There’s a Reason for the Noises You Make in Yoga

布列塔尼·里希尔(Brittany Risher)
by布列塔尼·里希尔(Brittany Risher)
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There’s a Reason for the Noises You Make in Yoga

Sitting surrounded by other people sticking their tongues out and breathing like they’re trying to fog up a mirror seems weird. But it sometimes happens in yoga class. So does sighing, om-ing, fluttering your lips and chanting. On the surface, they may seem like they serve no purpose, but there’s a reason to all of these things.

“小时候,我们哭泣,大喊大叫,但作为成年人,我们很少有机会。”Lyons Den Power Yogain New York City. “At its most basic level, emitting audibles connects you to the present moment. Sighs, deep breaths and audible sounds release pent-up frustrations and can feel like letting go of excess weight.”

Just one lion’s breath or om can make a difference, and each has slightly different benefits. If you feel shy or silly about letting yourself go, keep Lyons’ advice in mind: “Being concerned about looking good is boring. Get out there and live a little, and stop taking life and yoga so seriously!”




Why do it:Commonly used to start and end a yoga class, om is a vibration. “It’s said to represent the sound of the universe and a way to connect to ourselves, each other and a higher power,” Lyons explains. “The vibration that occurs is said to stimulate the nervous system, relieve stress and depression and increase mental and emotional alertness.”

How to do it:Inhale deeply, and on the exhale, make the sound “aum” from deep in your belly. Allow the sound to vibrate through your whole body.



Why do it:Yoga instructors typically encourage using this breathing technique throughout class. Translated as “victorious breath,” ujjayi breathing generates heat, creates centered focus and calms the mind, Lyons says.

How to do it:With a closed mouth, gently constrict the muscles in the opening of your throat as you breathe in and out. The noise is described as both an ocean wave or Darth Vader. It’s audible, so the person on the mat next to you may hear it, but it should not be so loud that the entire class hears it.



Why do it:您做的前几次似乎很愚蠢,但是Lion的呼吸有其位置。里昂说,伸出舌头不仅会伸展脸部和颈部的肌肉,并减轻紧张感,还可以增强循环气闭,甚至可以使您的声音构成。

How to do it:Take a deep breath. On your exhale, open your throat, stick out your tongue and make an audible “haaaaah” sound. If you wish, cross your eyes, too.



Why do it:At different points in class, your yoga teacher may encourage you to let out a sigh. “Sighing relieves stress and connects you to the present moment and your physical self,” Lyons explains. That helps you get more out of class, and the more you can practice being in the moment on your mat, the more you can do that off your mat.

How to do it:After a long inhale, open your mouth and exhale while sighing. Be as loud or as quiet as serves you in that moment.



Why do it:埃德先生和其他名字也称为马嘴唇,取决于讲师,颤抖的嘴唇放松了脸上的肌肉并减轻了压力。另外,它可能会在您的脸上露出微笑。

How to do it:With your lips closed, take a deep inhale. Keeping your lips together, exhale, allowing your lips to vibrate as the air passes out.

About the Author

布列塔尼·里希尔(Brittany Risher)
布列塔尼·里希尔(Brittany Risher)

Brittany is a writer, editor and digital strategist specializing in health and lifestyle content. She loves experimenting with new vegan recipes and believes hummus is a food group. To stay sane from working too hard, she turns to yoga, strength training, meditation and scotch. Connect with her on推特,Instagram, andGoogle+.



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