5 Unusual Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

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5 Unusual Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

狗万体育买球万博彩票下载安卓减肥可能很棘手。我们都知道,我们需要消耗的卡路里比燃烧减轻体重少,但是有时 -even when you’re doing all the right things—that weight loss can come to a screeching halt.

This can happen for a number of reasons, but, more often than not, it’s comes down to something that requiresa serious lifestyle change修理. Here are 5 of the most common, yet not-so-obvious reasons you’re not losing weight, plus some tried-and-true.

1. You’re Stressed“Stress is the silent killer.”在减肥方面尤其如此。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球压力释放皮质醇(通常简单地称为“压力激素”),在当今社会中,过高的皮质醇水平非常普遍。皮质醇会降解肌肉组织并鼓励体内脂肪的储存,并且与其他健康问题有关,这些问题比腰部周围几磅更严重。

If you want to get lean, then you need to make a serious effort to lower your stress levels. (Easier said than done, I know!) Try limiting the length of your workouts to 45 minutes, surrounding yourself with positive people, meditating, and getting plenty of sleep.

2.您睡眠不足足够的睡眠不仅降低了皮质醇水平,而且还会产生生长激素(GH)。GH几乎具有相反的皮质醇对身体的影响 - 它鼓励脂肪减少,支持您的免疫系统,并有助于保持器官正常工作。

Sleep also balances the hormones that control hunger. If you’ve ever gone to bed hungry and woken up不是hungry, this is why. On the flip side, if you miss a night’s sleep you are likely to eat more calories the next day. While it varies from person to person, most of us should aim to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.

3. You’re Not Drinking Enough WaterYou’re probably sick and tired of hearing about how important water is to your health, but most people still don’t drink enough of it.

There’s a whole host of benefits to drinking enough water, one of which is proper kidney function. Dehydration impairs your kidneys, and when your kidneys aren’t working properly, your liver has to pick up the slack. Your liver is responsible for the metabolism of fat, which means fat cannot be metabolized as efficiently when your liver has to work twice as hard to remove toxins.


4. You Have Poor DigestionThe gut is incredibly complicated, and scientists are only scratching the surface when it comes to understanding how the natural micro-biome of gut bacteria works. But one thing is clear: whether you want to improve your ability to lose fat, boost your immune system, clear up your skin, or even just feel better on daily basis, it all starts with gut health.

Unfortunately, most people don’t usually realize their gut isn’t functioning properly until it’s too late. But there are steps you can take to help prevent any malfunctions: reduce stress, eat fewer meals or even consider periods of fasting to give your digestive system a break, minimize the consumption of legumes, grains, sugar and pastured dairy, and chew your food until it’s mush before swallowing.

5. You’re Not Eating Enough Fiber纤维辅助消化健康,并有助于营造一种丰满感,从而使消耗更少的卡路里更容易。


Could one of these issues be to blame for your weight loss plateau? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


What Causes a Weight Loss Plateau
8 Things to Do When You’ve Lost Motivation

About the Author


威尔·欧文is known for helping every one from backpackers to businessmen stay healthy on the road. He has been featured on a number of websites as an expert bridging the gap between travel and fitness. You can stay up to date with him by visitingTravel Strong, or following him onGoogle+或者推特.



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