8 Easy And Creative Ways To Add More Protein To Your Salads

8 Easy And Creative Ways To Add More Protein To Your Salads

美味时,沙拉是最好的。They’re often loaded with fibrous veggies and packed with other nutrients, while being totally low in both calories and carbs. The only thing that good salads tend to forget about? That oh-so necessary protein count. Experts recommendsqueezing in between 15 and 30 grams of protein per meal, and all too often salads can fall a bit short of that number. Sure, you can easily amp things up by topping your greens with some chopped chicken or grilled salmon, but that trick can quickly become kind of a snore if it’s only one you’re relying on.

Instead of letting your salad lunch slowly rock you to sleep with its boring nature, kick things up a notch with these eight sneaky protein-packed tricks. They require little-to-no extra work or preparation, and can easily transform your salads into filling meals that will keep you satisfied through your days.

1. Choose greens that naturally have more protein.
虽然绿色的蛋白质可能不会很高,但某些品种比其他品种更多。而不是使用水性,而是营养薄弱的冰山生菜,Maxine Yeung,M.S.,R.D。,所有者The Wellness Whisk, recommends using spinach and kale instead. Spinach has about 1 gram of protein per cup, while kale has 2 grams per cup.

This trick is so easy. Chia seeds are a bit expensive, but you really don’t need to use a ton to get the benefits (1 tablespoon has3克纤维和1克蛋白质),因此一袋应该持续一会儿。它们也相对无味,因此您可以将它们添加到几乎所有物品中,而不会弄乱您喜欢的食物的味道。

The next time you make asimple vinaigrette,加入这些种子的茶匙或汤匙。然后穿沙拉!使用Chia种子的唯一捕获是,如果您打算在整个星期中进行大量调味料并使用它,那么这些种子可能会吸收液体并采用类似果冻的特性。这种变革性的特征使Chia Seeds非常适合在健康的布丁中使用,但对于长期储存沙拉敷料并不是很好。简单的解决方案?一次只制成一个沙拉,或者在计划使用之前,将种子添加到一小部分的调味料中。

3. Or opt for thicker, creamier dressings made with high-protein ingredients.
虽然是的,凯撒沙拉的敷料的卡路里可能会更高,但蛋白质也更高 - 您可以感谢wh虫的凤尾鱼和蛋黄。只要您适度地使用它,您就可以享受好处,而无需意外打包卡路里。

Other high-protein dressing options that I love are those made withbeans, tahini, nut butters,等等。它们浓密,奶油状,当然还高蛋白质。使用这些调味料,您需要小心,以免意外地使它们太厚,例如豆类蘸酱或鹰嘴豆泥。确保这种情况不会发生的一种简单方法是,仅使用更大的油,醋或柑橘汁与蛋白质包装成分的比例。

4. Don’t be afraid to use beans.
如果您从未做过,将豆类添加到沙拉中可能会很奇怪,但是一旦开始,您就永远不会回去。豆类使您的绿色床更加令人心碎,更充实的质地,并且您选择的豆类通常可以将沙拉的风味提升到一个新的水平。尝试墨西哥风格的沙拉黑豆, a spinach salad with kidney beans, or even mix up your next Caprese with some white beans.

5. Instead of croutons, try toasted chickpeas.
Toasted chickpeas are clutch. You can make a bunch at once and simply snack on them, or use them to top soups, pastas, and (you guessed it) salads! They’re crunchy, seasoned, and salty, so they have a similar taste and mouthfeel to croutons. But with way more protein (7.5 grams in 1/2 cup) and a lot of fiber, too (6 grams per 1/2 cup). To toast them, preheat your oven to 450 degrees F. Meanwhile, dry off your chickpeas with a paper towel, then lightly coat them in olive oil and any seasonings you desire. Then bake them until they’re brown and crunchy (about 30 or 40 minutes), remove from the oven, and let them cool before you store them up.

6. And if you really can’t imagine life without croutons, use whole wheat bread instead of white to make them.
Whole wheat bread does in fact have more protein (about 4 grams per slice). So if you don’t really care about ditching carbs, and seriously love croutons (I totally get it), then try making your own with whole wheat bread instead of white. If you don’t feel like making your own croutons, however, most grocery stores will sell whole wheat crouton options.

This is Yeung’s preferred crunchy trick. She likes to use葵花籽和杏仁在她几乎所有的沙拉中,因为它们添加了额外的质地和风味层,并且含有蛋白质和纤维 - 1汤匙葵花籽含有1.5克蛋白质,1汤匙杏仁含有约2克蛋白质。如果这两种类型的种子和坚果品种不是您的茶杯,那么大多数其他品种都会具有类似的蛋白质计数。

8. Be like the French and throw an egg on your salad.
One salad that the French love? Salad Lyonnaise. It’s a delightful, savory salad that’s made with frisée, bacon, and topped with a runny, poached egg. That runny yolk in the poached egg coats the greens in a creamy, dressing-like sauce. And this trick isn’t just meant for that specific salad. It will have a similar effect on just about any salad you desire. Bonus:eggs are a great source of lean protein。而且,如果您不关乎那种流蛋黄的寿命,请选择一个煮熟的鸡蛋。想想,厨师的沙拉或切碎的沙拉。



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