
劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)
经过劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)



RPE is a way of gauging all the signals your body is sending you during a workout, from heart rate to sweat to muscle fatigue. Paying attention to these signals will not only clue you in on times you need to push harder, but also times when you need to back off.

通过跟踪您的感知努力,您将能够更好地操纵工作量和强度,以提高健身并防止倦怠,解释John C. Garner,博士,特洛伊大学运动机能学和健康促进系教授兼主席认证的力量和条件专家。



您可以使用两个不同的量表之一来测量您的感知劳动水平:Borg评级of perceived exertion (RPE) scale, or a basic 1-to-10 scale.


Borg量表的范围为6-20,其中6个评级对应于“无运动”,而20个表示“最大劳累”。(Pro tip: If you multiply your Borg scale rating by 10, you’ll likely find it corresponds to your heart rate at that intensity.) So, if you’ve planned a moderate-intensity cardio session, you’ll want to stay within a rating of 12–14 (120–140 beats per minute) or “somewhat hard.” If you suddenly feel like you’re working at a 15–16, slow it down. Meanwhile, a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) circuit would likely put you in a range of 15–17 (150–170 beats per minute). If that HIIT session starts putting you at a 13–14, kick it up a notch.

However, you may find it easier to use the simplified 1-to-10 scale for rating exertion, where 1 corresponds to sitting on the couch while 10 refers to an all-out sprint. With this shortened scale, each number corresponds to a percentage of your one-rep max or the most weight you can lift for a single rep. So, a 7 is 70% of your one-rep max, 8 is 80% and so on.

If you’re strength training, aim to stay within a rating of 6–8. According to Seedman, this range ensures you’re working hard enough to elicit a training response without working so hard that your form breaks down.

For cardio sessions, you could work anywhere from a rating of 6 (or 60% intensity) for a moderate-intensity run, all the way up to a 9–10 for quick bursts of all-out cardio. But on a recovery day, try to stick to a level of 4 or 5, Seedman says.



However, since tracking RPE for each and every exercise can be both painstaking and unnecessary, Seedman recommends only paying attention to your exertion level during foundational exercises or bigger movements like squats, deadlifts, bench presses and lat pull-downs, along with higher-intensity cardio and recovery sessions. In other words, don’t bother tracking your RPE for a set of bicep curls or crunches.


如果你跟踪你的锻炼老派的方式(意图d: pen and paper), add a column for RPE. And if you use an app, type your RPE scores into the “notes” section. Try to stay consistent with your tracking, as the more information you have, the better you’ll be able to structure your workouts to continue seeing progress.


劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)
劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)

Lauren is a freelance fitness writer who specializes in covering running and strength training topics. She writes for a variety of national publications, including男性健康,,,,跑步者的世界,,,,形状andWomen’s Running。她和丈夫和他们的三只狗一起住在明尼苏达州布鲁克林公园。


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