5 Tricks that Kept Me Healthy When I Was Broke

Jacob Warwick
byJacob Warwick
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5 Tricks that Kept Me Healthy When I Was Broke




Sometimes it can be difficult enough to find the motivation to make healthy lifestyle changes, and the last thing that we need is to add the stress of money concerns. I offer an alternative solution: drop the economic dependency, and change your mindset.

Let’s go over a list of things that you need to survive and be healthy:

  • A positive attitude
  • Essentials such as: shelter, food, water, clothing (although some of these may be debatable)

Now let’s take a look at a list of things you don’t need:

  • Diet pills, supplements
  • 吸脂,肚子塞,斑点清除或包裹
  • iPod或昂贵的健身视频
  • 健身房会员资格
  • 饮食食品,低碳水化合物选择,增强的蛋白质产品等。

I don’t intend to bad mouth any of the items on the aforementioned list; in fact, listening to a paid workout playlist, and eating non-GMO and organic food has helped me stay focused and feel more healthy. However, if lacking any of these luxuries is an excuse to put off your health journey for another day, I ask that you look elsewhere.

The key to your lifelong health and fitness comes down to finding a combination of good habits that works best for you and your situation. If you aren’t blessed with a blossoming money tree in the backyard, then to hell with it! You can use your circumstances to fuel your motivation and drive onward.

我已经将负担能力用作借口太久了,但是我发现了一个非常好的系统,它在我当前的财务状态下对我有用。我欢迎您在寻找这些技巧中的一些技巧save an extra buck

Buy Sale Items in Bulk

Cutting coupons has never been for me, but when I walk past a good deal on canned beans or whole-grain rice in the market, I pick up as much as I can afford. Although you may spend more initially, when it’s three days before payday and you’re hungry, you have a healthy option to eat rather than settling for a value menu and crushing your dieting goals.


当然,购买有机农产品并支持当地农贸市场是理想的选择,但有时这并不总是在我们的预算之内time commitments。Frozen vegetables can be as nutritious or more nutritious than their fresh counterparts and, aside from being budget-friendly, they practically last forever.


  • 轻松测量正确的部分
  • Find great deals on bulk items
  • Prep work is slim to none
  • Toss frozen fruit easily into a smoothie
  • 将冷冻蔬菜扔进煎蛋卷,stir-fry,或crockpot


This definitely didn’t come easily for me until I found a pretty lazy solution to accomplish this:the crockpot。Typically, I’ll spend my Sunday slow cooking 10 pounds ofto toss into various meals throughout the week. Whenever I’m finished making the recipe, I divvy up the portions and freeze the meals I plan on having later in the week.

这不仅可以使logging your mealsvery easy, but can also save you money throughout the week since you’ve already done thepreparationand won’t need to eat out. Try a few differentprep options直到找到最适合您的人。如果您有一个大家庭,则可能需要计划其他餐点以满足每个人的需求。


Gyms can be a very expensive regimen. Fortunately, gyms often offer seasonal incentives to bring new members on board. Be wary of signing your life away to a one-year membership or any fixed term with a convoluted cancellation policy—these can be a total nightmare and cost a fortune.

如果健身房会员资格不在您的预算之内,请考虑参观带有田径或休闲运动场的大学校园或公园。抓住一些朋友,孩子们,或者只是独自去,然后get active for free


如果预算是给您的健康和健身目标增加压力,请对自己诚实,并质疑您是否真的需要我们经常被告知我们需要的所有健身奢侈品。考虑削减最低限度 - 您仍然可以实现目标吗?当然可以。

I recommend finding any of the free motivation around you: fitting into a smaller pair of jeans, keeping up with your grandkids, being a positive influence on your family, impressing your spouse, or surprising your doctor at your next check-up. Ongoing health and wellness isn’t about your paycheck, past, or anyone’s opinion—it’s about getting what you want without reservation.

给雅各布的读者:Thanks everyone for the overwhelming feedback and support fromWhat to Do When the Scale Won’t Budge。对于那些在家中得分的人,我进行了职业过渡,现在是一名全职作家。



Jacob Warwick
Jacob Warwick

Jacob Warwick has transformed his life by tackling a variety of fitness and nutrition goals while motivating colleagues and friends to do the same. He works as a marketing professional, and manages personal branding atThinkWarwick。要联系Jacob,请拜访他LinkedIn或者推特



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