
经过Lori Russell,MS RD CSSD

Athletes need to keep energy levels high during training and competitions — and an obvious, convenient part of that includes consuming sugary sport foods. These sport foods — Think: bars, gus, gels and drinks — are designed to get the job done because they’re easy to consume, portable and made mostly of sugar which is most efficiently converted to energy and utilized during activity.

但是,一般营养指南建议成年人不超过每日摄入量的10%以上添加糖,包括大多数运动食品。While this can be done within the general guidelines, most athletes struggle to limit consumption. In fact, apaper在英国,精英运动员发现80%的运动食品消费,28%会认为自己是高糖消费者。这种高糖饮食可能有助于在训练期间提高能量水平,但是绩效优势存在健康风险。


运动员燃烧了很多卡路里,但是对于大多数卡路里来说,消耗卡路里要比燃烧它们要容易得多。像任何大量营养素一样,如果您regularly consume more than your body needs,将其存储为脂肪组织。经常消耗空糖卡路里causes stress to the pancreas, promoting insulin resistance.瘦素,一种信号饱满的激素,同时促进了饥饿的激素生长素释放糖,也受到糖消耗的阻碍。这意味着您不太可能对高糖食品感到满意。运动食品经过高度加工和制造,糖含量很高,并且没有其他营养素。


This could worsen in athletes relying on liquid sugar sources which can affect the body similarly to soft drinks. While they serve a purpose, over-consuming sport drinks can be just as toxic to the body as guzzling soft drinks.研究显示甜饮料比糖固体更有害,这可能是因为它们更快地打入系统并且对饱腹感的影响较小。旨在主要喝水和吃由纤维,浆果,全谷物和蔬菜等纤维中的食物组成的饭菜,以在培训课程之外的饮食。



The gastric distress that accompanies consuming bars, gels and gus after bars, gels and gus in long training sessions and races is often referred to by athletes as ‘gut rot.’ Outside of athletic circles, it is more known as gut permeability or leaky gut; a condition where the gut’s barrier is compromised and allows for bacteria, toxins and undigested food particles to travel out of the gut and into the bloodstream. This leads to gastric distress, indigestion, nutritional deficiency from malabsorption and inflammation. There is证据高糖饮食是导致肠道肠道综合征的重要贡献者。



It’s no secret sugar intake is linked to poor oral health. Sugary foods, especially drinks and gels which easily coat the mouth, create an oral environment that destructive bacteria feed off of. These bad bacteria are attracted to the sugar, creating an acidic plaque that leads to tooth erosion and cavities. A学习on the oral health of Olympic athletes found that of 278 professional athletes, more than half suffered from dental issues despite reporting better dental habits than the general public.

Combat this by brushing immediately after training in addition to basic dental hygiene of brushing, flossing, using mouthwash and getting regular dental checkups.


To reap the positive performance benefits of sugar intake without the negative health concerns, athletes should be mindful of consumption. Athletes tend to have high sugar intake due in-part to consumingprocessed foods在训练中,以及在规范体育食物al snack times due to convenience. Moderate levels of activity won’t counter too much sugar intake from processed sources including sport-specific foods.

取而代之的是,仅在高强度情况下仅使用这些产品,例如长耐力训练,高强度间隔和种族,可以更有效地使用它们。然后,用全食物助长了较少的努力。摆脱训练,工作减少添加糖的来源, consume a balanced diet of nutrient-dense foods and consider working with a sports dietitian to ensure you’re able to reap the positive performance benefits of sugar intake without negative health concerns.

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About the Author

Lori Russell,MS RD CSSD

洛里, MS RD CSSD is an accomplished sports dietitian; she holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition and Certification as a Specialist in Sports Nutrition. As a current professional road cyclist and previous elite marathoner and ultra-runner,洛里第一手知道食物可以提高或降低性能的增长。她了解平衡优质全食饮食与科学支持的表演营养的重要性,并努力与他人分享此信息。了解有关她的更多信息@HungryForResults


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