10个最常见的练习借口 - 平方英尺!

经过雅克琳·布伦南(Jacquelyn Brennan)
10个最常见的练习借口 - 平方英尺!



1.“我没有时间。“ 找时间。安排它并将其作为优先事项。提前计划并将其放在您的日历上,作为不容错过的事件。没有一个小时?不用担心 - 只需10分钟即可有所作为。尝试每天进行10分钟的练习2至3次。

2. “Classes and gym memberships are too expensive.”不需要健身房!没有设备锻炼的商店太多 - 检查Fitstar应用或访问Grokker对于出色的在线锻炼视频。当天气晴朗时,请您在外面锻炼。查看Pinterest的想法,并创建一个锻炼委员会,以保持新鲜事物或尝试我在任何地方的锻炼

3. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”雇用一个或两个课程的私人教练来学习适当的形式,并获得一个可以自己完成的运动顺序。许多健身房和精品工作室都有新的成员特色菜,可以尝试私人指导。

4. “I’m too out of shape.”This is a tough one. It can be hard when you feel too out of shape to attend a class or hit the gym. Try going at off-peak hours when the gym might not be as crowded, or ask a supportive, motivating friend to join you. Exercising not only improves your overall fitness, it boosts your confidence, too. Plus, you have to start somewhere!


6.“我不喜欢锻炼。”Exercise can be FUN! There is a workout format for everyone. Try out new and different activities until you find your match—group classes, semi-private, one on one, indoor, outdoor, the options are endless. If you enjoyed dance classes as a kid, give Barre or Zumba a try. If you were into competitive sports, CrossFit may give you that sense of team camaraderie you’re craving. Not into monotony? Look for boot camp or HIIT classes—they’re constantly changing it up.


8.“我太累了。”You might be feeling tired or lethargic due to a lack of movement in your life. It’s true—exercise releases endorphins, increases energy, and elevates your overall mood. Even just a little activity promotes the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your tissue and helps your heart work more efficiently. Which means, getting in a good sweat session might be exactly what you need!

9. “I look好的enough。”锻炼不仅仅是美学。是的,健康可以给您色调的体格,但是运动的好处超出了紧身的身体。运动可以减轻压力,改善心血管健康,改善心情,更好的睡眠并感觉更好。即使您看起来“足够好”,也总是会感觉更好!

10.“我太老了。”没有这种东西太老了,不能运动。在fact, exercise keeps you youthful and mobile! No matter your age or physical condition, there is an appropriate workout for you. As we age weight-bearing exercises become super important to maintain bone mass, making modified strength training ideal. Other moderate activities, such as water aerobics or yoga, can feel really good on stiff, achy joints. Another good option: walking—it’s fairly low impact, but still creates healthy stress on the bones. And don’t forget Pilates! It can be modified to fit the needs of all generations.


雅克琳·布伦南(Jacquelyn Brennan)

雅克琳·布伦南(Jacquelyn Brennan)是一位健康与健康专家,每天都在分享她的知识Fitsouffle。她拥有运动机能学学位,目前教普拉提,小组锻炼,并且是一名认证的私人教练。雅克琳(Jacquelyn)喜欢启发他人搬家,保持健康,饮食良好,并学习如何有效运动。


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