
经过凯利·迪纳多(Kelly Dinardo)


Yoga can help strengthen your thighs. These poses require an isometric contraction that will power up your legs. Work up to holding each for 60–90 seconds.


Warrior II几乎在每个现代瑜伽课中都发现了面包和姿势,这是一个充满活力且苛刻的姿势。不过,攻入内在的战士是值得的。姿势可以增强股四头肌的肌肉,改善关节对齐,稳定膝盖并增强腿筋。

举动:从Down Dog,将右脚向前走到低弓步。将左脚向下扎根,使其以90度角将其扎根,您在右脚的脚后跟和左脚的脚踏板之间创建了一条直线。


加强自底向上的姿势。按下outside left edge of your left foot into the ground and make your entire left leg strong. Make sure your right knee tracks over your right ankle. Glance down and see if you can spot your big right toe to make sure your knee isn’t rolling inward. Tuck your tailbone slightly and engage your abdominals. Roll your shoulders down your back and take your gaze over your right index finger. Relax your eyes and hold before moving to extended side angle (see below). When you’ve held each pose for 60–90 seconds switch sides and repeat with the left leg leading.


This pose has been known to turn legs to jelly. It’s a challenging pose that promotes strength and flexibility. The pose strengthens your thighs and ankles while stretching the groin, chest and side of the body.

举动:Begin in warrior II with your right foot forward. On an exhale, rest your right forearm lightly on your right thigh and sweep your left arm over your ear, creating a straight line from your left fingertips to your left ankle. Ensure your right knee is directly over your right ankle and engage both legs. Lengthen through the entire left side of your body, and, if it’s comfortable for your neck, take your gaze to the sky under your left armpit. Try to find length through the right side of your body and avoid sinking into your right thigh.



Chair is a killer move for the thighs and glutes. It strengthens the core, stretches the calves and builds support for the muscles and tendons around the knees.





You get a lot of bang for your buck with crescent lunge, also called high lunge. It strengthens the thighs, hips and butt, while opening your chest and shoulders.

举动:From down dog, bring your right foot between your hands to low lunge. From low lunge, inhale and lift your torso up. Sweep your arms overhead so your palms face each other. Make sure your front knee and ankle stay in a straight line and strongly engage your back leg to keep it straight. Contract the abdominals, stabilizing your core, lengthen through the whole torso and relax your shoulders.

Make it more challenging by leaning the torso forward to a 45-degree angle. This works the quadriceps even more and adds some core work.




举动:From mountain pose, turn to face the long edge of your mat with your feet 3–4 feet apart. Turn your heels in and your toes out so your feet are at a 45-degree angle. On an exhale, bend your knees deeply and sink your hips until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your knees over your ankles. Bring your arms out to your sides at shoulder height, bend your elbows, and turn your palms out to create a goal-post shape.



>Stretches to Combat Sitting Too Much

About the Author

凯利·迪纳多(Kelly Dinardo)



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