
Henry Halse
byHenry Halse

Even though Einstein’s theory of relativity doesn’t relate to the plank, it feels like time slows down when you hold the position long enough. The list of benefits from planking is lengthy, but the exercise gets old fast.



1. PPT木板


举动:Start in a plank with your forearms on the ground. Roll your hips back like a dog tucking its tail. Then, dig your elbows and toes into the ground and pull them toward the middle of your body. You shouldn’t actually move, you’re simply building tension by pulling in. Squeeze your abs so hard you can’t hold the position for more than 10–15 seconds.


Move slow and controlled to get the most of this exercise.


3. Side-to-Side Plank



4. TRX悬挂木板




The standard plank works the front of your abdominals, but you need a different variation to work the sides, also known as the obliques. That’s where the side plank comes in.

举动:Lying on your side, plant your elbow directly under your shoulder with your forearm on the ground in front of you. Stack your legs on top of each other and lift your body off the ground. Only your elbow and the side of your foot should be touching the ground. Form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. From there, slowly drop your hips toward the ground. Go as low as you can, then raise them as high as you can. Try 10 reps on each side.


If you’re struggling to掌握俯卧撑, the plank walk-down helps. As you do this exercise, try not to shift your hips from side to side or let your hips sag. Keep your body in a straight line. Think of it as a moving plank.

举动:Start on your forearms in plank position. Slide one hand back and plant it under your shoulder. Push up with that arm and repeat with the other arm. Now you’re in a pushup position with your hands under your shoulders. Reverse the steps to lower yourself down into a plank position.



举动:From plank position, reach one arm straight in front of you as you lift your opposite leg off the ground. Now you only have one arm and leg on the ground. Pause for a second, place your arm and leg on the ground and reach out the opposite limbs. Alternate sides every repetition.

8. Bodysaw

Note: You don’t need to slide very far back, because the exercise gets very difficult very quickly. Make sure your shoulders don’t go forward past your elbows, as this makes the exercise much easier.

举动:Grab a pair of gliders and put them under your feet then get in a plank position. Slowly press your arms forward into the ground. Since your feet are on gliders, your body will slide back instead of your arms sliding forward. Pull your arms back down until your elbows are directly under the shoulders to complete one rep.


Using a resistance band or cable machine, you can make the regular plank infinitely more challenging. The cable or resistance band should be attached to a fixed object as low to the ground as possible.

举动:Get into plank position a few feet in front of the cable so you can fully extend your arm forward. Pull the cable back in toward your body then extend your arm forward to complete one rep. You can move your feet shoulder-width or even wider to create a more stable base.

10. Plank Crawl (Gliding Plank)

Staying in the same position and holding it for as long as possible gets boring. This exercise makes the plank dynamic, adding some excitement to the exercise.


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Henry Halse
Henry Halse

亨利(Henry)是居住在纽约市的私人教练和作家。作为一名教练,他与从职业运动员到祖父母的所有人一起工作。要了解有关亨利的更多信息,您可以访问他的网站www.henryhalse.com, or follow him on Instagram@Henryhalse.



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