back is involved in nearly every movement.

虽然应借助医生或物理治疗师的帮助来治疗下背部损伤,但通过简单的运动可以避免许多下背部疼痛的病例,从而增强核心肌肉并教授脊柱的适当运动。斯图尔特·麦吉尔(Stuart McGill)博士,滑铁卢大学的名誉教授和世界首屈一指的脊柱健康管理局,设计了建立健康脊柱的练习。


If you’ve been injured and your doctor has cleared you to work out again, or if you’re perfectly healthy and want to give yourself the best chance to keep your spine pain-free, try these three simple exercises to start building a more resilient spine for all of life’s activities.



1. The lower back itself moves too much.
2. The joints around the lower back (e.g., hips and upper back) don’t move enough.

McGill Curlup教您在穿过胸椎(上背部)时,使用ABS稳定您的腰椎(下背部)。将下背部推入地板的行为是您正确“支撑”腹肌的方式,因此请记住这种感觉,因为您应该将其用于几乎所有其他运动。




McGill Curlup教您如何支撑您的腹肌,现在该将这种稳定性用于测试。这教会您如何在不从下背部移动的情况下将胳膊和腿移动到坚固的核心位置。

举动:Start on your hands and knees with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. Flatten your back by bracing your abs much like you did with the curlup, but instead of pushing your lower back into the floor, tighten your abs as if someone is about to punch you in the stomach. Reach out with your opposite arm and leg until both limbs are parallel to the floor. Be careful not to arch your lower back — imagine keeping your leg long and low. Repeat with the other arm and leg, making sure to brace your abs on every rep.

If you feel like a fish out of water when doing bird dogs because you’re not quite coordinated enough yet, try them with just your legs first. Once you’re able to lift your leg parallel to the floor without arching your lower back, add in your arms, too.

集合和代表:2 sets of 5–10 reps per side, holding each rep for 1–5 seconds (hold each rep longer to make these more challenging)


你的ab肌肉Curlups和鸟狗主要工作on the front of your body: the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis. But we can’t forget the important oblique muscles, your “side abs.” The short side plank builds strength in your obliques to prevent unwanted twisting and side bending of the spine.

The short side plank resembles a traditional side plank but leaves your bottom knee on the floor for added stability. Think of it as a more user-friendly side plank so you can learn how to properly use your obliques to support your spine.




托尼·邦维奇(Tony Bonvechio)
托尼·邦维奇(Tony Bonvechio)

托尼·邦维奇(Tony Bonvechio)(@bonvecstrength)是马萨诸塞州伍斯特的Prontch House的共同所有人,在那里他主要训练举重运动员和团队运动运动员。他曾是一名大学棒球运动员,他转过了举重运动员,他获得了阿德尔菲大学(Adelphi University)的运动科学硕士学位。您可以从Tony阅读更多bonvecstrength.com


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