

伟大的logo.jpgThere’s something special about being so excited to go running that you count the minutes until you can leave work, lace up, and hit the pavement. But no matter how much you’re in love with running, it takes a little effort to keep the relationship fresh.

“如果您想取得进步并仍然保持有趣,多样性将是至关重要的。”Jason Fitzgerald, an elite marathoner, running coach, and founder ofStrengthRunning.com

Before a favorite neighborhood route starts to feel ho-hum, mix in one of these 18 runs to keep things fun and challenging. Each one can be modified for runners of any fitness and experience levels. Many of the workouts require a set distance, but you don’t need access to a track. Websites and apps likeMapMyRunand美国田径使其易于映射距离,以便您可以在任何地方进行这些锻炼。


1. Get Stuck on RepeatRunning a set of repeats interspersed with intervals for recovery is a simple way to mix things up. Choose a distance or time period (200 meters or 45 seconds, for example) and run hard. Rest for a set period of time and do it all again (and again). (Spoiler alert:恢复间隔与重复一样重要!) 这Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale是轻松衡量您的努力,不需要心率监测器或其他需要的其他小工具的直观方式。

对于大多数锻炼,重复序列应该像RPE量表(即“强度”的粗略近似)和恢复间隔的“ 7”到“ 9”,并且可以是充满休息,步行或轻慢跑。呼吸时开始下一次重复足够舒适地说话。重复的时间越长,您需要的恢复越多。

2. Climb a Ladder梯子对传统的间隔锻炼增加了不同的挑战,随着锻炼的进行,重复措施越来越具有挑战性(在距离或强度)。例如,您可能会运行200m,休息,运行400m,休息,运行600m,休息等。这种锻炼是在整个锻炼过程中管理劳累的好习惯 - 在坦克中留下一些东西以完成强大的过程。查看几个sample ladder workoutsfor both beginning and advanced runners.


3. Step UpFind stairsor a stadium that’s open to the public and run them again and again. As with hills, the walk down is your recovery. Increase the challenge by taking a few at a time.影箱可选。

4. Take on Tabatas虽然大多数速度锻炼都需要努力,但塔巴塔培训要求全面冲刺。这个想法是尽可能地努力20秒钟,然后休息10秒。在楼梯,平底鞋上,或者您已经计划锻炼,在楼梯,平底鞋上,在楼梯,平底鞋上尽可能地重复八倍。较新的跑步者应该从重复次数较少开始,然后逐渐建立到完整的四分钟锻炼。

5.尝试“ Fartleks”Swedish for “speed play,”fartleks允许跑步者在非结构化锻炼中获得速度工作的好处。奖金:他们跑步和说话一样有趣。要尝试Fartleks,只需以舒适的速度奔跑即可热身,然后扔掉冲刺 - 努力奔跑直至到达街区的末端,或直到下一个停车标志,或者直到看到红色的汽车为止。制作它的游戏;这就是为什么他们称其为“玩!”

6. Stride Right进步是两足相当于pumpi运行ng a car’s gas pedal. As you run a repeat of about 100m, speed up until you reach approximately 95 percent of your maximum speed — which should happen about a third of the way into the repeat — then decelerate to the finish. Do as many repeats as you have energy for, with recovery or rest in between. “People love strides,” says Jason Fitzgerald. “They’re a good way to stretch your legs out and feel the wind in your hair.” Fitzgerald suggests doing strides before the end of an easy run, so that you’re warmed up but not fatigued.

7. Go Climbing以缓慢的攀爬或努力奔跑的艰难挑战您的有氧健身,腿部力量和精神韧性,以缓慢的攀爬或努力奔跑,努力挑战一条长山。计划一条包括几座山丘的跑步路线,或者找到需要陡峭攀登并重复奔跑的山丘。如果选择后者,则步行回到基地是恢复。

8.Go Off-RoadingRejuvenate the body and mind by getting off the road and into nature. Running a path or trail provides a scenic backdrop and tests your coordination on new terrain. Just make sure you have the正确的运动鞋, and if it’s your first time off the road, pick a path that isn’t likely to (literally) trip you up.

9. Get Social与团体或俱乐部一起跑步,学习新路线并结识跑步的伙伴。较大的城市将拥有多个跑步俱乐部,在9到5工作日之前和之后,聚集在一起。而且大多数人也都有一个社交组成部分 - 锻炼后的恢复燃料可能包括啤酒,百吉饼或两者兼而有之。如果您附近没有跑步俱乐部或团队,请联系您所在地区的专业跑步商店;他们经常举办小组运行。逆转,兔子奔跑和集团的Fartleksmake for challenging, fun group workouts.

10. Run to a Beat有时,很难推动自己保持具有挑战性的步伐。发生这种情况时,让音乐完成工作。类似的应用RockMyRun,临时,andPaceDJ提供一个节拍,可以通过Tempo对音乐库进行排序,使您快速移动。Songza的90 BPM Hip Hop Running Mixwill keep you moving, too.

11.跑步,步行,重复Running coach Jeff Galloway developed his跑步方法为了帮助马拉松比赛完成26.2英里的距离,而不会因疲劳而遥不可及。他认为这也可以帮助跑步者提高速度,同时减少受伤的可能性。他的培训计划是高度结构化的,建议花费时间与步行时间花费的时间,具体取决于跑步者的每英里。

12.长时间(放慢脚步)Remember that ramping up the pace isn’t the only way to make a run more challenging. Slowing down and running longer is a great way to build endurance (though racking up too much mileage can have itsown potential pitfalls). To avoid injury caused by pushing too hard too soon, increase your average weekly distance byno more than 10 percent each week

13. Work the TreadmillWith the ability to do workouts that vary in pace, distance, and incline without having to scout routes or worry about climate, weather, or road conditions, the treadmill is one of themost versatile tools在跑步者的健身工具箱中。几乎所有跑步锻炼都可以在跑步机上完成,包括此处列出的大多数锻炼。


14. Chase a Friend如果速度工作感觉太大了,那么工作,找到一个比您快一点并一起出发的朋友。这将挑战您的腿和肺,使您的锻炼感觉社交,并且provide a little extra motivation。随意进行社交并离开速度工作;以舒适的速度和聊天,没有错。

15.Experience the “Pyramids”Pyramidsstart with the shortest repeat and increase in set increments until they hit the longest distance, then decrease in the same increments. The last repeat will be your starting distance. For example: 200m, 400m, 600m, 800m, 600m, 400m, 200m, with recovery intervals between each run. Feel free to swap out timed repeats for the distances.

16.扔体重Weight training increases strength and can protect runners against injury. “A good running program will also include planned strength and core training,” says personal trainer and strength coachJon-Erik Kawamoto。Jason Fitzgerald agrees, adding that just 10-15 minutes ofbodyweight exercise每次跑步都是增强核心和腿部肌肉的好方法。

Mix strength training into a run by doing, for example, five squats and five lunges every five minutes and then holding a 30-second plank at every mile. Or do jump squats while you wait for a walk signal or one block of walking lunges for every three blocks you run.

17. Just (Don’t) Do ItJust don’t run.As Jason Fitzgerald points out, “Recovery is just as important as the workouts themselves. If you don’t recover from them, you might as well not do them.” Days off are “when you adapt to that workload from the workout—get faster, stronger, become a better runner.” Without adequate rest, therisk of becoming overtrained increases。过度训练会导致健身增长,持续的疲劳和酸痛,并增加受伤的可能性。

18. Race!最好的感觉之一是您的步骤中的拉链,它来自比赛日肾上腺素。与许多其他坚定的赛车手越过终点线可以为这项运动提供激励的成就感和重新热情。Find a racewith a fun theme or post-race festival, or one that benefits a cause you care about. Register in advance to solidify your commitment, and start training for the distance.





Greatist helps you find what’s good for you. Not like “eat your vegetables, they’re good for you.” More like “here are some choices you can realistically make, stick with, and feel really good about.” Because in the end, you don’t have to choose between being happy and being healthy; they’re really the same thing.



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