4 Tips to Ease Gym Anxiety

byLauren Bedosky
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4 Tips to Ease Gym Anxiety

Starting a new exercise routine can be exciting — and terrifying. After all, it’s common for beginner — or even experienced — exercisers to在健身房感觉不生气。Many of us become so anxious imagining other gym-goers are judging us that we let fear stop us from creating the exercise habit.




This first point is key for ensuring you have a great gym experience, because it doesn’t matter how amazing the amenities are, or how great the rate is, if you don’t like your gym, or you don’t feel comfortable in the environment, you’re not going to go.

A good way to start your search is to look for gyms that use language that makes you feel comfortable. “Anytime we talk about our gym in our marketing materials, we always talk about the welcoming, inclusive and supportive space we have, and that immediately puts people at ease,” says Lauren Pak, NASM-certified personal trainer and co-owner ofAchieve Fitness在马萨诸塞州的萨默维尔。“我们基本上是在告诉他们,即使您紧张,我们也会为您提供支持。我们将以张开双臂欢迎您”

You can also narrow your search by tapping into your network of friends for recommendations and reading online reviews.



Admittedly, hiring a personal trainer isn’t realistic for a lot of people, but if you have the means to do it, consider making the investment.

According to Pak, many people think they should wait until they’ve built a base level of fitness before hiring a trainer. “I hear that all the time,” she says. “People say, ‘I want to work with a trainer but I don’t want to work with them on the basics, because that’s silly to pay for.” So, people try to figure things out on their own.

In reality, hiring a trainer right off the bat will likely help you build that base level of fitness more quickly and effectively, as well as help you feel more confident in the gym, because that trainer can show you how to use the equipment and write you a plan. “Then you can actually start doing it on your own and feel a lot more confident,” Pak says.

如果您负担不起私人教练,您总是可以尝试参加小组培训课程,在这里,您可能会受到更多的个人关注。精品体育馆in particular offer small group classes that focus on strength, cardio and/or mobility.



It may seem trivial, but your choice in workout gear can make a big difference in your gym experience. Think about it: Have you ever worn something too big or too small or a style that didn’t feel true to you? If you don’t feel comfortable in your own clothes, your gym experience will likely suffer.

So, pick workout clothes that feel good. “You don’t have to wear whatever’s trendy out there,” Pak says. “Wear whatever makes you comfortable and is functional that you can move around in.”




“I think part of the concern with the mirror is a general feeling of not belonging at the gym,” says马克·施耐德,明尼阿波利斯的私人教练和生活教练。



In the meantime, use the mirrors strategically. For example, you could wait until later in your workout to work in front of the mirror. By this point, you’ve likely put in some hard work, and hopefully you feel good about what you’ve accomplished so far, Schneider says.

And if you’re up for it, you could even try making silly faces in the mirror. “Why not,” Schneider asks. “It may snap you out of the sense of dread and criticism.”


Lauren Bedosky

劳伦(Lauren)是一位自由职业者健身作家,他专门介绍跑步和力量训练主题。她为各种国家出版物写作,包括男性健康,Runner’s World,SHAPE妇女的跑步。她和丈夫和他们的三只狗一起住在明尼苏达州布鲁克林公园。



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