
伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)
经过伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)

One of the most common sayings in nutrition and fitness is: “calories in, calories out.” That means if you want to lose or maintain weight, you need to take in fewer calories than you expend.

迈克·伊斯雷特(Mike Israetel),首席体育科学家兼联合创始人Mike狗万体育买球万博彩票下载安卓 Israetel说,这种简单的策略往往会导致许多人减肥,尤其Renaissance Periodization, as well as a nutrition consultant for the U.S. Olympic weightlifting team.

But, he adds, it’s more complicated than it seems. There are a couple persistent misconceptions that can sabotage calorie-tracking efforts:

如果您削减卡路里,很可能会减肥。但是,一周后您会损失多少?一个月怎么样?以色列说,使用一个公式这样的公式是“ 3500卡路里的赤字将导致X X X磅损失的时间”将为您带来确切的答案,这是一个神话。因此,如果您不“步入正轨”并根据所使用的配方减肥,那么很可能不是您的错。

There are a couple reasons such formulas fail to predict weight loss precisely, he says.

“首先,甚至总值公式本身是一个将军ization of physiology, and not all estimates under all conditions yield the 3,500-calories-per-pound figure, so we already have a precision error from the start,” he says.




He suggests cutting calories by 500 for each day in the first week of a calorie-reduction plan, then adjust your calories as needed in each week thereafter to keep losing about one pound per week — cutting more if you’re behind schedule and waiting to cut more if you’re on track or ahead. That way, you have a realistic goal, and you can make calorie consumption more variable based on the results you’re seeing.

据注册营养师和运动营养顾问保罗·萨尔特(Paul Salter)表示,并非每种卡路里都相等,每种食物都会对您的身体产生特定的影响。

“Each nutrient needs to be digested, absorbed and distributed,” he says. “This process requires energy — this is referred to as a nutrient’s thermic effect of food.” He notes that protein, for example, has a higher thermic effect than carbohydrates or fat.


That’s part of the reason Salter often recommends a high-protein diet to clients looking to lose weight — it helps to burn more calories, and also stimulates the release of several appetite-suppressing hormones.

身体对卡路里类型的反应的区别在小学习乔伊斯·法拉杰(Joyce Faraj)博士说Mountainside Treatment Center

In the study, participants were split into three groups for breakfast, with options that contained the same number of calories. The first had instant oatmeal, the second had steel-cut oatmeal — which is a slow-acting carb, unlike the fast-acting instant kind — and the third had a vegetable and egg omelet with fruit on the side.






伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)
伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)

Elizabeth is a freelance journalist specializing in health and fitness, as well as an ACE certified personal trainer and Yoga Alliance registered yoga teacher. Her work has appeared in SELF, Runner’s World, Women’s Health and CNN.


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