8 Hip Stretches Your Body Really Needs

8 Hip Stretches Your Body Really Needs

我们都进行了那些强烈的下半身锻炼,当您想到移动受伤时,您就会使您无法痛苦。虽然休息很容易 - 这些伸展会打开您的臀部,腹股沟和腿部,使您的明天更容易。老实说,没有什么比在体育馆里杀人一天的日子酸痛更像了。

除了紧密的肌肉外,在允许身体具有全部运动的方面,出色的髋关节活动能力是有益的。“If our hips aren’t able to flex and move in the way our bodies intend them to, they don’t become as useful as they should be, which means a lot of the load will fall onto your lower back,” says Heidi Jones, Head Coach at纽约砖。“这会随着时间的推移造成问题。”而且您的臀部是100%旨在产生大量功率的。所以请继续,get your stretch on!


hip-stretches-deep-squat-stand-580x383 用胸部和眼睛向前和向前深蹲。保持核心收缩和直立。握住每鞋的前部。然后,当您站立并向后伸展臀部时,继续握住每鞋的前部以完全伸展。重复9次。


2. Samson Stretch

hip-stretches-samson-tretch-580x383 将您的拇指隔开并举起头顶。接触您的肩膀,向您的耳朵耸了耸肩。向前走进弓步,后腿的膝盖接触地板。当您沉入弓步时,将手向上伸向天花板,并在手臂向后伸出时向前推臀部。站起来,在另一侧重复。

This move stretches and lengthens the arms, shoulders, and back while stretching the hip flexors as well.


嘻哈 - 拉伸式搭扣 Find a wall and get down on all fours and move your bent knee back into the wall with your shin and the top of your foot touching the wall. Then bring the forward leg into a 90-degree angle with the knee directly over the ankle. Then stand tall with your torso and your chest and eyes up looking forward to the opposite side of the room. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings to prevent hyperextending your lower back. Hold for 30 seconds and switch to the other side.



hip-stretches-toy-soldier-580x383 与脚直立在臀部。核心外商ed and gaze forward. Raise your right arm toward the ceiling. Then swing your left leg up towards the ceiling as your right hand lowers to tap your left foot. Return to standing position and repeat on the opposite side. Do 10 toy soldiers to each side.


5. Figure 4 Hip Stretch

嘻哈伸直的四分之一 This stretch will externally rotate your hip. You can do this stretch on a box or a table. You’ll need a box or table that you can bend one leg and lay the front of the leg or the shin on the box. Keep your torso erect and your core engaged. Keep mild pressure on the leg to try and keep the leg as flat on the table or box as you can. Hold for a 5-count and repeat on the other leg.

This stretch targets the hip muscles and the hip joint.


hip-stretches-goblet-squat-580x383 The goblet squat hold is literally holding a kettle bell in the bottom of a squat. This is an isometric hold which is super effective at improving hip flexibility. You want to use a moderately heavy weight. Flip the kettle bell upside down and hold it by the belly of the bell, or the part that would resemble a goblet. Lower into the bottom of the squat with the elbows just inside the knees. Use your elbows to drive your knees outward increasing the stretch on the adductors. Hold this stretch for 10 deep inhales and exhales.



hip-stretches-spiderman-tretch-580x383 从俯卧撑位置开始。左手的左腿向前走。向前驾驶臀部并保持5秒钟。返回开始位置,然后在右腿上重复。在每一侧替代5次。

This stretch targets the hip flexors.


臀部伸展的孩子 在臀部和臀部上放一个中等电阻带,并尽可能靠近墙壁。循环每条膝盖周围的乐队的每一侧。将脚放在地面上,将脚放在墙上。把手放在膝盖上。互相收缩双腿2秒钟,然后让它们放松到侧面。做10次。

This stretches the inner thighs or the adductors.

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