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克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN
经过克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN

Catching up on a TV series you want to finish before the next season starts? Or just vegging out on your favorite movie series? Binge-watching is actually how the majority of people watch TV these days. According to Netflix,61 percentof viewers binge-watch regularly by packing 2–3 episodes (or more!) into one sitting. While this may not be surprising, what might be shocking is how many calories can be consumed in those few hours.


这是您可以享受的更健康的零食清单everyoneis talking about.



This is a low-calorie, high-fiber, whole-grain snack that fills you up and satisfies that salty, crunchy craving. What do we love most about popcorn? It’s a volume food — meaning you can eat a bunch of it for only a few calories. You can air-pop it and add some light butter or pop pre-made, single-serving bags to keep portions in check. Love snacking on trail mix? Toss with a bag of popcorn to create more snack volume, stretch your trail mix and hopefully fill you up on less calories.

With fewer than 17 calories per cup (and 0 grams trans fat per serving), Orville Redenbacher’ssmartpop!是94%无脂肪的爆米花,带有您喜欢的美味,新鲜的味道。另外,像所有Orville Redenbacher的产品一样,它没有人造防腐剂,口味或染料。




这些脆、蛋白质- ar、亨氏的零食e similar to munching on nuts, yet lower in calories. These snacks can be found with other dehydrated snacks in your grocery store, and they are also easy to make at home. Chickpeas take on any flavor you mix them with, so you can cater the snack to your own preferences. Bake seasoned chickpeas coated in a little cooking spray at 450°F for about 10 minutes until crispy. If you buy pre-packaged snacks, be sure to check nutrition labels to keep oil and added sugar to a minimum.




豆浸,这样幸运的牛仔鱼子酱,,,,are a great way to get in your daily dose of pulses. It’s recommended we consume 1/2 cup of beans per day to help us reach our fiber goals. Pulses are also an awesome source of vegetarian protein, iron, folate and potassium.

新鲜水果灌入焦糖苹果芝士蛋糕蘸酱or dairy-free草莓芝士蛋糕蘸酱both make a crave-worthy snack. Fresh fruit such as sliced apples, pears, berries, mango, pineapple and oranges add variety and color, contributing unique vitamins, minerals and antioxidants we likely could all use a little more of in our diets.

Try this delicious健康的法式洋葱蘸酱,与Crudités一起服务。将希腊酸奶,西葫芦和法式洋葱调味料混合在一起,并与您最喜欢的生蔬菜(如西兰花,花椰菜,西红柿,小胡萝卜和芹菜棒)一起食用。这种组合使您可以粘贴蛋白质包装和超级满足的高纤维小吃。


TheseChocolate Fudge Brownie Bites with Greek Yogurt Frosting由五种全食物制成,没有添加的糖,并配上枕头花生酱希腊酸奶糖霜。巧克力爱好者,我可以得到“阿们?”


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由Orville Redenbacher的SmartPop赞助!
AboutOrville Redenbacher的SmartPop!

The best tasting popcorn starts with the best ingredients — that’s whyOrville Redenbacherbegins with Orville’s exclusive, 100% whole-grain, non-GMO popcorn that pops up light and fluffy. Plus, Orville Redenbacher’s is the only leading brand of microwave popcorn withnoartificial preservatives, flavors or dyes in all our products.


克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN
克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN

克里斯蒂娜(Kristina)是位于佛罗里达州奥兰多市的董事会认证运动营养师,她专门从事直观和正念的饮食。她是食品和营养博客的作者,爱与热情where she shares {mostly} healthy recipes with simple ingredients that are meant for real life. As a new mom, she knows that eating well and living an active lifestyle isn’t always easy… but it’s always worth it!! Kristina loves spending time outdoors with her family, sweaty workouts, and a good cup of coffee. Get in touch with her for one-on-one营养教练(virtually or in person), or connect with her onPinterest,,,,Instagram,,,,FacebookandYouTube


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