

一年中有几个月的山脉,草丘,当地的公园长凳和屋顶可以做合适的餐厅。下次您有浪漫(放松!)渴望“外出就餐”时,不要拿一桶油腻的炸鸡或li行杂货店三明治。有了这些健康,易于制作的快速包装配方,您将出门在外,健康用餐al frescoin no time!



  • 闷热的碎片。选择一次性包装,轻巧,生物友好的包装或塑料特百惠。您甚至可以使用一个小碗,将厨房毛巾绑在上面,然后随身携带。
  • 花哨的食谱需狗万买球网址要数小时的准备。有时候,野餐的最好方法是突袭冰箱,腌制泡菜,奶酪,剩下的冷切口和其余的面包。


  • You’re leaving the fridge (and the A/C) at home.Even if you bring a cooler, you won’t be able to keep your spread chilled while you dine, so choose foods that won’t wilt, spoil or mind being out a little while.
  • To keep it simple。一锅餐,蘸酱和手指食品友好地野餐,意味着您可以在草地上坠毁或在桌子上放置而没有太多预知。
  • 带上器皿,碗和木板。没有什么比打包一顿美餐的美食更糟糕的了,意识到您忘记了叉子,碗或汤匙。一个适合您篮子的小型便携式切菜板,可切割的小刀。塑料餐具也派上用场。
  • 保持新鲜。包装果实,蔬菜和食物的原始状态使野餐变得更加容易。


Fresh produce is always ready, and there’s very little you need to do other than load it in your basket. When you’re eating “out,” fresh produce is a great menu move because your dishes won’t spoil, veggies are easy to eat and they capitalize on the bounty of summer and great weather that lured you outside in the first place. Our best ideas for fresh veggies and fruits in your picnic basket:

  • 切成新鲜的西红柿,胡萝卜,黄瓜和辣椒,并与健康的豆类蘸酱,鹰嘴豆泥或鳄梨调味酱一起食用。
  • 切碎西瓜,哈密瓜或蜜露,与几片薄荷叶混合在一起,撒上盐。
  • Bust out a big salad. Choose羽衣甘蓝or chard for salads. These greens can stand up to warmer dinner tables. Spring greens and other delicate leaves wilt under even light dressings in warmer weather making your perky salad soggy.
  • Serve avocados on the “half shell.” Scoop out the buttery meat and serve on crackers with salt.
  • 大致切碎桃子,西红柿和李子。淋上橄榄油和柠檬,撒上罗勒,然后加入大块面包,以野餐准备就绪的panzanella。



Salami, prosciutto and other cured-meats are a nice way to start your meal without worrying about spoilage (or messy cleanup and transport). A rotisserie chicken is an easy, finger-friendly way to add protein, too, though it can’t live outside of temperature control for very long. Beans, nuts and eggs are also great choices since their spoiling points are a bit less sensitive. A few protein-packed picnic ideas:

  • Mix up a bean salad with freshly cooked or canned white beans, black beans or lentils. Drain the beans, drizzle with olive oil and lemon and add a sprinkle of salt and fresh herbs. Serve with crackers or toss into your salad!
  • Make a dip with those same beans by pureeing in a blender or food processor, seasoning with whatever favorite spices, salt and pepper you have on hand. Serve with chopped veggies.
  • 在上面放一个鸡蛋。(或在其中。)将鸡蛋沙拉混合在一起,以搭配三明治,捣碎煮熟的鸡蛋,然后扔进沙拉,或者自己携带小煮的小鸡蛋,然后搭配盐和胡椒粉。(远离荷包蛋或炸鸡蛋。没有人想要蛋黄在他们的野餐篮中。)
  • 堆放一个桑多。除了新鲜的BLT外,还有什么夏天吗?在最简单,最终的野餐包装(和清理!)轻松野餐之前,请与您最喜欢的肉和奶酪一起制作三明治。


几乎所有的碳水化合物,可以很容易包combined with veggies and proteins to make a picnic-friendly meal. Potatoes, polenta, cooled cooked rice, pasta, quinoa or even crusty loaves of bread fit the bill — no worrying about spoilage in this macronutrient department! Here are some of our tastiest meal-making ideas:

  • Cook and cool your favorite pasta, rice or grain. Toss into a big salad with hearty greens, fresh veggies and beans to complete the meal. (Add seeds or nuts for texture, top with your favorite easy dressing!)
  • 鞭打一碗土豆沙拉。使用橄榄油代替蛋黄酱可以帮助您的沙拉持续更长的壁画。
  • 将一盒全麦饼干或硬皮面包扔进您的野餐篮。与豆类蘸酱一起食用,用来挖出豆类沙拉或与新鲜的蔬菜和鸡蛋一起吃。


When it comes to eating outside, not all fats are created equal. Choose healthy fats that won’t melt or change composition when the temperature rises. Leave the butter at home and opt instead for healthy drizzles of olive oil, avocado oil or your favorite nut oil for flavor. Avocados and fresh cheese are a great way to add texture to your meals without the melty-ness.


Packable desserts are awesome but typically require extra forethought to prepare. Pass up the pre-packaged sweets and stuff a couple of 70% dark chocolate bars into your basket, or bring a pint of fresh berries or stone fruits to slice and share. These sweets are simple and easy to enjoy as you’re gathering around your picnic blanket, celebrating a meal well served.

About the Author

Lentine是一位好奇的,经典的厨师和前职业运动员。她使用自行车,原始的生活和旅行体验和有机成分来激发运动员和每个人通过食物探索,联系和扩大人类体验。她之前曾在Skratch Labs担任厨师/食谱开发商/内容创建者和烹饪总监,这是一家运动营养公司,致力于为现代“能量食品”提供真正的食品替代品。今天,她写道,厨师,讲话并分享有关整个,简单,美味的食物的滋养运动和生活的想法。


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