
麦肯齐L. Havey
经过麦肯齐L. Havey

虽然像迈克尔·菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)这样的运动员(大多数日子训练5至6个小时)需要休息几天,这似乎很明显,而我们的指南仅仅是凡人的准则,这一点就不太清楚。例如,如果您要获得最少的推荐体育锻炼,您是否需要完全休假几天?如果您每天采取10,000步,这是否真的需要恢复时间?


The Department of Health and Human Servicesrecommends如果您希望实现与运动相关的可观健康益处,请执行以下操作之一:

  • 每周150分钟的中等强度有氧运动
  • 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity each week
  • 两者的组合

With that in mind, recent research suggests that you can reap the most exercise benefits if you do around three times that amount of physical activity. The学习, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that people who exercised at a moderate intensity, usually walking, for 450 minutes per week (around an hour each day) were 39% less likely to die prematurely than people who didn’t exercise at all. The risk of dying for those who did the recommended 150 minutes per week was about 31% less during the study.

So, if you’re striving to achieve the government’s minimum guidelines — say you’re walking around 20 minutes each day of the week — you might not want to take a rest day since you’re already at the lower end of the recommended amount of physical activity. Similarly, if you’re hoping to shed weight, a day laid up on the couch may not need to happen. After all, rest days are reserved for serious athletes, right?

考虑锻炼时,如果您进行最少的体育锻炼或更少的时间,则可能不需要每周休息日。为了确定,studiesshow that if you’re getting two days of exercise a week or fewer, you’re likely not achieving the desired fitness gains or benefits you’re after. As you might expect, there’s a big caveat to all of this: Your body gets taxed by exercise combined with all the other activities you engage in on any given day. A whole host of things can affect the amount of rest and recovery you need, not just the minutes or miles of exercise you log. Life stress, age, nutrition, sleep, physical fitness levels and certain health conditions should all be factored into how much rest you get.





如果你不确定你是否需要休息day, active recovery days are a nice middle-of-the-road option. Active recovery allows you to get in some physical activity and burn a few calories, all while giving your body a break.学习have demonstrated that low-intensity exercise, like swimming or yoga, can actually benefit recovery and enhance relaxation. So if you’re feeling worn down from your usual walking routine, taking a day off to hit the pool will restore your energy levels and physical well-being, while burning calories.

The takeaway here is that there is no one-size-fits-all prescription for rest and recovery. It’s all about listening to your body and responding appropriately. You might only be getting in the bare amount of recommended exercise each day, but life could also be serving up a whole lot of other physical, mental and emotional stress, so your body may be begging you to back off. Be sure to listen to that call, but also keep in mind that exercise can be restorative — so it shouldn’t be the first thing to get cut from your daily routine. In fact,研究表明,自然界的步伐并没有使您的身心疲劳,可以提高情绪和能量水平。因此,如果您感到被打击,请退后一步并评估您的情况。在公园里散步可能就是您所需要的。


麦肯齐L. Havey
麦肯齐L. Havey

麦肯齐is a freelance journalist and coach based in Minneapolis. She contributes to a variety of magazines and websites, including TheAtlantic.com, OutsideOnline.com, espnW.com, Runner’s World and Triathlete Magazine. She holds a master’s degree in Kinesiology from the University of Minnesota, and is a USA Track and Field certified coach. When she’s not writing, she’s out biking, running and cross-country skiing around the city lakes with her dog.


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