5-Pose Yoga Fix: Stretches to Energize Your Morning

Kelly DiNardo
byKelly DiNardo
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5-Pose Yoga Fix: Stretches to Energize Your Morning


每个姿势都有不同的影响。有些姿势,例如后弯,正在激动。其他人,例如前褶皱,正在平静。在早晨,考虑实力建造站立姿势,充满活力的后弯和一些平衡姿势,这些姿势培养了浓度,您的练习比一杯咖啡更好 - 而且对最后一滴。


This pose increases circulation to the head, helping you bring your attention to your day. And, it stretches your lower back, hips, thighs and ankles. Take several deep breaths here as you gather your energy and prepare to move.

The move:首先,跪下,用膝盖和脚一起坐在脚跟上。当您呼气时,向前弯曲,将额头放在地板上。向前伸出手臂,将手掌放下以延长躯干并伸展手臂。



The move:从手和膝盖上的桌面位置开始,使手掌压入地面,膝盖搁在臀部下方。确保您的手腕,肘部和肩膀形成一条直线,膝盖和臀部形成另一种。

As you exhale, press into the ground with your hands and round your back like an angry Halloween cat. Gently bring your chin toward your chest and activate your abdominals, pulling your navel toward your spine.

On your inhale, come into cow by arching your back in the opposite direction. Broaden your chest and lift your tailbone to the sky so your belly sinks toward the floor.

Hold each pose for several breaths or find a gentle flow between the two so that with each exhale you round into cat and with each inhale you open into cow.



The move:Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Slide your palms forward so they rest in front of your shoulders, and tuck your toes under. As you exhale, press your palms into the ground and lift your knees off the ground, straightening both arms and legs. Your body will form a wide, upside-down V shape.

On an inhale, lift your right leg up behind you. Exhale here. On your next inhale, round your spine, engage your abdominals and draw your knee to your nose. Exhale and send your leg up and back. Take 5 breaths here, pulling your right knee toward your nose on each inhale and then switch legs.



The move:From down dog, step your right foot forward between your hands. It’s a big step, especially in the beginning. If your foot doesn’t make it all the way between your hands, inch it forward or use your right hand to help your foot along. Once your foot is between your hands, check your alignment. Make sure your right knee and ankle are in a straight line. Press your left heel back, keeping your left leg strong and solid. Hold here for 3 breaths.


On your next inhale, reach your arms overhead and find a small backbend. Keep lifting and lengthening to avoid compressing the low back. Inhale and re-engage the back leg coming into high lunge. Hold here for 3 breaths. On an exhale, frame your right foot and step back to down dog. Repeat on the other side.


Backbends unlock the energy of your spine, counteract too much time hunching at a desk, open the chest and send oxygen to your heart. It also stretches the fronts of your thighs and strengthens your back.

The move:跪在垫子上,使臀部从屁股上抬起,臀部和膝盖形成一条线。如果您的膝盖敏感,您可能需要加倍垫子或在下面放毯子。

Press your palms into your low back so your fingers face the sky. Keep your elbows tucked into your sides. Use your hands to gently broaden your back.



Kelly DiNardo
Kelly DiNardo

Kelly is a journalist, author, runner, yogi, skier, globetrotter and dog-lover. She has been teaching yoga since 2002 and is the owner of Past Tense, a Washington, D.C. yoga studio where her team reminds her how much fun it is to be a little twisted and encourages an upside-down approach to life. She is the author of “Gilded Lili: Lili St. Cyr and the Striptease Mystique” and “Living the Sutras: A Guide to Yoga Wisdom beyond the Mat.”



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