Inflammation Basics and the Role of Diet and Exercise

朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)
经过朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)
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Inflammation Basics and the Role of Diet and Exercise

You’ve probably heard ofbefore. But could you describe what it is to someone else? “Inflammation is a biological response that involves a series of signaling pathways at the cellular level, designed to protect the body from harm,” explains Dr. Kate Huether,The ReKovery MD

“In other words, when the body is exposed to certain triggers, it reacts by sending signals to remove any harmful substances and heal damaged tissues,” Huether says. But while inflammation can protect us from harmful substances and outside invaders, it can also do damage of its own. Here’s what every health-conscious person needs to know.


There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic. It might sound strange, but there are some cases when inflammation is a positive rather than a negative.

“Acute inflammation is actually a good thing, as it is one of the first defense mechanisms our bodies use to defend us from say, a bee sting or a cut,” explains莫妮卡·鲁伊斯·诺里加(Monica Ruiz-Noriega),,,,PhD. Symptoms of acute inflammation can include swelling, redness and pain. Having appendicitis is also an example of acute inflammation.

You want this type of inflammation to happen because it signals something is wrong and enables us to heal. “This type of inflammation usually lasts only a few hours or days and is usually localized to a specific region in the body,” Ruiz-Noriega adds.



因此,慢性炎症很重要。“慢性炎症最终会导致对健康组织和器官的攻击,这反过来可能导致疾病,例如类风湿关节炎,癌症,心脏病,克罗恩病和糖尿病,”与注册营养师Gal Shua-Haim解释说,这是一名注册营养师。每日收获



营养是我们必须抗击炎症的最强工具之一,但根据您的饮食,它也可能是炎症的主要原因。“有些食物可以是促炎性的,例如精车bohydrates,,,,酒精,,,,sugar,,,,饱和脂肪和别的processed foods,” Huether说。

These foods cause us to produce higher amounts of oxidants, or reactive molecules that are produced inside our bodies as a我们的新陈代谢的正常部分,,,,Ruiz-Noriega explains. These molecules also trigger inflammation. “Normally the body would be able to handle the amount of oxidants and neutralize them.” But when we overeat certain foods, our bodies don’t have enough resources to quench the oxidative load. When that happens, oxidants trigger our bodies to protect themselves with an inflammatory response.


Leafy vegetables, fatty fish, nuts, olive oil and fruits such asberriesHuether说,已知是抗炎。对于她来说,鲁伊斯·诺里加(Ruiz-Noriega)引用鲜艳的水果和蔬菜,,,,avocados,坚果和种子,豆类和豆类(如果耐受耐受)作为抗炎食品。

肠道健康may also play a role in warding off chronic inflammation. “The cause of chronic inflammation may be different for everyone, butoptimizing gut health是康复的重要基础一步。”注册营养师,所有者Liz Wyosnick说Equilibriyum

We know the gut and immune system are connected, though the specifics are still being investigated. Still, nutrition experts believe the more optimal your digestion, the better you are able to absorb关键的微量营养素Wyosnick解释说,消除毒素,这意味着您的免疫系统将变得更加精心地激活炎症过程的“关闭开关”。“这意味着采用不会像高糖,高脂和高度加工的饮食那样陷入消化系统的饮食。”



More good news: Your exercise habit is likely helping you minimize chronic inflammation. “In general, regular cardiovascular exercise reduces overall inflammation,” Huether says. The only exception is if you’re过度训练,,,,which means your muscles don’t have enough time to recover between workouts, resulting in a constantly inflamed state.


慢性炎症的症状可能会有所不同person to person and can also be relatively vague. They can include fatigue, GI complications (constipation, bloating or diarrhea), weight gain and/or joint pain, according Shua-Haim. If you have concerns about chronic inflammation, you should speak with your doctor. Still, there are some steps everyone can take to fight chronic inflammation through lifestyle.



Ruiz-Noriega recommends reducing restaurant foods, fast foods and junk food to minimize inflammation. She also emphasizes that it’s important to stop eating foods you know you’re sensitive to. “Every time you eat something that does not agree with you, it will trigger the inflammatory response,” she says. Reducing alcohol consumption is also a good idea, she adds.



“Chronic over-exercisers and endurance athletes that don’t take rest days can cause chronic inflammation in their bodies over time,” saysNina Geromel,dpt。“他们不断通过运动将身体送入炎症状态,但不允许在他们再次锻炼之前完成该过程。”是的,you really do need rest days



“When we are constantly stressed, we are in flight-or-fight mode constantly, which, when sustained long-term, leads to inflammation,” Ruiz-Noriega says. “In contrast, when we engage in activities such asmeditation,,,,breathingand relaxation, the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system is activated. This leads to repair, growth and restoration — a general ‘anti-inflammatory’ state.”

About the Author

朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)
朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)

朱莉娅(@jmalacoff) is a seasoned writer and editor who focuses on fitness, nutrition, and health. She’s also a certified personal trainer and Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach. Based in Amsterdam, she bikes every day and travels around the world in search of tough sweat sessions and the best vegetarian fare.


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