
Tim DiFrancesco
byTim DiFrancesco
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The most challenging but important part about getting fit is committing to and starting a plan. You’re not alone if this has posed a challenge for you.


关键是要建立一种像肌肉一样的健身习惯 - 您的工作越多,维持它就越强大。这个21天的体重健身计划正是如此 - 这是您的火花,它会点燃健身习惯。不需要设备,也没有猜测在给定的一天应该做什么。只需遵循以下计划连续21天概述的计划,并在发现您一直在寻找的优势和健身习惯时享受进度。

Here’s how it works:

  • Each day of the week has a specific exercise designated to it with specific sets/reps.
  • 在21天的时间里,您将逐步提高七个不同练习的工作量和复杂性。
  • 每个练习进度系列都有一个“支持动作”附加在其两组之间时要执行的“支持动作”。
  • It’s important to view the prescribed set and rep counts as a recommendation instead of a requirement. Everyone’s starting point is a bit different, so if you notice that the set or rep counts are too easy or too challenging, simply scale accordingly and document your adjustments.
  • If specific exercises in this plan flare up any current or prior areas of pain/discomfort, there are modifications or substitutions mentioned within the exercise instruction points below.
  • 这个很重要:If life gets in the way and for whatever reason you are unable to get your work in on a certain day, don’t sweat it! Instead of dwelling on it, let it go and be ready to start your new Day 1 by picking up with tomorrow’s workout.
  • After you complete the 21 consecutive days, you will have kick-started an unstoppable fitness habit. To continue to grow your new fitness habit, one option is to start from the beginning of the plan with increased sets/reps. Another option is to use this momentum to tackle a new challenge, plan or program that excites you.


Benefits:This push-up progression series is a great way to develop upper body strength while also activating your core and hips.

How to modify:如果以完美的形式完成俯卧撑,从地板上来说太难了,请花点时间正确。就是这样:

  1. Try these exercises with your hands on the end of a couch or on a bench to work on strengthening the movement.
  2. In the event that you aggravate or notice developing shoulder pain during push-ups, try adjusting the width of your hands/elbows. If your hands get too wide and elbows start to flare way out, this may be placing excessive stress on your shoulders. Hands should be just outside of shoulder width and elbows should be pointing slightly behind you instead of to the side.
  3. Another option to take stress off of the shoulders during these exercises is to execute them against the wall.


  1. Start at the top of the push-up and keep your chest away from the floor while you squeeze your glutes
  2. Slowly lower yourself to the floor (3 seconds on the way down)
  3. Return back to the top and repeat 4 more times
  4. Complete 2 more sets.


  1. From the top of the push-up position, take a step with your opposite arm/leg
  2. The leg on the side that you are moving toward and the arm on the other side move
  3. Execute a push-up and repeat
  4. The rep count indicates the total number of push-ups, so 6 reps is 3 push-ups one way and 3 back the other way.
  5. Complete 2 more sets.


  1. Lower down toward the floor from the top of the push-up position
  2. As you begin the push-up descent, draw one knee towards your elbow
  3. Maintain perfect push-up form as you bring your knee to your elbow
  4. Return back to the top and repeat on the other side; that’s 1 rep. Repeat 7 more times.
  5. Complete 2 more sets.


Complete this support move between each set of push-ups.


  1. 坐在牢固的表面上,双手在你的头部背面
  2. Assume a flat-back posture (avoid slouching or excessive arching of the back)
  3. 握住良好姿势的同时,将一只肘向地板倾斜
  4. You should feel the stretch along the opposite ribcage
  5. 在另一侧重复;那是1代表。再完成9次。

This exercise will help to bring you into a healthy posture and stretch out the upper body musculature worked during the push-up series.

About the Author

Tim DiFrancesco
Tim DiFrancesco

Tim Difrancesco,PT,DPT,ATC,CSCS与洛杉矶湖人队一起担任六个赛季的头力和调理教练,并且是TD运动员Edge的创始人。他以基于证据和科学的科学方法来适应运动员和健身爱好者的循证和科学方法而闻名。对于培训和营养建议,请关注我们:



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