

by金伯利·戴利·法雷尔(Kimberly Daly Farrell)

在进食方面,没有一种饮食对每个人都有用。这解释了为什么有这么多饮食计划,以及为什么每天都会介绍一个新的饮食计划。当我研究营养时,我了解了数百种饮食理论综合营养研究所, and I’ve discovered eating is a very personal matter. It’s okay to pick what works for you, and it’s perfectly okay if that means you’re not eating the same way as your neighbor. If you’re interested in exploring, here are 12 of the most common talked-about food philosophies today.

1. Atkins阿特金斯饮食医学博士罗伯特·C·阿特金斯(Robert C. Atkins)于1960年代开发,但是,阿特金斯饮食的流行度花了两十年。饮食是基于这样的概念:当碳水化合物受到显着限制时,人体会更有效地燃烧脂肪。阿特金斯饮食包括四个阶段,所有阶段都可以促进高蛋白质和纤维摄入量,并排除精制糖,牛奶,白米,白面粉和反式脂肪。

2.破折号Created in part by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet was designed to prevent and lower high blood pressure by reducing salt intake and incorporating more potassium, calcium, magnesium, and fiber. Emphasis is placed on eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy, and avoiding red meat, sugar, and saturated fats.破折号饮食encourages gradual change and quantifies daily caloric intake based on age, gender and activity level. Simple recommendations include: add a serving of vegetables at lunch and dinner, use low-fat or fat-free condiments, and read food labels to choose products that are low in sodium.

3. Flexitarian一种主要基于植物的饮食,食客偶尔包括肉。柔韧性饮食鼓励食用新鲜,天然和时令食品,据作家Dawn Jackson Blatner,R.D。称,仍然有可能获得成为素食的所有健康益处,同时仍然在饮食中保留少量的肉。该计划包括1,500卡路里,分为三餐和两种小吃,尽管肉类仅占蛋白质的较小比例,但饮食每天含有大约50克蛋白质。

4. Gluten-Free面筋是一种在小麦,大麦,黑麦和其他一些谷物中发现的蛋白质。虽然这对大多数食客来说不是问题的,但一小部分人群对蛋白质过敏,无法用麸质耐受食物。无麸质饮食不包括包含面筋的食物,包括基于小麦的面包,意大利面,饼干和其他预包装的食品,啤酒和偶尔燕麦 - oats自然不含麸质,但是它们通常是在被小麦污染的机械上处理的。允许的食物包括:豆类,种子,生螺母,鸡蛋,肉,鱼和家禽(在没有面包屑,面糊或某些预制腌料的情况下制备),水果,蔬菜和大多数乳制品。始终阅读标签很重要,以确保食品不含麸质。

5.低碳水化合物While carbohydrates are a major fuel source for the body and an important part of a balanced diet, carbohydrates that are not used for energy are stored in the body as fat. For that reason, a low-carbohydrate diet limits high-carbohydrate foods, including grains, bread, pasta, white rice, baked goods, and soda.低碳水化合物饮食focus primarily on healthy sources of protein and fat such as meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, and non-starchy vegetables. Though some versions of the diet may allow for fruits and whole grains, generally these are restricted along with beans, bread, sweets, pasta, and starchy vegetables, like potatoes. Popular low-carb diets include:Atkins,South Beach,和Zone Diet.

6. Macrobiotics大生物学is an eating plan and lifestyle based on ancient Asian principles, introduced to western audiences by Michio Kushi and George Ohsawa, that has been linked to the prevention and treatment of illnesses including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The goal of a Macrobiotic diet is to ensure proper nutritional balance, and it consists of 40-60% whole grains, 20-30% vegetables and 5-10% beans and sea vegetables. High in fiber and low in fat, Macrobiotics also encourages eating with the seasons and choosing local and organic foods whenever possible. Foods to avoid include: meat, animal fat, eggs, poultry, dairy, sugar, fruit juices, soda, and all refined, processed, and artificially preserved or colored foods.

7.地中海许多医生和健康倡导者认为是世界上最健康的饮食之一,Mediterranean Diet是数千年来沿地中海盆地沿岸存在的饮食模式的集合。与美国,日本和加拿大相比,该地区的居民心脏病,癌症和糖尿病率明显降低,这归因于富含omega-3脂肪酸的饮食,而饱和脂肪含量低。地中海饮食包括天然全食,包括全谷物,季节性水果和蔬菜,野生鱼,山羊的乳制品,鸡蛋,适量的肉和特级初榨橄榄油;饮食不包括加工和完善的食物。


9.生食Araw food dietconsists of eating foods that haven’t been cooked or processed, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, grains, beans, dried fruit, and seaweed. It’s believed that heating foods above 115 degrees Fahrenheit depletes nutrients and destroys living enzymes that can assist in the digestion and absorption of food. However, specific food preparation techniques are incorporated to improve the digestibility of certain foods, including sprouting seeds, grains, and beans; juicing fruits and vegetables; soaking nuts and dried fruit; and dehydrating food.While the most common raw food diets also fall under the vegan umbrella, there are other forms, including raw animal products and meat.

10. Vegan美食哲学和生活方式,素食主义者食客省略了肉,鱼和家禽以及其他动物产品或副产品,包括鸡蛋,乳制品,奶酪和蜂蜜。素食主义者避免穿皮革,毛皮,丝绸和羊毛,并避免使用源自动物生产的化妆品和肥皂或对动物进行测试的肥皂。许多素食主义者选择饮食和生活方式,因为他们对动物的道德待遇充满热情。科学研究将饮食方式与心脏病,结肠癌,肺癌,糖尿病,肾脏疾病,高血压和肥胖的风险降低。纯素食饮食中均衡营养的关键是多样性。可以围绕水果,蔬菜,大量绿叶蔬菜,全谷物,坚果,种子和豆类计划餐食。

11.素食AVegetarian Diet是一种以植物为基础的饮食,不包括肉类,家禽和鱼类。大多数素食主义者食用乳制品,有些食用鸡蛋。食用鸡蛋和乳制品的素食主义者被称为lacto-ovo素食主义者,而那些吃奶业但不吃鸡蛋的人是乳酸素食主义者。素食饮食富含水果,蔬菜,坚果,种子,豆类和全谷物。均衡的素食饮食通常很低,脂肪和胆固醇降低了心脏病和糖尿病的风险,并有助于打击肥胖和与肥胖相关疾病。

12.体积Volumetrics是一个计划,专注于吃更少的卡路里而不必吃少食物。由营养学家芭芭拉·劳斯(Barbara Rolls)开发的博士学位,即鼓励食客选择具有低热量密度的食物,例如水果,蔬菜,瘦蛋白,瘦蛋白,非脂肪牛奶和肉汤,并避免使用高密度的食物,包括油炸薯条,饼干,坚果,黄油和油。低卡路里密度的食物往往具有高水和纤维含量,这会导致饱腹感。没有卡路里的饮食习惯,但是,需要对卡路里密度的基本知识,该计划强调了食物跟踪的重要性。



金伯利·戴利·法雷尔(Kimberly Daly Farrell)

金伯利·戴利·法雷尔(Kimberly Daly Farrell)is a contributor at MyFitnessPal. A certified health coach and self-proclaimed running addict, Kimberly studied integrative nutrition and has completed three marathons. She has previously held editorial positions at Shape, Glamour, Fitness, and Good Housekeeping magazines. You can follow Kimberly’s running adventures on her personal blog,某种跑步者.



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