
萨布丽娜·蒂尔曼(Sabrina Tillman)
经过萨布丽娜·蒂尔曼(Sabrina Tillman)

您可能不知道,但是食品心理学家Brian Wansink可能已经影响了您吃的方式。尽管他的某些观点与常规营养建议截然不同,但他的观点可能成为那些努力减肥或保持体重减轻的人的新福音。


最近琼斯母亲的文章detailed the uncommon wisdom of Wansink’s approach to food consumption, a sort of antithesis to the reduction and cold-turkey approaches of trading “unhealthy” foods for “healthy” ones. These approaches often neglect to address the deeply rooted emotional and environmental factors that complicate weight-loss efforts.





汪幸科认为,如果我们想要吃tter a lifestyle, we need to trick our brains into making the right choices. Even the smallest things, such as where you store your cereal (Wansink believes you’ll eat less of it if you store it out of sight in a pantry or cupboard instead of on the kitchen counter) and where you start grocery shopping (linger in the produce aisle first for at least 10 minutes; you’ll buy more fruits and veggies) can make huge impacts.

“It’s a lot easier for us to set up our most immediate environment so that it’s easier to eat better,” Wansink told the author.

For example, when serving healthier food to your family, don’t neglect the power of presentation. Wansink’s research on children’s eating habits revealed that serving kids fruit in colorful bowls instead of metal trays more than doubled consumption. Even seemingly insignificant details like giving kids sliced apples instead of the whole fruit, and calling carrots “X-Ray-Vision Carrots” instead of just “carrots” persuaded children to eat more produce.

And if shortcuts help you eat better at home, pay up for them and don’t feel guilty about it. Wansink buys bagged salad when he’s alone with the kids and needs to get dinner ready because it takes three steps out of the preparation process. If the choice is to serve greens out of a bag or omit the salad altogether from the meal, Wansink opts for the convenience of packaged salad.


In addition to keeping the kitchen counters uncluttered by food, Wansink’s research has revealed:

  • 从炉灶中获取食物的人,而不是从餐桌上的盘子上吃食物的人少了19%。
  • 如果倒入而不是握住桌子时,将玻璃杯放在桌子上,则倒入12%的杯子。
  • 您坐在餐厅里的地方很重要:订购炸食品的可能性较小,而距入口处的人则订购甜点的可能性降低了73%。
  • If you chew mint-flavored gum while grocery shopping, you’ll buy 7 percent less junk food.


  • 使用(小)盘子代替大碗来保持份量的尺寸。
  • Eat at a table, away from screens, and take time to enjoy what you’re eating.
  • Put washed fruits and vegetables in the most visible part of your refrigerator so it’s the first thing you see when you open the door.
  • 将健康的剩菜放在玻璃容器中的冰箱中的玻璃容器中,因此饥饿时您更有可能看到并伸手去拿。
  • 不要将食物放在屋子里,例如冰淇淋,例如冰淇淋。取而代之的是,偶尔在冰淇淋店买一州。



萨布丽娜·蒂尔曼(Sabrina Tillman)
萨布丽娜·蒂尔曼(Sabrina Tillman)

Sabrina Tillman是MyFitnessPal的执行编辑。她是一位敬业的跑步者,普拉提的爱好者和热词,他们的诀窍(以及儿子实际上会吃的食物)用房子里的任何食材都为她赢得了丈夫的绰号“厨房麦吉弗”。如果她能找到任何业余时间,她喜欢追逐儿子,读书,试图烤和小睡。


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