
byKristina LaRue, RD, CSSD, LDN
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1. Skipping meals


2. Lack of menstruation


3. Going to the bathroom after meals





Fear of judgment and being uncomfortable with food around groups of people can be a symptom of an eating disorder. It’s not uncommon for a person struggling with disordered eating to withdraw from eating out, as it can be challenging to engage in such behavior in public.

6. Use of laxatives, diuretics or diet pills

For those dealing with disordered eating habits, it is not uncommon to abuse laxatives, diuretics and diet pills as a way to “clean out” the body, rid the body of excess or feel less bloated (a common side effect of eating disorders). It’s also not uncommon to see abuse of prescription medications, alcohol, illegal drugs and caffeine combined with disordered eating.

7. Disappearance of a large amount of food in a short period of time

This is a classic symptom of binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa. This may entail an entire jar of peanut butter, box of cookies or loaf of bread that goes missing. This behavior is often used a way to “stuff” emotions in an effort to numb them. If there are any “unsafe” foods or binge foods in the house, it’s wise to make them difficult to access to prevent habitual binges.

8. Hiding food or food wrappers in strange places


9. Wearing baggy clothes

Body image disturbance is usually an issue with a person struggling with an eating disorder. Wearing clothes that are too big is a way to hide the body for the purpose of security, safety (for those experiencing abuse) and judgment, especially if also engaging in self-harming behaviors.


腹胀,胃痉挛和消化问题可能是饮食混乱的并发症。饮食失调破坏了人体的消化模式和酶,使分解食物并导致腹胀变得更加困难。从清除或限制摄入中脱水,以防止“体重增加”和饮食过快,也会导致胃部麻烦。也可能有联系gut microbiota和eating disorders, according to current research.



12. Weight fluctuations




14. Bizarre food combinations

Unusual food concoctions are commonplace for disordered eating, as a result of anxiety and stress with food as well as a change in taste buds with starvation. This can also be seen as excessive use of condiments, hot sauce, pepper and calorie-free sugar substitutes.


This is healthy eating taken to the extreme, or orthorexia, an eating disorder that has to do with eating clean. Where it goes too far is the person will be so focused on their strict rules of eating clean that many foods begin to get eliminated from the diet. This can interfere with the enjoyment of food and daily functioning — and often results in unhealthy weight loss.

If you (or a loved one) are experiencing any of these red flags, it’s important to take them seriously and reach out for help. MyFitnessPal’s饮食失调资源page and theNational Eating Disorders Association是一个好地方。

Disordered eating is a slippery slope. It’s important not to keep these behaviors a secret and seek professional help so that you can develop a healthy relationship with food and a healthy body image.


Kristina LaRue, RD, CSSD, LDN

Kristina is a board certified sports dietitian located in Orlando, Florida where she specializes in intuitive and mindful eating. She is the author of the food and nutrition blog,Love & Zest她分享了{大多数是}健康食谱,这些食谱与现实生活中的简单成分。狗万买球网址作为一个新妈妈,她知道饮食良好,过着积极的生活方式并不总是那么容易……但这总是值得的!克里斯蒂娜(Kristina)喜欢与家人一起度过户外时间,汗水锻炼和一杯咖啡。与她联系一对一nutrition coaching(实际上或亲自),或与她联系Pinterest,Instagram,FacebookYouTube.



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