4 Basic Swimming Strokes to Know

保罗·L·安德伍德(Paul L. Underwood)
经过保罗·L·安德伍德(Paul L. Underwood)
4 Basic Swimming Strokes to Know

有很多为您的健身习惯增加游泳的原因。这是低影响的。这是一次可喜的替代方法(再次)撞到了举重室或(再次)在附近跑来跑去。这是一种全身锻炼,可以燃烧脂肪,增加您的心率 - 而且高效。

根据MyFitnessPal(基于一名150磅重的男性),游泳半小时的热量约为333卡路里。相比之下,步行仅100卡路里的卡路里,轻骑自行车或大约250-300的卡路里,以适度的速度跑步。它也有强烈的身体 - 仅仅是您和水,而您的中风几乎是对溺水风险的几乎原始反应 - 任何其他练习都无与伦比。





Calorie burn:333卡路里30分钟

The most common stroke, also called the crawl because you kick lightly with your legs while crawling forward with your arms.



呼吸:Your goal is to keep your head low, looking toward the bottom of the pool, as you breathe every third stroke for bi-lateral breathing. As you begin, you’ll likely need to breathe with every stroke, turning your head as little as possible when you do. Inhale quickly before exhaling into the water all that you can. With time, you’ll get better at breath management.

A note on form:Think of your body as an axis, rotating slightly as your arms pull you forward. Do it right, and you’ll almost feel as if you’re climbing a wall of water, extending your arms and propelling yourself forward. (Yes, your kicks are motoring you forward, too, but after a while that feels instinctive.) Keep your abs and back taut, as slouching creates drag. Count how many strokes it takes to get from one side of the pool to another. As you get more efficient and stronger, you become more efficient, and that stroke count decreases.


Calorie burn:216 calories over 30 minutes





A note on form:在整个中风期间,保持身体尽可能平直。这减少了阻力。


Calorie burn:233卡路里超过30分钟

This is another great beginner’s stroke, as the breathing component is simplified by the fact your head stays above water; however, you have to be aware of where you are in the pool so as not to hit your head on the wall. Also: You can easily do this while holding a kickboard, which is perfect for true beginners.

Arms:Similar to freestyle, you want to keep your arms as long and straight as possible, with your hands outstretched, leading the way. Your shoulders are internally rotated so your hands enter the water pinky-first, at full extension, and then “pull” yourself through the water by bringing your lead hand back to your hips. Again, think of your body as an axis, and strive to keep your body as straight as possible.


呼吸:Because your face is above water, you can focus on breathing as you would during any cardio workout. That is to say: steadily and deliberately.

A note on form:Keep your hips and legs high in the water. Because you’re on your back, you might have a tendency to sag or slouch a bit. Resist that, to help you go faster and work on strengthening your core.


Calorie burn:366 calories over 30 minutes


Arms:Point down, with palms back. As your arms enter the water, push back, propelling your body forward. Keep your elbows wide as you do. Pull yourself forward, then remove your hands from the water and repeat, aiming to minimize splash for maximum efficiency.

腿:A two-parter, and a defining element of this stroke. You’re basically kicking when your arms/body enter the water and again at exit. Keep your feet in the water while bending your knee downward, creating an almost wave-like motion in your lower body.

呼吸:As with the breaststroke, you inhale by pulling your chin out of the water after you thrust forward. Try to keep your head as low as possible so you don’t waste any energy, preserving it for the swim itself.

A note on form:因为这是一个腿部动力的中风,所以您可以通过执行单臂版本更容易地向其介绍自己,从本质上讲,您只需在踢脚板上放下一只手臂,将一只手臂放在水中。(您可以在每次中风上交替进行交替。)这可以帮助您专注于形式(并且仍然可以进行出色的锻炼!)

About the Author

保罗·L·安德伍德(Paul L. Underwood)
保罗·L·安德伍德(Paul L. Underwood)

Paul is a writer based in Austin, Texas. He tweetshere, he Instagramsthereand he posts the occasional deep thought atPlunderwood.com。He’s probably working on a run mix as you read this.


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