5 Meal Kits That Make Healthy Cooking Easy

Brittany Risher
经过Brittany Risher
5 Meal Kits That Make Healthy Cooking Easy

We know cooking our own meals from fresh ingredients is best … but there’s a laundry list of excuses we give for not doing it: It takes too much time; we don’t know how to cook; unused food always goes to waste;, we don’t know what to make and then we’ll have to do the dishes.


然而,在全国范围内有150多家公司,选择一个健康的盒子比决定今晚是否想要寿司或pho更难。查看这五家努力使健康饮食方便的公司以及为什么托比·艾米多(Toby Amidor),路,作者The Greek Yogurt Kitchen,”给她专家的批准。


Hellofresh厨师持有头部营养师设定的营养指南Rebecca Lewis,路。如有必要,刘易斯或其他内部RD的建议就如何修改食谱以减少卡路里,脂肪或钠或在菜肴中增加蛋白质的建议。尽管每张食谱卡都包含完整的营养事实,但“我们正在考虑更多的数字,”刘易斯(Lewis)与供应商会面以确保农产品,肉类和其他成分是高质量的。

Our RD’s take:“ Hellofresh提供营养平衡的餐点,” Amidor说。“我发现除了一顿饭以外的所有热量少于600卡路里,钠和饱和脂肪都保持在控制之下。”


这项用餐服务是为了使更多的饮食更容易。联合创始人莫妮卡·克劳斯纳(Monica Klausner)说:“我们知道,一旦您开始吃更多的基于植物性的餐点,您就会感觉更好,并且想继续吃更多。”“但是很难做出改变。我去了冷鸡,我挣扎了很多吨!”


Our RD’s take:“Sometimes it can be hard to have enough protein in plant-based recipes, but the creators have done a good job making sure it’s in there,” Amidor says. “The meals usually have a hefty dose of fiber too and are overall nicely balanced with reasonable calories.”


每台Terra的厨房用餐都是由内部创意烹饪总监Libbie Summers和首席营养官Lisa Davis共同创建的。“利比根据客户的要求和当前趋势提出了想法,丽莎根据各种营养因素评估了这些想法。他们来回走动,直到他们达到了美味,快速健康的食谱。”首席执行官Mike McDevitt说。


Our RD’s take:“Terra的厨房的食物计划减肥版本万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球sion is calorie-controlled meals, which is a definite plus, and it appears to have a ton of fruits and vegetables,” Amidor says. If you are trying to lose or maintain your weight, she recommends checking the nutrition information before ordering, as some meals can be high in calories.


Sun Basket brings the farm-to-table experience to your kitchen. Its meats are organic, non-GMO, humanely raise and hormone-free, its seafood is sustainably sourced and its produce is organic whenever possible. Each meal must pass muster with an in-house dietitian for nutritional balance.

Our RD’s take:“Their meals are well-balanced for protein, carbs and fat, and they even tell you the source of the added sugar in the recipe,” Amidor says. “They also offer vegetarian and non-vegetarian fare, which is nice to have on your table throughout the week.” Just be mindful that some meals are close to 700 calories.


“生活健康的生活方式始于养成健康的习惯,而不是极端的节食。Green-Blender通过一个健康的决定来帮助他们开始新的一天,从而为我们的长期成功建立了成员。”创始人Jenna Tanenbaum说。每个食谱都可以在您可能不熟悉的超级食品中起作用,例如Bok Choy,Kumquats或Goji Berries,以帮助您更加自在地尝试新食物。

Our RD’s take:“Be mindful that most of the smoothies serve two,” Amidor says.


Brittany Risher
Brittany Risher

布列塔尼(Brittany)是专门研究健康和生活方式内容的作家,编辑和数字策略师。她喜欢尝试新的素食食谱,并认为鹰嘴豆泥是一个食物群。狗万买球网址为了使工作太努力,她转向瑜伽,力量训练,冥想和苏格兰威士忌。与她联系Twitter,,,,Instagram, 和Google+


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