8 Things To Do Before And After A Workout To Get Better Results

8 Things To Do Before And After A Workout To Get Better Results

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8 Things To Do Before And After A Workout To Get Better Results

When it comes to your健康routine,您花在体育馆里出汗的时间往往会获得所有的荣誉,但不应该。

“锻炼实际上是健身例程中最简单的部分,”Jay Cardiello,名人教练和黄金健身学院member. “Whether you walk, jog, lift weights, or do CrossFit, an hour is only four percent of your day, and you can’t [make that more important than] the 23 other hours.”

good nutrition优质的睡眠重要的是,智能的锻炼前后仪式也可以确保您正确恢复,加油并在每一次锻炼中粉碎它。如果您想最大程度地提高结果,这是您健身常规的一部分的八件事。


Cardiello说:“任何健身计划中最必须的事情都开始在您入睡的那一刻开始 - 那是所有魔术发生的地方。”受到良好的胜利,不仅可以通过每一个burpee或冲刺都充满活力,而且还可以保持饥饿荷尔蒙检查,因此您不会通过暴饮暴食来消除体育馆的余下时间。

Cardiello说:“无论我和谁一起锻炼,他们都不会出现在健身房,除非他们睡了七个小时。”“我告诉他们回家。”(哇)如果您不能做七个,至少要尝试六个半小时,他建议他的客户用电子设备设定边界睡觉前,光线不会让他们保持清醒。锻炼后,良好的睡眠也非常重要 - 那是肌肉真正康复的时候。

您已经知道喝H20是crucial to overall health, but it plays an especially important role in a fitness routine—when you’re sweating it out, you need to make sure your body is properly hydrated since you’re losing water. Plus, being hydrated will make sure your energy levels are where they need to be, says Cardiello.

“Just look at the parallels between oil in a car and water in a body—a car can’t run without car, a body can’t run without water,” says Cardiello. You should be sipping it before, during, and after a workout.

虽然exact water needs他建议每天以盎司的盎司重量瞄准您的体重一半(因此,如果您体重150磅,请尝试以75盎司的速度)。如果您的尿液是黑的,则可能意味着您的水分不够。这是12种简单的方法喝更多。

If you’re really not feeling apre-workout snack,无需提前强迫食物,但是如果您觉得需要一些燃料,请不要忽略您的身体。Cardiello说:“如果没有食物,就没有精力。”他建议一块以西结吐司和一点杏仁黄油让你前进(这里是five other great pre-workout snacksthat are all around 150 calories). The sweet spot? “I don’t want you to be starving, but I don’t want you to be feeling full either.”

Strange, but true. “Red is a very empowering color—it increases prowess, confidence, and已被证明会提高性能a bit,” says Cardiello. “If you’re ever tired or just want to dominate the gym, red is the best choice. Blue and green are more calming, so it depends on what your workout.” Orange and yellow are also heightening colors, he says.

Skipping your warm-up is a definite no-no—even if your workout is only10 minutes long. “[The warm-up] is meant to give your body the opportunity to raise your body temperature, increase range of motion, and prepare yourself for what you’re about to do,” says Cardiello. It also helps decrease your chance of injury when you ease into your workout, rather than jumping straight from a resting state to the hard work.

增加运动范围可以帮助您充分利用锻炼,因为您将能够在锻炼过程中招募更多的肌肉(例如,更深入地进入地点意味着要使更多的肌肉进行工作)。这是通过动态的热身来完成的,这实质上意味着要穿过未安排的伸展运动。(这是一个五分钟的动态热身to try).

After your workout

6. Stretch it out.
“A cool-down brings your body back to a resting position—the way you walked into the gym is the way you want to leave,” says Cardiello. “To increase your range of motion, decrease soreness, and help expedite your recovery process, you need to implement isometric stretching,” he adds. This is the opposite of the stretches you do in a warm-up—after a workout, you should hold your stretches for at least 15 seconds each, says Cardiello. (Here are somecool-down stretches to try

7. Refuel with post-workout nutrition.
锻炼前的小吃比锻炼后的小吃更可选 - 在艰苦的汗水后,您的身体需要恢复所需的燃料。Cardiello说,锻炼后约30至45分钟的Cardiello说,有一些称为合成代谢窗口。在此期间,您的身体寻找碳水化合物和蛋白质以帮助replenish glycogen stores and rebuild muscle, respectively, so getting your body the nutrition it needs to recover in a timely manner is important.

另外,锻炼后不进食会让您以后感到狂热 - 而且,您可能不会去吃沙拉。为了让自己轻松pack one of these post-workout snacks在你的书包里。或者,如果您的健身房提供此功能,“预订您的摇晃并提前支付费用,因此,当您走出车或街道时,他们可以将其交给您。”

8. Take a cool shower.
Taking a cool shower helps decrease the inflammation after a workout and expedites the healing process, says Cardiello. “By decreasing inflammation, you decrease your chances of soreness. That’s what athletes do, and it’s how they’re able to perform day-in and day-out, because they’re focused on recovery.” You don’t have to jump in an ice bath like the pros, but you should turn the shower temperature down lower than you usually do. This makes it less likely that soreness will get in the way of your workout the next day.




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