Pros & Cons of a Plant-Based Diet For Athletes

经过洛里Russell, MS RD CSSD
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Pros & Cons of a Plant-Based Diet For Athletes

Adopting a plant-based diet sounds appealing to many athletes. However, taking on any new eating style involving a drastic change should be done with careful consideration. Your nutrition plan strongly affects performances, overall health, mood and general lifestyle.


Sustainability:整个美国食品系统是不可持续的。肉类生产需要higheramount of land, fossil fuel and water than plant-food production. If you’re looking to put health and taste preferences aside for the well-being of the planet, giving up meat is an excellent way to make a positive impact and reduce your personal carbon footprint.

Lower Calories:食肉者倾向于吃更多的总体卡路里比植物性食客。植物更具纤维状,水含量较高,并提供更多的体积,以减少整体能量摄入。如果您想减少热量摄入量以促进体重减轻,以减轻理想的竞争重量或匹配较低的训练量,那么这可能是一个很好的策略。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球

Cardio Health:许多研究表明,与素食主义者相比,肉食者的全因死亡率,尤其是心脏病的风险更高。不要愚弄一名运动员消除任何健康风险;令人惊讶的是,中年和年长的耐力运动员有twicethe prevalence of coronary plaques compared to sedentary peers. Improved arterial function, a benefit of plant-based eating, allows more blood and oxygen flow to the working heart and muscles, improving athletic performance and delaying fatigue.

碳水化合物提升:Animal protein does not have carbohydrates, while plant proteins do. Relying on non-animal protein sources can therefore increase overall carbohydrate intake, which is the body’s preferred source of energy for intense bouts of exercise. In men, it has also been成立增加碳水化合物的摄入量可以提高耐力性能。

Recover Faster:植物性饮食的抗氧化剂和植物营养素含量高于大多数基于肉类的饮食。抗氧化剂有助于人体清除有害慢性炎症的自由基。过度运动,训练不佳,睡眠不佳,简单的糖摄入量和几乎没有休息都是有助于内部炎症的运动变量。用饮食中的抗氧化剂对抗可以帮助您更快地恢复,并从锻炼中更强大。



Masked Disordered Eating:运动员的饮食失调和过度限制摄入量的风险较高,以期达到低体重和高性能。采用严格的基于植物性的饮食是一种使用健康或“干净”饮食来掩盖无序饮食习惯的方式;也称为正环。对自己的理由诚实,并确保您仍然满足身体的能量需求。

Nutrient Deficiency:There is a large variation in plant-based eating styles; pescatarians, ovo-lacto vegetarians, vegans, etc. Research shows the most nutrient-dense group is the pescatarians (fish-eating vegetarians), while strict vegans are extremely likely to be deficient in vitamin B12 and iron. These are two nutrients that athletic bodies rely on to perform their best. Iron is the compound in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body, while B12 is vital to fatty acid metabolism and nerve function; becoming low in either one hurts performances. Iron, while found in plants, is absorbed much less efficiently from plants than from animals, meaning you’ll have to eat a much higher quantity of iron-rich plant foods to meet your needs. B12 is found in animal products and not plants, plant forms such as algae provide pseudo B12. Strict vegans are at the highest risk of deficiency,researchshows 43% are deficient, and require supplementation.

假食品:质量好,肉——就像鸡肉,牛肉,双n, salmon, etc. — you know what you’re getting. However, many plant-based meat alternatives are extremely processed and high in oils, soy, sugars, salts and other fillers. These lab-derived options might be fun and help provide variety, but offer little-to-no health benefits and should be included sparingly. Instead, opt for more natural meat replacements like crumbled tempeh, lentils or products made from beans and real vegetables.



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About the Author

洛里Russell, MS RD CSSD

洛里, MS RD CSSD is an accomplished sports dietitian; she holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition and Certification as a Specialist in Sports Nutrition. As a current professional road cyclist and previous elite marathoner and ultra-runner,洛里第一手知道食物可以提高或降低性能的增长。她了解平衡优质全食饮食与科学支持的表演营养的重要性,并努力与他人分享此信息。了解有关她的更多信息@HungryForResults


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