
经过克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN
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Eating out is a notoriously easy way to rack up added calories. However, it’s extremely convenient and a social necessity for many. Instead of feeling lost the next time you glance at a menu, follow these tips and guidelines to choose smarter, healthier fare



  • 将新鲜的蔬菜和莎莎酱加入您的菜肴,而不是卡路里浓密的奶酪,Queso蘸酱或酸奶油。
  • Choose corn tortillas rather than flour tortillas. Corn tortillas are usually smaller and are also a source of whole grains. For a low-carb alternative, order your dish as a salad bowl.
  • Go meatless. Ask for beans and grilled vegetables instead of meat.
  • 点糙米而不是白米。糙米是一种全谷物,可作为纤维,硒和其他营养素的丰富来源。
  • Don’t fill up on chips and salsa – wait for your main course.

Healthier Picks

  1. 鸡肉春饼
  2. Taco salad (hold the hard shell, queso and sour cream)
  3. 虾或炸玉米饼在软玉米饼上



  • Choose steamed dumplings or “summer” rolls instead of fried wontons or egg rolls. Summer rolls are made with thin rice paper and usually contain fresh vegetables and shrimp or lean meats like chicken or pork.
  • Many meat and vegetarian stir-fry dishes include a variety of vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, cabbage and mushrooms. However, there is often not a full serving of vegetables in the main dish alone. Consider ordering an extra side of steamed vegetables.
  • Be conscious of sauces. Avoid dishes with thick sauces or dressings, or order them on the side, if possible.
  • Choose a stir-fried or sauteed meat option (e.g., Kung Pao Chicken or Chicken & Broccoli) instead of a breaded or fried meat option (e.g., General Tso’s, Sesame or Sweet & Sour).
  • 订购蒸的糙米而不是白米或炒饭。炒饭通常是用白米饭和酱油制成的,使其在盐中更高,纤维比蒸糙米更低。

Healthier Picks

  1. 功夫鸡或豆腐(用花生和热辣椒制成)
  2. Moo Goo Gai Pan(鸡肉,蘑菇和蔬菜)
  3. 夏季卷,蒸蔬菜和糙米



  • Order a side of whole-grain toast rather than white bread, grits, biscuits, muffins or buttermilk pancakes. The whole-grain toast will provide a boost of satiating fiber and other important nutrients.
  • Creating your own omelet is the perfect way to load up on a variety of vegetables and protein. Include a leafy green such as kale or spinach and a lean meat source such as turkey or chicken sausage.
  • Know that sausage is both higher in protein and lower in fat than bacon.
  • For a boost of vegetables, add tomato, avocado or spinach to your favorite egg dish.
  • Ask for a cup of fresh fruit instead of home fries or grits.

Healthier Picks

  1. Vegetable omelet
  2. 燕麦片和水果(不含红糖)
  3. 鸡蛋,全麦吐司和水果




  • 选择瘦肉肉(菲力牛排,侧面牛排或里脊肉),而不是脂肪切割,例如肋眼或t骨。
  • 更大并不总是更好。即使您提供更大的牛排,也要坚持吃3至6盎司的部分(第二天,额外的午餐或晚餐很棒)。
  • When it comes to sides pick a baked potato, brown rice or a house salad. Avoid scalloped potatoes, potatoes au gratin or wedge salads. The latter options are often prepared using cheese, oil and cream-based sauces, leading them to be higher in both fat and calories.
  • Use butter, sour cream and cream-based sauces sparingly, and always ask for these condiments to come on the side.

Healthier Picks

  1. Filet mignon and baked sweet potato
  2. 烤三文鱼与蒸西兰花
  3. Tenderloin with baked potato and side salad
  4. 烤鸡配蒸的混合蔬菜和糙米


Pan-Roasted Italian Chicken with Pesto


  • 订购意大利面条,玉米饼或其他面食菜肴时,请询问服务器是否可用。
  • 选择基于番茄的酱汁,而不是基于奶油的酱汁,例如Alfredo。基于蔬菜的调味料通常比基于奶油的替代品低。
  • 寻找鱼类和虾的选择。选择烤海鲜菜肴以增加必需脂肪。
  • Skip the unlimited bread baskets. Focus on a side salad (dressing on the side) or cup of vegetable soup instead.
  • Ask for grated cheese on the side so you can sprinkle it on yourself, or just skip it.
  • 询问您的服务器较小的“午餐”部分或半段可用。或者,订购常规的主菜部分,然后在进餐前将一半放在一个待命的盒子里。

Healthier Picks

  1. 矿物汤和房屋沙拉
  2. 鸡肉马萨拉
  3. Grilled fish and vegetables with marinara over whole wheat pasta



  • Choose grilled or roasted meat instead of more caloric preparations like fried chicken, chicken-fried steak, fried pork chops or fried shrimp.
  • 订购沙拉或新鲜烹饪的蔬菜,例如绿豆,羽衣甘蓝或炖秋葵。避免炸蔬菜和重淀粉的侧面,例如土豆沙拉,通心粉沙拉,玉米面包,通心粉和奶酪,地瓜蛋奶酥或土豆泥。
  • If your entree comes with gravy or other heavy sauces, ask for them on the side so you can control exactly how much to add.
  • 喝未加糖的茶或水,用柠檬水,以避免喝甜茶,柠檬水或苏打水带来的糖和卡路里。
  • 点儿童餐。如果您渴望拉动猪肉三明治,请从儿童菜单上拿出较小的部分,通常只提供一侧。

Healthier Picks

  1. Pulled chicken with baked beans and collard greens
  2. Smoked turkey with green beans and corn on the cob
  3. 牛腩炖秋葵和凉拌卷心菜

下次您用餐时,请记住这些技巧以获得更健康的体验。并查看MyFitnessPal的餐厅伐木功能 - 在您在餐厅用餐时,可以使您的健康目标保持正轨的更简单方法。

About the Author

克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN

克里斯蒂娜(Kristina)是位于佛罗里达州奥兰多市的董事会认证运动营养师,她专门从事直观和正念的饮食。她是食品和营养博客的作者,爱与热情where she shares {mostly} healthy recipes with simple ingredients that are meant for real life. As a new mom, she knows that eating well and living an active lifestyle isn’t always easy… but it’s always worth it!! Kristina loves spending time outdoors with her family, sweaty workouts, and a good cup of coffee. Get in touch with her for one-on-one营养教练(virtually or in person), or connect with her onPinterest,,,,Instagram,,,,FacebookandYouTube


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