The 5 Best Stretches For Knee Pain

Lauren Bedosky
byLauren Bedosky
The 5 Best Stretches For Knee Pain

No matter your age or activity of choice, it seems like almost everyone deals with knee pain at some point. Stretching, however, offers one possible solution to avoid it. “Light stretching can help reduce muscle guarding or tension as a result of pain and help restore joint mobility,” saysLauren Loberg, DPT, a physical therapist at TRIA Orthopaedic in Bloomington, Minnesota.

While stretching won’t resolve knee pain, it can offer short-term relief to make movement and exercise more enjoyable, she adds.

To start, stretching is most beneficial when your knees are stiff or immobile. To ease stiffness and improve mobility, it’s important to target the muscles and joints that surround the knees. This means focusing on the hips, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves, according toPhilip Higgins, DPT, clinical director of Bespoke Treatments in Seattle, Washington. When these areas are flexible and mobile, your knees will be better equipped to bend, straighten and rotate safely and effectively.

According to these experts, the following five knee stretches check all the necessary boxes to reduce knee pain. Do them daily or incorporate them into your post-workout cooldown routine to reap the benefits.



Tight hamstrings limit movement at the knee, which adds pressure to the joints. The supine hamstring stretch increases flexibility, helping relieve tightness and pain.

The 5 Best Stretches For Knee Pain

How to do it:躺在你的背上,膝盖弯曲,脚平放在地板上。将毛巾,皮带或皮带缠绕在您的右大腿上,并用双手握住末端。不抬起头或肩膀从地板上抬起,慢慢拉毛巾,皮带或皮带,将右腿抬到胸部。拉直右腿或保持略微弯曲。抬起腿,​​直到腿筋柔和。释放之前,请保持10–20秒。重复5-10次重复,然后切换到另一只腿。




How to do it:Begin in a half-kneeling position with your left knee on the ground, and your right knee bent 90 degrees in front of your body. You might want to place a cushion or towel under your bottom knee. Reach back and grip your left foot with your left hand. Gently pull your foot up until you feel a gentle stretch in your left quadriceps. Intensify the stretch by squeezing your right glute to press your hip forward. Hold for at least 30 seconds before switching sides.




The 5 Best Stretches For Knee Pain

How to do it:Sit on the ground with both legs extended out in front of you. Bend your left knee and cross it over your right, placing your left foot flat on the floor. Keeping your legs in place, rotate your torso to look to your left until you feel a stretch. To assist you in the stretch, you can hook your right elbow on the outside of your right knee and place your left palm on the floor behind you. Hold for at least 30 seconds. Release and repeat once or twice on the same side before switching to the other side.

CLICK TO TWEET THIS ARTICLE> Have knee pain? Use these stretches from @myfitnesspal to ward off nagging pain and stiffness.




How to do it:躺在你的背上,膝盖弯曲,脚平放在地板上。Cross your right ankle over your left knee and bring your left knee toward your chest. Interlace your fingers behind your left hamstring or left knee and gently pull toward your chest. Stop when you feel a stretch in your right glute and hip. Hold the stretch for up to 2 minutes. Repeat on the other side.



Moves like the standing calf stretch can help knee pain if ankle stiffness is causing changes in knee mechanics. To see this in action, imagine if you’re trying to squat with tight ankles. Tightness at the ankle can cause your knees to creep over your toes when you get into the bottom of the squat, which puts more load (Read: stress) into the knee joints, according to Loberg.

The 5 Best Stretches For Knee Pain

How to do it:站在髋关节宽度的脚上站立。在保持双腿笔直的同时,向后一英尺,然后将后跟压入地面,直到您在小腿上柔和。保持30–60秒。开关侧。重复1-2次。



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Lauren Bedosky
Lauren Bedosky

劳伦(Lauren)是一位自由职业者健身作家,他专门介绍跑步和力量训练主题。她为各种国家出版物写作,包括男性健康,Runner’s World,SHAPE妇女的跑步。她和丈夫和他们的三只狗一起住在明尼苏达州布鲁克林公园。



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