
凯利·霍根(Kelly Hogan)
经过凯利·霍根(Kelly Hogan)




Digestion of carbohydrates starts in the mouth, with an enzyme in the saliva called amylase, and continues in the stomach and small intestine. Glucose is the end product, which is then absorbed through the wall of the small intestine and taken either to the liver, to be stored as glycogen (aka energy), or travels through the bloodstream to be utilized in various parts of the body immediately. The这里的例外是光纤,这被我们肠道中的细菌分解了,有助于健康的肠道菌群。多余的葡萄糖被储存在肝脏中(可能导致脂肪肝病),或者也可以将其转化为体内其他地方的脂肪。


All of our cells need carbs, especially the brain and muscles. Consuming adequate dietary fiber from carbs can also help the body maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Eating too few carbs, especially for a prolonged period, may negatively affect cognition, contribute to muscle loss and promote poor gut health.

碳水化合物are also necessary to provide the body with energy for its daily activities, like walking, going to work and cooking dinner. They are even more important during physical activity and长时间的耐力活动,依赖于食物中食用的能源消耗的储存和随时可用的碳水化合物。


这Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for carbohydrates is 130 grams per day. This is the minimum amount required to fuel an adult’s brain, red blood cells and central nervous system optimally, and many people (especially active folks) require more. Remember, without enough carbohydrates, the body starts breaking down lean muscle tissue for energy.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, carbohydrates should make up 45–65% of total calories. Everyone is different and there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to how many carbohydrates you should consume. For example, some endurance athletes might want a higher percentage of calories coming from carbs to fuel their training, while lower-carb diets (that prioritize quality carb sources) can be helpful for people with diabetes.



含碳水化合物的食物通常分为两种类型:简单而复杂。Simple carbs(also known as)由连接在链中的两个构件(即葡萄糖,果糖和半乳糖)组成。由于链条短,它们很容易分解,这意味着它们被消化并吸收到血液中。这可以提供快速能量(有助于耐力训练),但也导致dips in blood sugar levels随后的能量崩溃。如果你发现自己不断渴望富含碳水化合物的食物(like sweets), it might be because you’re not eating enough carbs in general, so your body is craving quick energy.

较高的简单碳水化合物的食物包括甜味剂(table sugar, syrup, honey), candy and refined flour (Think: traditional white bread). Fruits, vegetables, beans and dairy contain simple carbs, too, but they come packaged with vitamins, minerals, fiber or protein, so they’re still healthy choices.

另一方面,复杂的碳水化合物由连接在链条中的三个或更多糖制成。由于这些连锁店的时间更长,因此它们需要更多的时间来分解,这就是为什么它们不会味道甜,也不会刺激血糖水平。它们还含有纤维,并且倾向于进食也包含的食物蛋白质or健康的脂肪, 也维生素和矿物质,,,,making them more satiating. Foods high in complex carbohydrates include全麦面包,,,,糙米,,,,全麦面食,,,,豆子,,,,whole grains和蔬菜。


碳水化合物是我们饮食和人体主要燃料来源的重要组成部分,因此让我们开始以这种方式看待它们,然后break free from the fallacies饮食文化仍在努力推动。虽然优先考虑复杂碳水化合物是一个好主意全食品来源,,,,simple carbs have their place in a healthy diet, too. Whether you’re looking to fuel your next run or just want to enjoy a bowl of classic white flour pasta, it’s important to remember no food should be off-limits in a well-balanced diet.


>Your Body on Sugar

解锁就像有营养师,教练和教练一样 - 触手可及。去保费获得专家指导和独家工具,可以帮助您实现个人健康目标。


凯利·霍根(Kelly Hogan)
凯利·霍根(Kelly Hogan)

凯利霍根,女士,是一个位于纽约市注册死去titian specializing in women’s health, sports nutrition and plant-based eating. She is passionate about helping people develop a positive relationship with food and their bodies, and uses a non-diet approach in her practice. When she’s not talking or writing all things nutrition, Kelly can be found running in Central Park – she’s run 11 marathons and counting! – cooking recipes new and old, handstanding at the yoga studio or hanging with friends and/or her rescue dog, Peanut.


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