How to Pick the Best Run Training Plan for You

Sarah Wassner Flynn
经过Sarah Wassner Flynn
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How to Pick the Best Run Training Plan for You

也许您想参加第一场比赛。或者可能you haven’t run a stepin years. You just know that you want to start running more without it feeling too hard or stressful. Wherever you are on your fitness journey, it can be baffling to figure out how to meet the running goals you’ve made.


To help you figure out the best training plan for you, we had Kim Schwabenbauer, a professional triathlete and coach behindFuel Your Passionbreak down the different routes you can take.

The Plan: Run/Walk

注射short jogging spurts进入附近的日常漫步可以帮助您弥合行走和跑步之间的差距。许多跑步者也在比赛中遵循这种方法 - 从5K一直到马拉松比赛。

The pros:Peppering your power walks with bursts of jogging (think: alternating between a 4-minute walk and a 1-minute run, for 30 minutes total) is an ideal way to ease into running. The gradual approach is also gentler on your body, making you less susceptible to injury.

The cons:If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like to think when you work out, keeping a constant eye on your watch may get old, fast (which is why many runners choose to set their watches to beep at the start and end of their chosen intervals). Plus, restraining yourself from running for more than a few minutes can be mentally challenging—especially when you’re feeling good.

Pick this plan if:You’re brand-new to running or if you’re coming back from a long layoff and you’re not sure how your body will handle running without walk breaks.


您的Google,“运行您的第一个5K”,并弹出15个不同的程序,承诺您将在短短8周内笑容笑容!听起来很简单 - 但是真的很容易吗?

The pros:品种,用于初学者。无论您是选择5K程序还是更高级的例程,每个级别都有大量的在线选项。Schwabenbauer说:“它们也是免费的或相对便宜的,易于访问,并允许您自己训练。”

The cons:对于新手跑步者来说,完全遵循一个在线计划可能会令人生畏。而且,由于您无法自定义大多数计划,因此,如果您错过了几天的培训,他们的刚性很难保持正轨。Schwabenbauer说:“知道从哪里开始以及如何使锻炼适应您自己的日程安排可能会令人困惑。”

Pick this plan if:You’re a regimented runner who trains well on your own—and you know enough about training to tweak your schedule if you have to stray from the plan.


With weekly workouts and instant training partners, a team atmosphere may be what you need to elevate your running.

The pros:Hello, accountability. With structured workouts throughout the week, joining a club will definitely keep you honest. “Most clubs have coaches available for feedback or questions on a limited basis, and you may meet other runners training for the same race,” says Schwabenbauer. Not to mention there’s safety in numbers if you have to train early in the morning or past dark.

The cons:加入俱乐部通常会带来一定的承诺期望,这意味着由于繁忙的日程安排而跳过锻炼。通常还涉及成本,无论是加入俱乐部,要参加特定的培训计划还是团队制服。

Pick this plan if:You are seeking a strong social element to your training program, and you’re not intimidated by training with runners of different abilities.



The pros:您有自己的专家向您展示绳索,并为您制定量身定制的培训计划。另外,您将拥有所有问题的资源,例如:“'Fartlek'的意思是什么?”

The cons:私人教练的费用可能很难吞咽(预计费用在每月150美元的窗口中开始的某个地方)。根据您的安排计划,您可能会限制您可以与教练进行交流或亲自互动的程度。“而且教练不会给您免费的锻炼。最好有一个理由,最好是一个很好的理由。” Schwabenbauer说。

Pick this plan if:您准备将跑步提升到一个新的水平。如果您花了几个赛季的单独训练或在一个小组中训练,并且没有那么突破,那么私人教练很可能能够带您到达那里。


You and your best friend both want to run a race this year. So you should totally train together, right?

The pros:Like a club, you’ll have theaccountability factor:“知道有人指望您出现是一个巨大的动力,因为您作为朋友和培训伙伴的信誉即将来临,” Schwabenbauer说。

The cons:在完美的世界里,你和你的训练伙伴will run every step together. But life (or an injury) may get in the way, and you may find yourself on your own—and a little miffed—when you have to churn out a 6-mile long run all by yourself.

Pick this plan if:You know your running buddy well enough to trust she won’t flake out. And if you have a strong enough relationship to forgive your friend if she does.


Whatever program you pick, here are some tips on seeing it through all the way to the finish line—and beyond.

跟踪它:为了增加动力,并与您的进度保持一致 - 将所有锻炼都纳入在线跟踪程序中(例如MyFitnessPal,Natch!)。Schwabenbauer说:“您可以检查自己的培训,以帮助您做出明智的决定并收集到一场比赛的信心。”“看到日历充满了完整的锻炼,这将使您想保持连胜。”


Stay Patient:No matter the training plan, know that you likely won’t see results in a snap. “When beginning a program, break things down into smaller, more manageable pieces so you can focus in on the process versus the outcome,” says Schwabenbauer. “With the right recipe of patience, support and training, you’ll achieve your goal.”

About the Author

Sarah Wassner Flynn
Sarah Wassner Flynn

A longtime runner and triathlete, Sarah has been able to blend her passions for endurance sports and writing into a freelance career. She’s covered everything from profiles on Olympic gold medalists to tips on training for your first 5K for numerous media outlets. When she’s not writing about races, Sarah is usually training or competing in one. She also writes kid’s and teen nonfiction books and articles forNational Geographicand女孩生活杂志。莎拉(Sarah)与丈夫马克(Mark)及其三个孩子住在华盛顿特区外面。在Instagram(@athletemoms)和Twitter上关注她(@AthleteMoms)。


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