How to Build a Healthy Bowl of Soup

Jessica Migala
byJessica Migala
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How to Build a Healthy Bowl of Soup

It’s soup season, and so it’s time to get steamy. While premade, canned or boxed soups can save your lunch in a pinch, they are high in sodium, often providing about 1/3 of your daily value for sodium per serving, says Ashley Larsen, RDN, owner ofAshley Larsen营养。

When you make soup at home (and it’s easier than you think), you get to control how much sodium is in it, plus customize it to your tastes.

Soup can be a complete meal for lunch or dinner. And, it’s a great addition to your regular rotation if you’re aiming to lose weight. After all,研究显示soup eaters tend to have healthier diets, consume fewer calories, weigh less and have smaller waistlines compared to those who skip the bowl. The one sticking point was sodium, since soup eaters consume more. But with the tips below, you can build a better bowl of soup at home that maximizes good-for-you ingredients and minimizes the stuff you don’t need

How to Build a Healthy Bowl of Soup

Broth is best. It’s hydrating and keeps calories lower than its cream-based counterparts, says Larsen. Choose a low-sodium version of vegetable, chicken or beef broth (you can add additional salt at the end if needed). She also likes骨汤。“It’s naturally lower in sodium and high in protein, providing around 9 grams of protein per cup,” she says.

蔬菜汤很棒,但是如果您正在寻找馅料,请添加蛋白质来源。Larsen说,您在这里有很多选择:鸡肉,土耳其豆腐,豆类(肾脏,黑色,鹰嘴豆,海军,Cannellini)或小扁豆。她建议,汤不会变得足够热来烹饪蛋白质,因此请确保您使用任何蛋白质的蛋白质。例如,使用罐装豆类或真空密封的煮熟的小扁豆(在杂货店的冷藏/农产品部分看),炒土耳其或烤鸡。如果您陷入时间的时间,请像那些一样豆类罐头or cubed tofu, which you can simply toss in.

How to Build a Healthy Bowl of Soup

关于汤最好的事情之一是你真的可以pack in the veggies, which are brimming with filling fiber. If you’re going for “hard” veggies, like carrots, onions, broccoli and cauliflower, you want to first saute these to soften them and develop those delicious brown bits, says Larsen. At that point, you can pour in the broth and add other veggies, like zucchini, tomatoes, spinach and kale, she says.

You can dip whole-grain bread into your soup, or add全谷类like wild rice, quinoa, freekeh, amaranth, whole-grain pasta or farro. These can be simmered in the broth until plump and tender, or you can stir leftover grains and pasta into the soup and heat until warmed through. “A soup made with whole, plant-based ingredients, such as beans, grains and vegetables, is also a great source of micronutrients, such as iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and antioxidants,” says Larsen.

How to Build a Healthy Bowl of Soup

Adding dried herbs, spices and citrus elevates the flavor, which ultimately allows you to use less salt, Larsen says. A few ideas she recommends include dry mustard, garlic powder, oregano, thyme or a squeeze of lemon juice.


When you’re ready, here’s how to make the soup of your dreams a reality, advises Larsen:

  1. Add a small amount of olive oil to the bottom of a hot pot and toss in fresh garlic or ginger (depending on the flavors you’re looking for).
  2. 一旦香,添加任何需要烹饪的蛋白质。煮熟后从锅中取出。
  3. Add hearty vegetables (the carrots or onions) and cook for 5–8 minutes until soft.
  4. 加入肉汤加上额外的东西,例如谷物,柔软或多叶蔬菜和调味料。将蛋白质返回到锅中。
  5. 煮滚。减少热量并慢火煮20分钟。
  6. Squeeze in lemon. Taste and adjust seasonings, if needed. (For example, add more salt and pepper.)


Leftovers make great soups, says Larsen. Toss in that chicken you have in your fridge, the almost-wilted spinach, or the brown rice that didn’t get eaten with the stir fry earlier this week. Stir, heat, season — and sip off your spoon.

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Jessica Migala
Jessica Migala

杰西卡·米加拉(Jessica Migala)是位于芝加哥郊区的健康和健身自由职业者。她度过了自己的日子,她的小猎犬在她身边写作,并与两个小儿子一起腾空。杰西卡(Jessica)还为o,《奥普拉杂志》,《女人节》,《真实的简单》和其他人撰写。找到她



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