How Mindful Eating Techniques Can Amp up Your Weight Loss

伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)
by伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)
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How Mindful Eating Techniques Can Amp up Your Weight Loss

For many people, it’s incredibly easy to eat without paying much attention to portion control, feelings of fullness or even flavor after the first few bites. Often, this is because we’re concentrating on other tasks — from watching TV while snacking, to eating lunch at our desks.

When this happens, the calories stack up. If calories aren’t tracked, we already tend to consume more calories than we estimate, according to Brian Wansink, author of “Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think.他认为多任务可以使情况变得更糟。

“The distraction of the television or other focus of attention causes us to lose track of how much we’re eating, causing us to overeat,” he says. That, in turn, can lead to weight gain over time, especially if sedentary behavior is also involved. To combat this tendency, Wansink and many other experts advocate “mindful eating” instead — a strategy that can help with weight loss but also provides many other advantages as well.



Think of it as using all your senses to eat. You begin with looking at your food, noticing each curl of a lettuce leaf, for example, or the way the colors on a piece of fruit are different on one side than the other.

Bring a forkful or portion to your nose first so you can smell the food’s aromas, then listen for the crunch as you bite. Chew very slowly, and don’t browse social media or watch TV as you’re chewing. Finally, really taste the flavors and focus only on those until you swallow.

To be honest, it might feel pretty weird as an exercise. Most people — if not all — aren’t used to that level of focus when it comes to eating, and it requires a good deal of effort, according to New York-based registered dietitian Vanessa Rissetto.

But it’s worth the attempt, because not only can you reset those mindless eating habits, but you also aid digestion by chewing more thoroughly and give your body time to signal fullness, which often prevents overeating.



里塞托(Rissetto)劝告客户从饼干开始 - 许多人倾向于迅速进食,然后再进入下一个食物。她建议他们真正看一下,注意它的气味并慢慢吃。

“Most important is to make sure you’ve swallowed that bite before taking another one,” she says. “Usually, people realize that they can do with just one cookie and not a sleeve of them from this exercise.”

Once you’ve mastered this technique, you can do more mindful eating long term, she suggests, by putting the fork down between each bite, as a reminder to finish one mouthful before taking the next.


许多人发现把一个“全部或决议nothing” approach tend to sputter quickly after they’re made. So, vowing that you will now eat mindfully for every single bite of food might become overwhelming — also, it can set you up for disappointment or frustration if you’re successful only part of the time.

Instead, consider increasing your mindful eating gradually. Maybe today it’s mindfully eating one bite. Some experts even advise starting with a single blueberry, and really focusing on everything about that tiny fruit’s flavor, texture and aroma.





“When people start adopting these practices, they’re more aware of how food makes them feel,” says Rissetto. “They learn about whether or not they’re using food as a coping mechanism.”

About the Author

伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)
伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)




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