
Jessica Smith
byJessica Smith
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A stability ball (often referred to as a Swiss, exercise or physio ball) is a great piece of equipment that can not only make standard moves like crunches, extensions and planks more challenging, but it can also double as a desk chair.

Whether you decide to use the ball to work out with or to simply sit on, make sure you have the right size ball for the best results. In general, if seated on the ball, your knees should make a 90-degree angle from your hips when your feet are flat on the floor. To help pick the best size for you, here are some basic recommendations based on height (just remember you’ll want to sit on it to find the perfect fit):

  • If you are 5 feet 4 and under, try a 55 centimeter ball.
  • If you are between 5 feet 5 and 5 feet 11, try a 65 centimeter ball.
  • If you are between 6 feet and 6 feet 7, try a 75 centimeter ball.


All set? Great! Here are 3 excellent reasons to consider integrating a stability ball into your workout routine for better results:

  1. Build Core Stability and Flexibility


Including an unstable element (such as a stability ball) in your fitness regimen could help you strengthen your stabilizing muscles and improve your ability to balance more efficiently. Onestudypublished in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that women who used a physio ball during specific core exercises (such as curl-ups and back extensions) experienced greater torso stability and balance after 5 weeks than those who did similar movements on the floor.

Core stability是改善力量产量的关键,同时减少与锻炼相关和日常活动(例如投掷,跑步或跳跃)中关节的负载。同样,灵活性训练对于增加运动范围至关重要,这也可以减少关节的压力,并改善姿势和运动性能。在拉伸过程中,利用稳定球可以为可能难以实现的运动提供支持,这就是为什么球是灵活性会话的好工具的原因。而且,由于您仍然可以在伸展时在球上取得平衡,因此您可以同时发展核心稳定性和灵活性。

Check out my “On the Ball: 20-Minute Core Stretching Routine” below for how to incorporate the Swiss ball for both core-stability and flexibility work.

  1. Amp Up Your Ab Routine

Feel like you’re ready to take your ab training to the next level? A stability ball can increase your range of motion during exercises like rotations and planks, adding another degree of difficulty.

还有另一个理由爱上瑞士球上的AB工作:在球上进行传统的地板练习(如仰卧起能)可能有助于防止下背部疼痛或加重,而地板运动通常会发生。有关如何使用球进行更友好的腹部练习的想法,请查看我的7-minute core workout video.

  1. Add Another Dimension to Total-Body Training

Incorporating a stability ball into your strength training routine can also be beneficial to your progress; it’s just not something you want to include during every session.Research indicatesthat this type of “instability training” can offer multiple benefits, including greater neuromuscular adaptations, improved coordination and higher muscle activation, all with less stress on the joints.


Ready to try some total-body training with a stability ball? Please check out my30-minute “Stability Ball Sculpt” workout.

告诉我,您是否使用瑞士球进行锻炼?您最喜欢的动作是什么?我很想听听对您有用的方法 - 请在下面的评论中与我们分享您的最佳提示!

—Photos byVanessa RogersPhotography

About the Author

Jessica Smith
Jessica Smith

As someone who struggled to lose weight for years, Jessica found that the key to her own 40-pound weight loss was making small, healthy lifestyle changes that led to big, lasting results. Now, as a certified wellcoach, fitness instructor and personal trainer, she has spent the last 15 years helping students and clients reach their goals in New York City, Los Angeles and Miami. She now reaches millions online through her YouTube Channel and home exercise DVD series. Please visitwalkonwalkstrong.com要了解有关她的乐趣,以结果为导向的各级练习者的计划。


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