破坏您的饮食和运动目标?Try These 36 Solutions from MFP Users

破坏您的饮食和运动目标?Try These 36 Solutions from MFP Users

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破坏您的饮食和运动目标?Try These 36 Solutions from MFP Users



“我只是看进步图片,然后在吃任何东西之前重新考虑。它变得更加容易了 - 到目前为止,128磅。”
—Dustin K.

“I tape photos of what I should be eating inside my fridge.”
- 安妮·C(Anne C.)

—Melinda B.

“I keep a picture of me at my largest in my cheese drawer. Cheese is my weakness. It helped me to eat it in moderation when appropriate for the meal, and not just snack on it.”
—Lizzie M.

- Laura S.

Slack just enough.

“I allow myself one day a week to go over my calorie limit by 200 calories. That way, I don’t feel deprived and binge.”
—Alicia T.

“Consistency is key. Having a ‘pig-out day’ just negates progress. It’s a mindset. Do you want to lose weight or not? If you do, pig-out days should be less often, and eating a healthy, clean diet should be a lifestyle change.”
—Lisa M.

“I accept that there will be bad days and allow myself to have cheat days (though not often) so that I never feel deprived. But I don’t let one bad day turn into a shame spiral that drags me down into more bad days. I shrug it off and try to be more active the following day to attempt to offset it a bit. We’re human, we’ll fall down at times on our journey to better health, the trick is to not let ourselves停留吃下。”
- 詹妮弗·S。

“Oreos are my weak spot. So I get the Thins and only eat half a serving.”
- Michael N.

- 霍利纳O.

“During the week I remind myself that I whatever I’m craving that day I can have on the weekend if I still want it. I like to have one day to look forward to—even one small ice cream sundae won’t break my diet bank. I’ve found that depriving myself of something I really want only makes me want to eat a whole lot of other things I shouldn’t just to make up for that one thing!”
- Terri T.

Control your cravings, don’t let them control you.

“Not the healthiest things in the world, but when I have a sugar craving, I chew sugar-free gum.”
- 马西H.

“Eat everything in moderation.”
—Carrie B.

“I don’t keep anything in the house that I would binge on. If I want a treat, I have to go and get it. Even then I purchase either a child’s size or single-serving portion.”
—Nannette S.

- Stacey B.

“I try to find healthy alternatives when I have cravings. For example, if I want something sweet, I try to grab fresh fruits. If I want something salty, I try to grab salted almonds. When I get hungry, I try to drink water to see if that helps.”
—Tiffany B.

—Eve C.

- Andy D.

- Jamie L.

Schedule healthy practices until they become routine.

—Sherrol L.

“I give myself a certain time in the day that’s ‘workout time.’ I tell myself, just go easy, but once I get into it I start pushing again and then I’m so pleased I didn’t just lay on the couch.”
—Kim F.

- Elizabeth S.

- amy C.

“Schedule everything: your meals, snacks, workouts, etc.”
—Becky W.

- Kathy H.

“Stay organized. Once I get disorganized, things like meal planning go out the window.”
- Cabe S.

- 凯利·W(Kelly W.)


“I had a trainer I worked with every week. It helped keep me motivated and focused.”
—Lori M.

“I started fitness coaching. It helps me stay on track when I know there are people counting on me to post tips and new recipes, show progress pictures, and cheer them on to do their workouts. I need to be a good example for my daughter and my clients, as well as doing it for myself.”
- Nicole K.


“我每天早晨步行5英里。我今年69岁,体重减轻了30磅。我注意到,如果我继续走路,我可以享受一些不同的食物,而不必那么严格 - 只是谨慎。”
—Donis G.

—Jacqueline M.

“If you know that you will go not be able to stop eating it only buy what you need. I use to buy huge amounts of cheese but I can’t stop eating it so now I only buy it when I am going to make something that need it and try to buy small amount of it.”
- dendise B.


“I read somewhere it’s because you don’t believe you are worth the success, and have low self-esteem. I can definitely relate to that, as it isn’t even about ‘missing’ certain foods. Need to work on the self-esteem and realize I am worth it!”
- Susan H.

“Change from dieting to lifestyle. It’s not short-term cram to get to your goal; it’s a long-term change in how you view food. My relationship with food isn’t one of getting companionship or comfort. It’s of sustaining life and that’s it. I can celebrate without eating. It’s an amazing thing to change how your mind thinks.”
- Stephanie G.

- Stephanie H.

“我想到了我走了多远,减轻体重的难度以及重新恢复重新恢复有多容易。它并不总是有效,但大多数时候都可以。我还认为,您的嘴里有很多时间,然后会导致所有这些额外的体重出现。我认为,归根结底,这是一场巨大的意志 - 没有这是一场灾难。”
—Barbara B.

About the Author


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