15 Healthier Chain Restaurant Meals Under 500 Calories

经过克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN
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15 Healthier Chain Restaurant Meals Under 500 Calories




为什么要裁员:Served with a side of Parmesan-garlic broccoli, this fillet of salmon provides a hearty dose of protein and healthy omega-3 fats with a burst of Italian flavors. Located on Olive Garden’s “Lighter Italian Fare” menu, this salmon will satisfy your Italian cravings without all the carbohydrates that usually come in heavy Italian dishes.

Nutritional stats:460 calories, 28g fat, 8g carbohydrates, 4g fiber, 43g protein

Dietitian’s tips:在考虑低热量,高蛋白选择时,海鲜通常是一种安全的方法。选择一种脂肪鱼,例如鲑鱼或阿尔巴贝尔金枪鱼,将为您提供作为抗炎剂并保护您的心脏健康的omega-3脂肪酸。


  • 罗非鱼皮卡塔(450 calories, 24g fat, 12g carbohydrates, 2g fiber, 49g protein)
  • 挪威海蜇虾 (500 calories, 19g fat, 56g carbohydrates, 6g fiber, 26g protein)

最健康的选择:Asian Chicken Lettuce Wrap Tacos



Dietitian’s tips:Although the Cheesecake Factory doesn’t provide full nutritional information, dishes with “SkinnyLicious” in the title are generally 600 calories or less. The Cheesecake Factory is also known for huge serving sizes — if you’re looking for a lighter meal, check out the appetizer and small-plate menu. When you order your dish, ask for a to-go box and portion out half of the meal for the next day.


  • 瘦草皮鲑鱼沙拉(480卡路里,4 g饱和脂肪,20 g碳水化合物
  • SkinnyLiciousChicken Soft Tacos (500 calories, 3g saturated fat, 49g carbohydrates)

最健康的选择:Simple & Fit Two Egg Breakfast


Nutritional stats:350卡路里,8G脂肪,48G碳水化合物,7G纤维,25G蛋白质。

Dietitian’s tips:早餐可以说是一天中最重要的一餐,应该以这种方式进行治疗。确保选择一种融合蛋白质和全谷物的选项 - 不仅仅是糖(我们在看着您,煎饼),以使您全天保持动力。IHOP的“简单且合身”菜单提供了可以修改的600卡路里的选项 - 握住黄油,选择火鸡培根,如果需要,请务必在糖浆上亮起。少即是多!


  • Simple & Fit Spinach, Tomato, and Mushroom Omelette (330 calories, 12g fat, 31g carbohydrates, 5g fiber, 29g protein)
  • 简单且合身的香蕉和红糖燕麦片(260卡路里,5G脂肪,49G碳水化合物,5G纤维,7G蛋白质)

最健康的选择:Pepper-Crusted Sirloin & Whole Grains


Nutritional stats:430 calories, 14g fat, 48g carbohydrates, 9g fiber, 32 g protein

Dietitian’s tips:Avoiding huge amounts of sodium can be difficult when it comes to eating out. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



  • 泰国虾沙拉(390卡路里,19克脂肪,32克碳水化合物,7g纤维,23G蛋白)
  • Cedar Grilled Lemon Chicken (580 calories, 26g fat, 48g carbohydrates, 5g fiber, 42g protein)


为什么要裁员:This option is part of the “Wholesome Fixin’s” menu, which offers a variety of health-conscious choices that allow you to enjoy your favorite home-style meal without all the calories — all of these options are 500 calories or less.

Stats:Cracker Barrel doesn’t provide exact nutritional information for its menu. To be safe, choose an option from the Wholesome Fixin’s menu, and substitute fruit and vegetables whenever possible.

Dietitian’s tips:除了土豆泥和饼干的堆外,饼干桶等南部风格的餐厅仍然提供健康的选择!专注于瘦肉蛋白,选择蒸蔬菜的一面,然后避免任何油炸。Cracker Barrel还提供了几种“美味的替代品”来减少卡路里 - 即,将蛋制蛋糕代替两个鸡蛋,多族吐司作为饼干和土耳其培根作为常规猪肉培根。


  • 烤鸡肉N’新鲜蔬菜沙拉(490卡路里)
  • Apple N’ Cinnamon Oatmeal (360 calories)

About the Author

克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN

克里斯蒂娜(Kristina)是位于佛罗里达州奥兰多市的董事会认证运动营养师,她专门从事直观和正念的饮食。她是食品和营养博客的作者,爱与热情where she shares {mostly} healthy recipes with simple ingredients that are meant for real life. As a new mom, she knows that eating well and living an active lifestyle isn’t always easy… but it’s always worth it!! Kristina loves spending time outdoors with her family, sweaty workouts, and a good cup of coffee. Get in touch with her for one-on-one营养教练(virtually or in person), or connect with her onPinterest,,,,Instagram,,,,FacebookandYouTube


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