
劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)
经过劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)

我们中的许多人都嘲笑仅体重训练。但是,可能是时候重新考虑昂贵的设备和健身房会员资格的假设是变得强大的唯一方法。做得正确时仅体重训练可以让您 - 并保持强大。


“体重训练练习,也称为健美操,可以说是最快,最可靠的方法。”迈克·克兰西(Mike Clancy)是纽约市的认证力量和条件专家和私人教练。体重运动俯卧撑, 引体向上,lungesandsquats结合了多个肌肉群和模仿自然运动模式,使其既实用又非常适合建立全身强度。

当然,构成“强度”的构成因素而异,但是“如果您可以进行多个单臂俯卧撑,大多数人可能会将您归类为强大,”一位经过认证的力量和条件专家,并且教练Grindset Fitness


  1. 它们易于修改。Don’t worry: You don’t have to start your bodyweight strength program with one-armed pushups. Thankfully, bodyweight exercises are easy to modify to suit your current level of strength and fitness. For example, if you can’t do full pushups, elevate your hands on a box or bench and gradually lower the level of incline until you reach the floor.
  2. You’ll still progress.与任何运动一样,您需要继续增加体重运动的挑战,以了解持续的力量进步。一旦您开始使用数十个完整的俯卧撑,您就可以通过减慢节奏,进行plyo俯卧撑(有力地向上推动自己的双手离开地面)或添加另一个练习来使它们更具挑战性俯卧撑)。
  3. 他们是预算友好的。Another advantage to bodyweight exercises is they’re mostly free (you may eventually need to invest in a pullup bar or exercise bench) and highly accessible: “Unlike machines and most equipment, bodyweight exercises are portable and can be utilized anywhere, making them valuable for a consistent routine,” Clancy says. With bodyweight exercises, you can get a workout done in your hotel room on vacation, in the park during your lunch break or in the living room while you catch up on your favorite show. Being able to do your workout anytime, anywhere can help you stay consistent with your program, and consistency is key to seeing results.


Note, however, that bodyweight exercises may not be your best bet for building muscle. You certainly can build muscle with bodyweight-only exercises — especially if you’re a beginner — but it may be easier if you incorporate greater loads through dumbbells, barbells and other pieces of equipment.




Begin on the floor on all fours with palms beneath your shoulders. Extend your legs behind you and lift your hips so your weight is on your toes. Keep your back flat and your body in a straight line. Contract your midsection and hold for as long as you can before you feel your lower back begin to sag toward the floor. If you’re unable to do a straight-arm plank on the floor, elevate your hands on an exercise bench or lower onto your forearms.




Grip a pullup bar with an overhand grip and hang at arm’s-length with your arms fully extended. Without using momentum, squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull yourself up until your chin clears the bar. Pause, then lower back down with control. If you can’t do a full bodyweight pullup, use a band or stand on a box or bench and use your legs only as much as needed to get up to the bar.




While standing, hold the handles of a suspension trainer or set up a barbell in a rack. Step away from the suspension trainer or barbell until your arms are fully extended and your body forms a straight line. Initiate the movement by squeezing your shoulder blades together to pull your elbows straight back. Pause briefly before reversing the movement so you end with your arms fully extended. To make the move harder, step your feet closer to the suspension trainer or barbell. To make the move easier, step your feet away from the suspension trainer or barbell.




劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)
劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)

Lauren is a freelance fitness writer who specializes in covering running and strength training topics. She writes for a variety of national publications, including男性健康,,,,跑步者的世界,,,,形状andWomen’s Running。她住在布鲁克林公园、明尼苏达、机智h her husband and their three dogs.
