
Jennifer Purdie
byJennifer Purdie

We’re always looking to further our healthy transformations — and one path toward enlightenment is gaining as much knowledge as possible. To reintroduce or re-prioritize exercise into your life, we compiled 10 of the most common fitness questions and asked industry experts to answer them.


詹妮弗·泽林(Jennifer Zerling),MS,经过认证的私人教练,健身和年龄管理专家以及Fit的共同主持人,因为播客

“Some companies are very ergonomically aware and might be willing to foot the bill for a transition (sit-to-stand) desk or even a treadmill desk. If you work from home or have some privacy at work, a DIY set-up might work. For example,stack some books on top of your desk to prop your computer up at an appropriate-for-standing height.


“Get up whenever it’s possible. If you conduct a lot of calls, get a headset, long cord or use speaker phone so that you can stand up or even walk around your office while you talk. Rather than back-and-forth emails with coworkers, get up and walk over to their desks to talk in person. You’ll stand and walk more and probably work a lot more efficiently, too.”

— Esther Avant, ACE certified personal trainer and nutrition coach at埃丝特(Esther)前卫健康教练

“Not having energy to exercise is common and sometimes complicated. For example, day-to-day stress and family responsibilities can easily overwhelm us. Sometimes lack of energy may even be due to medical reasons like hypothyroidism. Another hurdle to being more physically active is thinking exercise must be intense and exhausting for effectiveness. It doesn’t. Some research finds even 5 minutes of walking can have health benefits. Bottom line: Start where you are and do what you can do. Any activity will be better than none at all.”


“There’s a range to possible target heart rates. Someone new to endurance training will probably need to target closer to 55% of their heart rate reserve. Here’s how to calculate your target heart rate:

  • Determine your resting heart rate by taking your pulse in the morning when you wake up.
  • 计算您的理论最大心率(220减去您的年龄)。
  • 从最大心率中减去静息心率,以获得心率储备。
  • Determine 55–85% of that heart rate reserve (depending on fitness and experience).
  • Add the result from four above to your resting heart rate to get your target heart rate for training.”

— Doug Barsanti, MA, NSCA certified personal trainer, certified strength and conditioning specialist andowner of重塑健身


  • 运动非常有帮助,也鼓励血液流动。散步,移动脊椎和关节,如果愿意,请进行一些轻柔的伸展运动。
  • 使用热量将血液流向该区域,这将有助于运输修复身体所需的东西。泻盐浴也可能有所帮助。
  • 获得足够的休息和高质量的睡眠,以优化维修周期。”

Melody L. Schoenfeld,MA,经过认证的力量和条件专家


“Dig deep below the outward surface reasons (weight loss, upcoming wedding, etc.) to determine your true why and driving force for working out. Always remember: Your why must be bigger than any excuse or barrier you may face.


罗兹·琼斯, certified personal trainer


Chris Cooper,NSCA认证的私人教练

“To maximize recovery, we need to replenish those glycogen stores. I like to use oatmeal, yams, whole-grain bread and fresh fruit. I prefer my clients avoid fat almost altogether post-workout because it has been shown to inhibit growth hormone production, which leads to slower recovery. Protein is crucial at this point. I advise clients to eat some lean chicken breast or turkey slices or worst case, a clean, whole food-based protein shake. You need to hydrate directly thereafter. The average person sweats anywhere from 20–40 ounces during a workout. You need to make sure to drink that much over the next hour to re-hydrate.”

Chris Cucchiara,NASM认证的私人教练


Sherina Chandram, 私人教练

“您的优先事项决定了您如何花费时间和精力between cardio and lifting. If your primary goal is to tone or build muscle, then lift weights first. But if your main goal is to improve your cardio, then do that first.”

- Martise Moore,跑步教练,创始人Greenrunner


Jennifer Purdie
Jennifer Purdie



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