
Darya Rose
byDarya Rose
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I hear it all the time.

Whether it’s a friend who is struggling to lose weight or someone I overhear talking in line for coffee, there’s always a hint of desperation in his or her voice:

“I know什么to do to lose weight, I just need todoit. I need to get more motivated.”


But if you’re even thinking this way in the first place, you probably already know how important it is to eat well and stay active. Youaremotivated.


So why is it still so hard to follow through on these commitments?


When you think of building motivation, you probably think about rewards and punishments. Carrots and sticks. And when it comes to health, you might think that too many carrots (or carrot cake?) is exactly your problem.

因此,合理的结论是您需要更多的纪律。这就是为什么您倾向于付钱给您在训练营中折磨您的原因。如果您不能强迫自己的屁股在寒冷中出去,并在凌晨6点跑步体育场,也许Meathead Mike可以使您成为您。

Ironically though, no one is as hard on you for your shortcomings as you are on yourself. When you hit snooze one too many times and miss your training appointment or come home late from work and heat up a frozen burrito for dinner, you’re the harshest judge. Mike will still get paid, after all.

As motivated as you are, events like these can be crushing. You blame yourself for the slip up. You question your motivation. You wonder if you have what it takes to be a healthy person, or if you’re doomed to kill yourself with your own bad habits. Maybe it’s in your genes to be lazy, and being healthy is impossible for you. Ugh.

What could be more demotivating?

A common misconception is that people who are able to create healthy habits have a tremendous amount of discipline. They are able to wake up early and go to the gym no matter how dark and cold it is outside. They are capable of torturing themselves indefinitely, and that trait somehow makes them better people.

This is a myth.

Psychology researchhasshownthat people who are able to create healthy habits don’t have more discipline, they have more self-compassion.


Instead of thinking, “I should have just dragged my tired butt out of bed and forced myself to go to the gym,” they think, “I was really tired today and it caused me to oversleep. I should try to get to bed earlier next time. Is that realistic?”

They don’t see the situation as a problem with themselves, they see it as a puzzle to be figured out. I call this a problem solving mindset.

解决问题的心态是强大的,因为它takes emotions out of the equation and forces you to address the reality of the situation. Rather than judging yourself for being “lazy”––a very judgmental assessment––problem solving acknowledges that you were tired and asks, “Why?”

Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep or have too many demands on you at work. What can you do so that you can feel well-rested when you wake up in the morning?



There’s no value in beating yourself up. If your best friend or child were struggling with a similar situation, would you just assume they’re hopeless and give up on them? Of course not. You would be kind, listen to their concerns, do your best to point out the positives and steer them toward the answer.

You must treat yourself with the same dignity. Not only do you deserve it, but it’s also actually the only way to solve your problem.


About the Author

Darya Rose
Darya Rose

Darya Rose, Ph.D, is the author of美食家,以及夏季番茄的创建者,这是时代最佳网站之一。她每天都在吃惊人的东西,甚至自2007年以来就没有考虑过节食。对于免费的入门套件,可以帮助您保持健康和减肥而不节食,请注册夏季番茄每周通讯.



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