The Healthiest 400-Calorie (or Less) Picks at Popular Fast Food Chains

byKristina LaRue, RD, CSSD, LDN
The Healthiest 400-Calorie (or Less) Picks at Popular Fast Food Chains

So you’re working really hard on meeting your health goals, and then your coworker invites you out to lunch. Good news: It’s possible to stick to calorie and nutrition goals when eating out—even at fast food chain restaurants—if you make smart choices. To make it easy, we’ve put together a list of dietitian picks, tips and tricks for eating out on 400 calories or less.



统计:400 calories, 11g fat, 50g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, 16g protein

Why it made the cut:这款早餐三明治以400卡路里的速度计入400卡路里,其中包含16克蛋白质,3克纤维,并提供许多人在早餐时间忘记的东西 - 蔬菜!



  • Lentil Quinoa Bowl with Chicken:This makes for a power-packed lunch or dinner option (that is, if you’re not watching your sodium intake, since it contains 1,370mg).
    • 统计:390卡路里,9g脂肪,48克碳水化合物,8G纤维,33G蛋白“您选择2”½经典,鸡肉沙拉倒入还原的脂肪香脂
  • Vinaigrette & Cup of Low-Fat Vegetarian Black Bean Soup:这个选秀权是低热量和高蛋白。只需确保传递随附的法式面包的侧面即可。
    • 统计:360卡路里,13G脂肪,42克碳水化合物,28G蛋白,8G纤维

Restaurant: Subway



Why it made the cut:这种220卡路里的选件富含36克蛋白质和4克纤维,仅含有4.5克脂肪。假设您要订购生菜,菠菜,西红柿,洋葱,青椒,黄瓜和橄榄,则可以计算此营养信息。

营养师的提示:选择调味料时,请选择110卡路里的地铁醋在蜂蜜芥末酱上。虽然蜂蜜芥末几乎是卡路里的一半,但它含有11克添加的糖!订购地铁醋将为您节省9克糖。对于一面,抛弃薯条和饼干,并添加一袋苹果片,以增强您的水果和纤维摄入量。素食,蛋白质填充,并配有健康的脂肪和富含纤维的水果 - 现在,这是一顿平衡的餐点,即以400卡路里的热量。


  • 6-inch Oven Roasted Chicken on 9-Grain Wheat Bread:While the 9-grain whole grain wheat bread contains whole grains, it’s also a sneaky source of enriched wheat flour (aka the white stuff).
    • 统计:320卡路里,5G脂肪,45克碳水化合物,5G纤维,23G蛋白
  • Subway Club Chopped Salad:通过订购双肉来增强该沙拉中的蛋白质。
    • 统计:140 calories, 3.5g fat, 12g carbs, 4g fiber, 18g protein


400卡路里最健康的选择:Salad Bowl with Romaine Lettuce, Chicken, Black Beans, Fajita Vegetables and Fresh Tomato Salsa

统计:350 calories, 8.5g fat, 33g carbs, 15.5g fiber, 42g protein

Why it made the cut:这款鸡肉沙拉碗的热量为350卡路里,含有42克蛋白质和15.5克纤维,只有8.5克的总脂肪。虽然您的味蕾可能长期用于大米和鳄梨调味酱,但此选项是控制卡路里的最健康的选择。

Dietitian’s tip:If you’re aiming to eat less than 400 calories, your options at Chipotle become limited. If you have to add toppings like sour cream, cheese and guacamole, go light. These toppings quickly create fat-laden and calorie-dense meals. The burrito flour tortilla itself contains a whopping 290 calories! Instead, order a burrito bowl with a small portion of brown rice to boost your fiber and carbohydrate intake. Consider ordering your favorite burrito bowl, and only eat half of it. Box it up and take the rest home to use for another meal.


  • Salad Bowl with Romaine Lettuce, Fajita Vegetables, Brown Rice, Black Beans and Fresh Tomato Salsa:Skipping out on meat and ordering fajita vegetables as your filling allows caloric room to add a base of brown rice. Although this option is lower in protein, it is a good meatless variation to the chicken salad bowl.
    • 统计:370 calories, 8.5g fat, 65g carbs, 17.5g fiber, 13.5g protein
  • Kids Build Your Own Tacos (2):2 soft corn tortillas, sofritas (tofu), fajita vegetables, romaine lettuce, and fresh tomato salsa. Ordering a kid’s meal at Chipotle is an easy way to stay under 400 calories. These tacos are loaded with fajita veggies and lettuce to add to your daily servings of vegetables.
    • 统计:335 calories, 11.5g fat, 50g carbs, 10.5g fiber, 13g protein

Restaurant: PF Chang’s

400卡路里最健康的选择:Buddha’s Feast – Steamed


Why it made the cut:This dish is filled with baked tofu, asparagus, shitake mushrooms, broccoli, carrots and soy sauce—all for only 260 calories! The low-calorie tofu provides you with 26 grams of protein, while the pile of veggies adds on 10 grams of fiber.

营养师的提示:诸如佛陀的盛宴之类的高蛋白,高纤维,低热量的选择会让您感到饱满,并加入更长的时间。请务必选择健康的配菜,例如上海黄瓜 - 恢复,营养和只有70卡路里!也要警惕调味料,因为它们通常与高水平的钠和糖一起系在一起。


  • 炸药扇贝卷:加利福尼亚卷配上扇贝和sriracha酱
    • 统计:400卡路里,12g脂肪,52克碳水化合物,5G纤维,20G蛋白
  • 鸡肉沙爹:This is a small-plate option, 3 skewers of marinated chicken with Bibb lettuce cups and vegetable slaw
    • 统计:250卡路里,10克脂肪,7g碳水化合物,1克纤维,30G蛋白

Restaurant: Starbucks

400卡路里最健康的选择:Zesty Chicken & Black Bean Salad Bowl

统计:360 calories, 15g fat, 850mg sodium, 38g carbs, 8g fiber, 19g protein

Why it made the cut:这款360卡路里的沙拉是烤鸡肉,黑豆,藜麦,玉米,西红柿,杂草和春季蔬菜的混合物,可提供19克蛋白质和8克纤维。蔬菜和纤维含量的多样性使它成为菜单上的最佳选择。

营养师的提示:Many of the sandwich and panini options at Starbucks are high in fat—and not the good kind! Aim for an option with high protein and high fiber to keep you feeling satisfied with all the right stuff. Be sure to grab a Venti water with your bistro box instead of a sugar-filled specialty drink.


  • Chicken & Hummus Bistro Box:Although the pita bread in this box is labeled wheat, a closer look at the ingredient list reveals that it still contains a small amount of enriched flour.
    • 统计:270卡路里,7g脂肪,29克碳水化合物,4G纤维,20G蛋白
  • Chicken & Greens Caesar Salad Bowl:该沙拉中的脂肪来自凯撒调味料,但烤鸡肉,羽衣甘蓝和西红柿有点赎回。
    • 统计:340卡路里,25克脂肪,10 g碳水化合物,3克纤维素,19 g protein


Kristina LaRue, RD, CSSD, LDN

Kristina is a board certified sports dietitian located in Orlando, Florida where she specializes in intuitive and mindful eating. She is the author of the food and nutrition blog,Love & Zest她分享了{大多数是}健康食谱,这些食谱与现实生活中的简单成分。狗万买球网址作为一个新妈妈,她知道饮食良好,过着积极的生活方式并不总是那么容易……但这总是值得的!克里斯蒂娜(Kristina)喜欢与家人一起度过户外时间,汗水锻炼和一杯咖啡。与她联系一对一nutrition coaching(实际上或亲自),或与她联系Pinterest,Instagram,FacebookYouTube.



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