9 Ways to Use Oat Milk Beyond Coffee

by布列塔尼·里希尔(Brittany Risher)
9 Ways to Use Oat Milk Beyond Coffee

Since debuting in coffee shops in late 2016,燕麦牛奶的受欢迎程度飙升。It’s now a staple in most java joints and grocery stores. Several brands have also capitalized on the trend, offering other oat milk products such as creamers, ice cream and yogurt.

如果您经历了燕麦牛奶拿铁的泡沫,那么您就会理解为什么它无处不在。“在市场上所有的非乳制品奶中,我认为燕麦牛奶的味道与常规乳制品最相似,”Gena Hamshaw, RDN. “It seems to be more palatable to people compared to soy milk, and it has a richer consistency than almond milk. It’s also suitable for people who have allergies to tree nuts or soy, two of the eight most common allergens.” Oat milk is also a sustainable choice — oats produce less carbon (compared to cow’s milk), are not as harmful to the land to grow (compared to soybeans), and require less water for manufacturing (compared to almond milk).


与大多数其他基于植物的牛奶选择,燕麦牛奶稍高protein而且更高carbohydrates。Oat milk has approximately 130 calories per cup. Of that, 2.5 grams is fat, 4 grams is protein and 24 grams is carbohydrates. For comparison, unsweetened almond milk is approximately 30 calories per cup, with 3 grams of fat, 1.5 grams protein and 1.5 grams of carbohydrates.

When compared with传统牛奶, oat milk tends to have fewer calories, fat and protein, but more carbohydrates. However, it’s important to read the labels carefully as pre-packaged versions can be high in added sugar. Oat milk also containsfiber(一种关键营养素satiety and gut health), which isn’t found in cow’s milk. You can also make your own by blending 1 cup of oats with 3 cups of water (and any desired sweetener such as a date) and straining it through a fine-mesh cloth. Since there are benefits to both options, each can be included in a健康,均衡的饮食。For people who prefer a non-dairy, sustainable option and like the taste and texture, oat milk might be the winner.


The uses for oat milk go far beyond lattes, cappuccinos and flat whites. “Because it’s thicker and creamier than other non-dairy alternatives, it’s great in recipes where you want that rich creaminess but don’t want to use regular milk,” saysMaggie Michalczyk, RDN.

Oat milk works in almost anything, so take the opportunity to experiment at home with these creative ideas. Just be sure to use unsweetened plain oat milk, especially if you’re making savory dishes.

You can replace cow’s milk in anybaked good recipeMichalczyk说,用相同数量的燕麦牛奶。同样,不加糖的燕麦奶是最好的,因为甜味的品种有生产松饼,甜面包,pudding蛋糕太甜了。燕麦的味道在这里效果特别好,因为烘焙食品经常含有其他谷物,例如面粉。

9 Ways to Use Oat Milk Beyond Coffee

Michalczyk说:“由于奶油多么奶油和浓稠,浓奶油很容易被换成燕麦牛奶。”味道与任何成分都很好西兰花totomato和evenbutternut squash


9 Ways to Use Oat Milk Beyond Coffee

“Oat milk lattes are all the rage, but oat milk is equally well-suited to other warm wintertime drinks,” says Hamshaw. You can trymatcha lattes姜黄拿铁, but Hamshaw especially likes pairing it withantioxidant-rich cocoa。尝试她的食谱:将1杯温暖的燕麦奶与1汤匙可可粉和2茶匙糖或枫糖浆混合,以快速简便的自制,无乳制​​品的热可可。她补充说:“您可以用少许肉桂粉给它加香料,添加1/2茶匙即时意式浓缩咖啡,使其成为摩卡咖啡,甚至用素食迷你棉花糖上衣。”

Many traditional macaroni and cheese recipes call for whole milk and heavy cream or half-and-half. For a lighter version, “oat milk will do the job [and] contribute to the creaminess,” says Michalczyk. This is especially great if you’re cooking avegan mac and cheese

9 Ways to Use Oat Milk Beyond Coffee


9 Ways to Use Oat Milk Beyond Coffee

与汤类似,燕麦牛奶的稠度非常适合富有的阿尔弗雷多,大蒜酱,贝汉尔,伏特加酱和其他奶油面食调味料。“It can be simmered with cornstarch, flour or another thickener to create creamy, dairy-free options,” Hamshaw says. Try making a sauce to top some of thesehealthy pasta dishes

甜点可以成为减肥计划的一部分, but there’s no need for whole milk to make thick, rich pudding. Use oat milk instead, such as in thisvegan oat milk chocolate pudding

9 Ways to Use Oat Milk Beyond Coffee

When done right,smoothies can be a healthy addition to your diet。对于奶油,纯素食碱,请尝试燕麦牛奶 - 您可能必须用勺子吃最终产品,而不是通过稻草喝酒,因此非常适合喜欢的人smoothie bowls

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布列塔尼·里希尔(Brittany Risher)

Brittany is a writer, editor and digital strategist specializing in health and lifestyle content. She loves experimenting with new vegan recipes and believes hummus is a food group. To stay sane from working too hard, she turns to yoga, strength training, meditation and scotch. Connect with her on推特,Instagram, 和Google+



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