5-Step Plan to Start Your Weight-Loss Journey

经过Erik Taylor
5-Step Plan to Start Your Weight-Loss Journey

When it comes to weight loss, we get bombarded with a lot of BS: pills, quick fixes, fitness DVDs and podcasts, juice fasts … and the list gets longer and longer. Guarantees are promised, and hopes are high. Companies love preying on us when we’re at our weakest. Instead of betting and hoping that these companies will deliver the change we are hoping for, it’s time to bet on ourselves.

我最近写了一篇文章您需要的5件事才能减肥之前获胜万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球,,,,which touched on the emotional side of getting your mind in the right place to start your journey. Now I’m going to give you a strategy for how to execute a successful weight-loss plan.





There will be days that you won’t want to work out, you won’t want to prep your meals, and you’ll be frustrated that you only lost 10 pounds when you feel it should be at least 15 by now. Know that millions of others have walked in those same shoes. The difference between the ones who see it all the way through and the ones who throw in the towel is work. The ones who see it all the way through continued to do the work. It’s not magic, luck or serendipity, it’s work!


Does anyone really like to eat things that don’t taste good or do stuff they don’t like to do? No!





不要留下任何选择的机会 - 永远是主动的,不要反应。我鼓励您制定一个具有短期目标和长期目标的计划,并且不会过于复杂。设定合理的目标,以在头四周结束时击中。例如,每天至少走4,000-5,000步,跟踪您的日常卡路里。这些是一个月内实现的合理短期目标。您的计划应该每月简单,系统性和进步性。如果您适应此策略,您将开始在沿途获得小胜利。相信。

5. Build a support group, and lean on them when needed (and vice versa).

- 非洲谚语

The percentage of success is dramatically higher when you recruit others and work together toward the same goals. Find your teammates, support each other, push each other, and make each other accountable. If your motivation is low, you’re feeling sorry for yourself, or you don’t really want to walk that fast today, know that you have someone in your corner who has your back and can remind you why you are doing this. The best thing about working out with others is it forces us out of our comfort zones.

If you can’t find people around you, recruit a support system on social media. One of the beauties of social media is it connects us despite geographical or time differences.

Work hard, have fun, and be patient!


Erik Taylor

Erik is a NASM-certified trainer who works with clients online to build their fitness and nutrition plans. He works with people at all levels, from first-time exercisers to weekend warriors and endurance athletes. Erik lives in one of the beach cities of Los Angeles with his wife and two daughters. Connect with Erik onFacebook,,,,Instagram,Snapchat(EriktaylorsFit)和taylorsfitness.com


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