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Advancements in technology make our lives easier in countless ways, whether you’re banking online, getting your medications refilled automatically or ordering food for delivery. And while technology could help you reach your weight-loss goals if you adopt the right habits, it could also hinder your efforts without you even realizing it.

“使用应用程序改善我们的健康是我们实现目标的最重要工具之一。”David Nickum, a Virginia-based personal trainer and owner of On the Go Fitness Pro. “Being able to track, see progress and have a community to help is important.”

我们请专家科技习惯你应该d adopt and avoid for weight-loss success:



“Tracking apps are always great for tracking your calories and macros in and out,” says安妮·丹希(Anne Danahy),位于亚利桑那州的注册营养师。“我认为许多人对他们从中了解自己的食物选择和健康习惯有多惊讶。”

Nickum agrees, adding, “You get to look at your progress in real-time, which provides a positive feedback loop.”

Most tracking tools are intended to be used foreducationand accountability purposes. If you find yourself becoming overly focused on the numbers, it could be helpful tore-evaluate your relationship with food以及跟踪工具本身。

“Actions such as tracking food intake and monitoring steps throughout the day can be a great tool for some people but harmful for others,” says利亚·福里斯塔尔(Leah Forristall),马萨诸塞州的注册营养师。“如果有人发现自己变得痴迷并在食物上压力很大,那是一个好兆头,是时候该退后一步并找到另一种方法了。”



“I love the amount and variety of online workouts available over the past year,” says Danahy. “Even if you’re stuck inside your house or working late, there is some 15-minute online workout you can pull up on your phone or tablet. It helps to develop [or] maintain habits.”

myfitnesspal有数十个self-guided workouts当您升级到高级会员资格时,就可以在应用程序上使用,包括体重,HIIT,瑜伽等。您也可以找到无数的免费2019新万博appmanbetⅩ on the MyFitnessPal blog.


Between work, social-media scrolling and online workouts, you might spend the bulk of your day staring at a screen.


Don’t forget to find screen-free ways to recharge, even if you bring your phone along (and keep it tucked away in a bag or pocket). Go for a, do a quick stretch/瑜伽流or justsit outside并听声音。

“您必须每天至少两次插头,”安妮·阿普比(Annie Appleby), a California-based yoga instructor and founder of YogaForce. “It’s fine to put in the earbuds and move around. Listen to music to boost your mood.”

Joining a health challenge can be a great way to gain motivation or an external support system as you move toward your goals. Many people like the camaraderie of an online community that follows the same health advice for a certain period of time, whether it’s quitting alcohol, doing pushups every day or logging a certain amount of steps.

Forristall说:“建立某种支持系统不仅可以增加由于承担责任而提高达到特定目标的可能性,而且还可以使过程更加愉快。”“ [但是],许多挑战是不现实或太极端的。一些要注意的主要危险信号将是承诺快速结果或需要购买补充剂的任何挑战。我还要警惕需要取消特定食品或食物群的挑战。”

Before you start a new diet or workout, consider who’s recommending it.注册营养师,认证的私人教练医疗专业人员有资格分享营养和健身的想法和建议,但是没有证书的社交媒体影响者可能没有。

福里斯塔尔说:“任何人都可以在社交媒体上发布他们想要的东西 - 仅仅是因为有人给出健康建议并不意味着它的循证基于证据。”“‘我每天吃什么”视频目前在Tiktok上很流行;但是,[他们]有时可能会出现问题……他们经常描绘出许多对少年或成人不足的卡路里。其他人经常观看这些视频,然后比较并调整他们一天的饮食。”

Don’t read emails, texts or news updates while you eat, whether you’re alone or with company.Take a screen breakand focus on your meal, which may help you eat less.Researchhas shown that people consume more calories when looking at their smartphones while eating. When you’re dining with someone else, enjoy the moment and catch up with each other.


睡前使用智能手机的人是likely to get less sleep, according to研究. They may stay up later than they want to, focusing on what they’re reading or viewing. Also, the blue light phones emit disrupts the body’s natural tendency to feel sleepy, once they’re finally ready to rest.

Unlock an experience that’s like having a dietitian, trainer and coach — right at your fingertips.Go Premiumfor expert guidance and exclusive tools that will help you reach your personal health goals.



丽莎·菲尔德(Lisa Fields)是一位专职自由作家,专门研究健康,营养,健身和心理学主题。她的作品已发表在读者的文摘,WebMD,妇女的健康,形状,自我和许多其他出版物中。丽莎是前救生员,定期游泳以保持身材。http://www.writtenbylisafields.com/.



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