Time-tested Tricks to Lose Weight and Still Have a Social Life

Time-tested Tricks to Lose Weight and Still Have a Social Life

经过朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)
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Time-tested Tricks to Lose Weight and Still Have a Social Life


“其中一部分是对未知的恐惧。”Brooke Zigler,注册营养师。很自然地想知道:聚会将提供什么食物?如果我没有好的食物选择怎么办?我会很想吃无法帮助我实现目标的食物吗?


While there’s nothing wrong with regularly practicing self-care by relaxing at home, you don’t have to decide between keeping up with your social circle and accomplishing your goals. “I often discuss with my clients that you can be both social and healthy, and that it doesn’t have to be ‘all or nothing,’ saysRachel Goldman, PhD, a licensed psychologist in NYC and Clinical Assistant Professor in the department of psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine.

“You are in control of your behaviors and you can continue to make healthy choices and not feel restricted,” Dr. Goldman says. “When you always RSVP ‘no,’ you are actually making it harder for yourself because you are restricting yourself in other ways — and that’s not sustainable.”


特别是在减肥的情况下,至关重要狗万体育买球万博彩票下载安卓的是,在整个过程中继续将自己置于社交状态。“减肥很难,但是保持体重减轻甚至更难万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球,” Zigler says. If you lose weight by exclusively eating at home, you’re sort of setting yourself up for failure when you are finished with your weight loss. “You inevitably will want to dine out,” Zigler points out. “It is incredibly important to be able to learn to eat for the rest of your life, at home, at restaurants and in social situations!”

出去也是一个好机会“测试”new strategies you’ve come up with to deal with temptation, says艾米丽·菲尔德(Emily Field),注册营养师。“当然,任何人都可以quit sugar’或“排毒”时间很短,有限的时间,但是弄清楚如何在事件,假期,假期等方面工作,使我们在这些习惯的终身维护方面变得更加强大。”

There’s also the fact that getting together with friends and family has legit psychological benefits. “Social interaction and social support are so important for everything, but people find social support particularly useful when trying to accomplish certain goals, including health and fitness goals,” Dr. Goldman says. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to RSVP “yes” to every event or get-together you’re invited to, but if you’re strategic about it, being social can actually add to your motivation to accomplish what you’re after.



Is it a rare occasion?

You probably don’t want to miss a wedding, graduation or the chance to welcome a new baby into the family. “No matter what your health or fitness goals, there are ways to stay on track while also being a part of events that only come along once or twice in a lifetime,” Field says. “Don’t skip events that you’d regret not being a part of years down the road.”

Are the other attendees supportive of your goals?

“Staying in is the right choice when you know the group of friends or the event you are attending is not a supportive environment,” Dr. Goldman says. For example, it may not be worth going out if you are meeting with friends who binge drink and stay up all night if you know those are two things you don’t want to do.

How do you think you’ll feel afterwards?

The feeling that you have after a decision or behavior is key. “As our thoughts, emotions and behaviors are all linked, that feeling is going to lead to other (positive or negative) thoughts, which is then going to lead to your next behavior,” Dr. Goldman explains. “So, if you are going to feel bad about not going, then go. Similarly, if you are going to feel bad about going ‘off your food plan’ or having an alcoholic beverage, then don’t, but find a way to still go and be social, even if you have to just stop by and leave early.”

Did you already go out this week?

If you have been going out a lot, maybe it would be good to reevaluate your goals and make a decision between what is most important to you, Dr. Goldman says. “We need to find balance in life, and having a healthy lifestyle is all about being OK with that balance.”

Is whatever you’re going to eat/drink/do worth it?

“If you feel like it’s not worth it to you, then don’t do it,” Zigler says. “You shouldn’t feel like you need to give into peer pressure. Make plans to see them another time and help suggest places where you feel comfortable eating and where there are options for everyone.”

How long have you been working toward this goal?





Sometimes, you have to get a little creative to make social plans work.高盛博士建议:“如果您通常下班后去健身房,但明天晚上有一个欢乐时光,那么明天可能会在早上醒来。”“这样,您仍然可以坚持自己的计划,努力实现目标,而社交而不会感到内gui。”




“If you’re going to a party or dinner at someone’s home, offer to bring a dish,” Zigler suggests. “ This way, you can bring something that you will enjoy and is part of your nutrition plan.”


“Do you have an early run in the morning? Meet your friends but let them know you are going to head out early because you are going on a run,” recommendsAmy Goldsmith,注册营养师。




“不想喝吗?让您的朋友知道您正在休息一下,并在Seltzer或Club Soda上品尝。” Goldsmith说。“更好的是,您可以自愿成为指定的驾驶员。”

Don’t give in to peer pressure.


About the Author

朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)

朱莉娅(@jmalacoff) is a seasoned writer and editor who focuses on fitness, nutrition, and health. She’s also a certified personal trainer and Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach. Based in Amsterdam, she bikes every day and travels around the world in search of tough sweat sessions and the best vegetarian fare.


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