How to Stop Snoozing Through Your Morning Workout

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How to Stop Snoozing Through Your Morning Workout

Plus a 20-minute at-home routine to help you rise and shine.

首先,首先:在开始一天之前醒来和锻炼的关键是睡个好觉。实际上,当涉及在锻炼或获得足够睡眠之间进行选择时,我总是建议睡眠。为什么?之间可能存在相关性lack of sleepand体重增加. Even if you are exercising regularly, doing it at the expense of adequate sleep will prevent you from reaping the full benefits of your workouts.

Here are just three reasons you need to make sleep a priority:

1. Sleep helps you eat less and prevent cravings.
Think about it: When you’re tired, don’t you crave more sugary, high-fat foods?Researchersfrom Columbia University found that women who slept for only four hours ate an extra 329 calories and 31 grams of fat the next day! And it doesn’t take that much more rest to make a difference either. One学习发表在期刊上Appetite发现另外一个半小时的睡眠可能足以减少对卡路里充满卡路里的高脂食品的渴望,高达62%。

2. Sleep can promote weight loss.
In addition to benefiting your diet, sleep can aid directly in weight loss. And we’re not just talking about vanity pounds either—a lack of sleep could be causing you to gain or maintaindangerous visceral fat. A学习发表在期刊上Sleepfound that subjects who slept five hours (or less) per night gained more abdominal fat than those who got between six to seven hours. Andresearchpublished in theAnnals of Internal Medicinefound that when subjects slept for only four and a half hours over four nights, their fat cells’ ability to respond to insulin dropped by 30 percent.

如果你定期锻炼,睡眠是当哟ur body repairs itself and builds strong, metabolically active muscle. While every body is different, some athletes need as much as 10 hours for adequate recovery. If getting fit is an important goal, make sure sleep is equally important. Muscles may be trained in the gym, but they are built in your bed!


OK, now that you know how important it is to prioritize sleep, here are three tips to help you wake up and work out before the day gets away from you.

1. Set up your workout the night before.


3. Bribe yourself!
听着,有时我们都需要一些额外的激励,而我们并没有那么兴奋(尤其是在凌晨5:30)。不足为奇research shows当我们获得回报时,我们更有动力去做一些事情,因此不要害怕激励您的早晨锻炼计划。Whether it’s treating yourself to a gourmet cup of coffee on your way to work after your morning session or scheduling a massage at the end of the month, pick a few key “treats” that you know will motivate you to get moving (just avoid using a doughnut as your “carrot” every time, or that workout will be worthless).

Working out at home is another great way to avoid skipping exercise, especially if the gym is packed in the mornings or your run gets rained out. When you want to try exercising at home, check out my 20-minute “Rise and Shine” routine that’s designed to help you wake up and work out—no complicated moves or equipment necessary.

在您的早上例行活动方面需要更多的结构和指导?查看我们的“步行:21天减肥计划!万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球” This jump-free workout program has everything you need to start (and stick with) regular exercise—even in the early morning! One reviewer even told us: “Anything that can get me out of bed early in the morning has to be good, and I willingly get up for this!”

Tell me, do you work out in the mornings? What’s helped you stick with a regular a.m. routine? I’d love to hear what works for you; please share your best tips with us in the comments below!

About the Author


作为一个多年来努力减肥的人,杰西卡(Jessica)发现,她自己40磅重的体重减轻的关键是改变了微小,健康的生活方式,导致了巨大的持久成果。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球现在,作为一名经过认证的Wellcoach,健身教练和私人教练,她在过去的15年中一直在帮助学生和客户在纽约市,洛杉矶和迈阿密实现目标。现在,她通过YouTube频道和家庭练习DVD系列在线到达数百万。请拜访walkonwalkstrong.comto learn more about her fun, results-driven programs for all levels of exercisers.


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