
克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN
经过克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN



Carbohydrates (6–8%)
At high intensities and for long-duration exercise, carbohydrates (sugars) are the primary fuel source for your muscles and brain. After exercising for longer than an hour, blood sugar and glycogen (your muscles’ energy reserves) levels begin to deplete. Because the body has limited carbohydrate stores, this is where a sports drink can come in handy.

Current guidelines from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommend that sports drinks contain a 6–8% carbohydrate concentration because this level is isotonic with blood (meaning they contain similar amounts of salt and sugar as blood), allowing the body to absorb the fluids faster.



While carbs can enhance performance, too many carbs during exercise overwhelm the gut and upset the digestive system. Most endurance athletes perform best when they eat about 30–60 grams of carbohydrates per hour. Keep in mind that carbohydrate replenishment during exercise is most important when exercise lasts longer than an hour.


钾:This important electrolyte plays a critical role in muscle contraction and regulating blood pressure. In conjunction with sodium, it can aid in preventing muscle cramps—a crucial aspect to performing your very best. While potassium losses are not as high as sodium losses in sweat, it is still important to replenish your potassium levels to maintain the proper electrolyte balance.

镁和钙:这两个电解质共同起作用以帮助肌肉收缩 - 钙可以收缩,而镁可以让肌肉放松。这两个电解质的组合对于最佳肌肉功能至关重要。

Some sports drinks also incorporate minerals, such as sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate serves to buffer the lactic acid buildup (frequently felt as “muscle burn”) from performance, thus making the blood less acidic. This can delay the onset of fatigue and enhance endurance capacity.


1. Two hours before a workout, drink 16 ounces of water.If planning on working out at a high intensity for a long duration, you may benefit from sports drinks or a high-electrolyte drink before training.

2.目的喝4 - 6盎司的水或体育博士ink every 15–20 minutes.这将帮助您保持良好的水合。长时间的活动后,运动饮料迅速补充了流汗流失的电解质,并有助于恢复适当的液体平衡。

3.对于持续超过1小时的艰苦锻炼,请考虑每磅因汗水而损失的每磅喝16盎司的运动饮料。Consuming sports drinks immediately following activity can be advantageous as compared to plain water if your electrolyte levels have been significantly depleted during the training session. With all the fluid-replacement options on the market, experiment with which drinks hydrate you the best for your workouts.

About the Author

克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN
克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN

克里斯蒂娜(Kristina)是位于佛罗里达州奥兰多市的董事会认证运动营养师,她专门从事直观和正念的饮食。她是食品和营养博客的作者,爱与热情where she shares {mostly} healthy recipes with simple ingredients that are meant for real life. As a new mom, she knows that eating well and living an active lifestyle isn’t always easy… but it’s always worth it!! Kristina loves spending time outdoors with her family, sweaty workouts, and a good cup of coffee. Get in touch with her for one-on-one营养教练(virtually or in person), or connect with her onPinterest,,,,Instagram,,,,FacebookandYouTube


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