What Happens to Your Body on Fat

经过凯利·霍根(Kelly Hogan)

即使自80年代和90年代的低脂饮食热潮以来,其声誉得到了很大改善,但膳食脂肪still seems to be digging itself out of its reputation as being “bad.” There is still a lot of fear around fat and confusion about低脂食品是否最好(扰流板警报:通常不是)。要了解我们为什么需要脂肪,重要的是要了解它在体内的作用以及不同类型的饮食脂肪对身体的影响。

What Happens to Your Body on Fat


Fat serves as a backup energy source when carbohydrates aren’t readily available. It helps preventblood sugar spikes进食后,因为它会减慢消化。与蛋白质类似,脂肪还促进饱腹感并有助于调节食欲。

Because fat aids in producing many激素,食用足够的饮食脂肪有助于支持生殖周期,并且是生育能力的重要因素。脂肪对于整个生命周期的大脑发育和认知也是必不可少的。没有饮食脂肪,人体将无法吸收重要的维生素A,D,E和K,它支持众多身体功能,例如骨骼健康,视力,免疫力和减少炎症。




医学研究所(IOM)建议使用脂肪总卡路里的20-35%,但根据您的目标,您肯定可以或多或少地吃掉。你可以1manbext 。It automatically allocates 30% of calories to fat, but this can be changed (along with the other macros) to suit your individual needs. For example, if you’re training for a半程或全程马拉松, you might decrease your fat intake to make room for more carbohydrates, a main source of energy for endurance training.

Moreover, increasing fat intake at the expense of other macronutrients (i.e., carbs and protein) can negatively affect brain function and performance in the gym. While the keto diet (which promotes eating 90% of your calories from fat) generates a lot of buzz for weight loss,尚不知道饮食如何长期影响身体,使专家保持警惕。它的限制性也使得很难维持和可能导致营养不足when cutting out multiple food groups.



通常是单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪what dietitians and health experts refer to as “healthy fats.” Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (technically polyunsaturated fats) are important to mention because the body cannot produce them itself, so you have to get them from food. Both are essential in regulating the immune system, and omega-3’s support vision and the nervous system. Sources includeavocado,坚果和坚果黄油,种子,脂肪鱼像鲑鱼和沙丁鱼(富有omega-3)一样,橄榄和鳄梨等油

Saturated fats(the kind found in butter, cream, coconut and red meat) often get a bad rap since diets high in saturated fat are linked to higher cholesterol levels, increasing heart disease risk. However, many foods containing saturated fat (such as meat and dairy products) also provide other important nutrients such as protein, calcium, iron and zinc. Moreover, those who consumefull-fat dairy productsmay be more likely to maintain a healthy weight than those who choose low-fat dairy. Thus, these foods can and should have a place in awell-balanced dietprimarily focused on monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.


选择低脂版本的食物的日子已经一去不复返了,这是默认的健康选择。实际上,商业低脂食品往往是high in sugarand other processed ingredients to make them taste good with less fat. Instead, aim to include a variety ofquality, satisfying fats在您的饮食中作为补充complex carbsand蛋白质弥补了你的饭。这可能意味着用藜麦和蔬菜吃晚饭或苹果和花生酱吃小吃。Of course, there is always room for fun fats like冰淇淋在一个多样化的植物性饮食, too.


>Your Body on Carbs
>Your Body on Sugar

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About the Author

凯利·霍根(Kelly Hogan)

凯利·霍根(Kelly Hogan)is an NYC-based registered dietitian specializing in women’s health, sports nutrition and plant-based eating. She is passionate about helping people develop a positive relationship with food and their bodies, and uses a non-diet approach in her practice. When she’s not talking or writing all things nutrition, Kelly can be found running in Central Park – she’s run 11 marathons and counting! – cooking recipes new and old, handstanding at the yoga studio or hanging with friends and/or her rescue dog, Peanut.


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